It was true, the man appeared to have no tongue. More importantly, it appeared to have been cut out rather recently, given the blood, torn tissue and swelling in the cavity. Eli asked how long he had been placed in this cell.
“A day, not much more,” Hugh replied, shrugging his shoulders. For a man who knew that the prisoner was guilty of murder just two nights earlier, Hugh didn’t seem to know a lot about the arrest of the man, and how he’d come to be in such a place. “I know what you’re thinking. I used to think the same way,” said Hugh.
“Do you?” Eli asked, with an eyebrow raised.
“None of our boys have done this …show more content…
Was this really one of the men from whom we’d ran? One of the men who’d been sent to kill us? We’d expected so much more, but the broken shell of a man before us that day hardly seemed like he could hurt anyone, or …show more content…
Did you see something you weren’t supposed to?” said Eli. Still nothing came from the man.
Hugh leant up against the wall, the water dripping off onto his shoulders. As it trickled down over his chest, he changed his mind and stood upright.
“Well, murderer or otherwise, this is your man is he not?” Hugh waved his arm in the air as a gesture. “Hector Lajunas, sent from Vilnius to kill you. Is he or is he not the man sent to deliver into the hands of the angels? Is this the man you told me about, Eli?”
“I believe it is,” Eli said. “But I’m not certain on that, mind.” I can only go off descriptions and accounts, but he would appear to be so. Even then, I cannot fathom why he would kill another man or two men as you say, other than myself. He has no other business here, at least none to my knowledge.”
“What will become of him?” I asked the chief of the constabulary.
“If he remains silent, he’ll be detained here, and perhaps sent to Bedlam. He’s most probably insane, dear, so it really is a case of anywhere but here. Once those butchers at Bedlam get their hands on him, he won’t be able to assist you anymore. You would do well to find a way of questioning him now, I fancy,” Hugh