Examples Of Pride In The Crucible

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The Crucible: The Lessons With Pride
Arthur Miller 's play, The Crucible, recounts the story of the accusations of witchcraft throughout the town of Salem, Massachusetts in the late 1600’s. Reverend Hale, a well-respected minister known for discovering if witches exists, enters the play expecting to make a decision if witches are involved in the town or not. Hale has great pride about his work as a minister and his ability to decide if there are witches. Hale struggles to find the truth in the town about whether witchcraft is present while secrets and lies are told to him from the townspeople. Hale enters The Crucible with pride about his profession and himself, but when the town becomes chaotic with fear and lies, he becomes held back by
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In the beginning of Act II however, Hale begins to question himself. Hale goes to the Proctor’s house to find more information about the situation and Proctor repeatedly tells Hale to find the truth. Filled with fear about what decision to make, Hale later goes to the courtroom outright saying to Francis Nurse, a man whose wife is in jail, “Let you rest upon the justice of the court; the court will send her home. I know it.” (1175). Hale believes in himself and takes pride that what he says is true. Hale is certain that the court will make the right decision. The court begins to not see the truth and instead believes the lies told to them. Hale becomes fearful of who he trusted and how Proctor has demanded the truth from him. He feels the pressure to be right. Proctor yells at him and Hale eventually snaps and yells, “I denounce these proceedings, I quit this court!” (1213). Hale is conscious that his beliefs were wrong. He does not know what to do now so he departs from the court because he has lost his confidence and pride. He leaves the stressful situation and realizes he needs to change. So much has gone awry but now the court cannot even see the truth that he knows is present. Hale knows that people are innocent and the court is not doing the right thing anymore. Hale’s fear of how much pride he has in being right frightens him. Hale wants to be right but so far what he believes has not been correct. He knows and has assumed that the people accused of witchcraft are not witches and now must decide if he will regain his pride and save the people accused of witchcraft and go against the masses or do

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