Similarities Between The Crucible And The Civil Rights Movement

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The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in 1863, but African Americans continued to be separated from the rest of society. The Civil Rights Movement was a protest movement against discrimination and segregation of African Americans in the United States. The Civil Rights Movement began shortly after the Supreme Court ruled that “racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional” in the Brown v Board of Education case in 1954 ("- John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum"). The case was the beginning of the movement that intensified during the 1960’s. The Civil Rights Movement wasn’t entirely nonviolent, many violent riots took place that resulted in great amounts of damage and injuries; one of these riots is known as the Watts …show more content…
The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller that is based on a real life event that is know as the Salem Witch Trials. The Salem Witch Trials started during the spring of 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts.The play follows a group of teenage girls who were claiming to have been possessed by the devil and accused other people in their town of witchcraft. This happens after Reverend Parris catches his daughter Betty dancing in the woods with his niece Abigail and their slave Tituba, with a group of other girls. Betty then becomes sick the next day and rumors go around town that they were involved in witchcraft in the woods. When Parris firsts questions Abigail she admits that they were dancing in the woods, but that they were doing just that. While a group of people gather in Parris’s home, a man named John Proctor comes to speak to Abigail. While they are talking it is known that they used to have an affair and that Abigail really dislikes his wife Elizabeth, and still wants to be with him. Proctor tells Abigail to stop what she and the girls are …show more content…
There was a lot of frenzy during both events that caused people to act differently. John Proctor and Martin Luther King Jr. have a lot of incredible similarities in their beliefs and personal life. The dictionary definition of crucible is “a severe test”. It was a severe test for the people of Salem during the Salem Witch Trials in The Crucible. As well as it was a severe test for everybody in the United States during the Civil Rights Movement in the

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