TJ Duckett Mrs. Tyler-Milholland ENGL 102 20 October 2016 Analysis Language is constantly changing which means that different dialects, styles, and registers are evolving and are becoming more apparent in recent pieces of literature and work. People can now be classified into groups based off of how they communicate with one another. Though dialect, style, and register may seem to be considered the same thing, these terms are what help us categorize people into their different social class, groups, geographical areas, and backgrounds. Language is what sets people apart from each other because everyone has a unique language in which they speak that is developed by where they grew up, where they live, who they are influenced by, what they read,…
In the article, Mother Tongue, the author Amy Tan explicitly demonstrates how she has developed her perspectives about language and the way of thinking under the influence of her mother’s limited English skill. The strategies Tan used to support her argument include vivid anecdote, striking contrast, and emotionally appealing parallelism. This journal is going to analyse how those rhetorical devices were being used during the delivery of Tan’s stories, and present my connections with her. At the beginning, Tan employed several sharp contrasts and vivid anecdotes to help her audience interpret her feeling of her mother tongue.…
Assignment 3 Comparison Although Richard Rodriguez and Amy Tan both had a distinct perception of the importance of their intimate family language, they both had the same similarities of facing the struggles they perceived society required of them which was learning the English language. Both Tan and Rodriguez faced these struggles at different points of their lives and had to manage whether they would let the English language conflict with their family’s language. They are fighting to identify whom they want to be in society and whether they want to maintain their roots and language of their culture or adapt to where they now reside. Aside from their differences the similarities they both shared with each other was significant due to them being in the same position and deciding whether they wanted to…
Amy Tan’s discussion of her cultural identity is heightened through the varying levels of intimacy in her tone to ultimately mirror the fluctuating reverence and admiration that she has for her mother. Though unaddressed, it is implied through the absence of “we” that there is a prevalent cultural divide between Tan and her mother. Tan speaks to daughters of immigrant mothers in, Mother Tongue, as she analyzes the limits of being culturally and linguistically authentic in a society where the “standard English” is the accepted norm. The audience is indicated of a cultural barrier through the juxtaposition between concise, rational sentences that describe the English language in its “perfect” context, and the fluid sentences that appear only when describing Tan’s mother.…
In the story “Mother Tongue”, Amy Tan tries to distinguish the difference between two different cultures as a child. She is raised by her mother who speaks “broken” English, and the outside world where perfect English is spoken. Amy had a hard time as a child because of the different Englishes that were spoken. Tan as an adult continues to find the difference between the languages that are spoken, even though she knows that the one spoken by her mother will never improve. Tan’s attitude towards mother tongue starts as being embarrassed and ashamed, because Mother Tongue was the only type of English that her mother could speak.…
Rhetorical Arrangement of "Mother Tongue" by Amy Tan Amy Tan, in her narrative novel - "Mother Tongue", recounts her thoughts of her mother 's "broken English". Tan 's purpose is to explicitly express the influences on her life exerted by "Mother Tongue", in order to attract readers with similar feelings and experience. She employs delicate rhetorical arrangements such as classification order, narrative anecdotes, and comparison. These delicate rhetorical arrangements are effectively beneficial to Tan 's purpose of writing this short novel.…
The first time a child reads is an important milestone in his or her life. Literacy is, after all, the key to success. In “Superman and Me,” Sherman Alexie relays both his ease at teaching himself to read and his difficulty in his literacy not being accepted by those around him. Susan Madera faced hardship in speaking English correctly due to her second language, neighborhood, yet she was accepted as an English writer, as she narrates in “One Voice.” Although I learned to read at a young age like Sherman Alexie and attended private grammar school like Susan Madera, I wasn’t subjected to any backlash or hardship in speaking, so my literacy journey was much easier that theirs.…
Multilingual speakers can communicate with others in different languages. "Burning Each of the Candle: Negotiating Dual Identities in Second Language Writing" by Soo Hyon Kim and "Negotiation of Identities in Multilingual Setting: Korean 1.5 Generation in Email Writing" by Kang express multilingual speakers’ identities. Kim feels confused because she can use two kinds of languages, and different languages makes her has many identities. Conflicts of different identities cause her complications. Compare with Kim, Kang does not care about the conflicts of identities, she pays attention to the choice of languages.…
Watch Your Tone “It’s not what you say; it’s how you say it that matters. " The tone is one of the most significant factors of communication. The tone of voice someone uses tells you everything you need to know about how they’re feeling, without even asking. However, in literature, much more attention is required to notice tone, but I will be examining Fredrick Douglass’ “Learning to Read and Write, and Gloria Anzaldua’s “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.”…
Grounded by Language In Mother Tongue, Amy Tan begins her short story by giving the audience prior knowledge that Tan is not a scholar of English and she is not able to give much more than her past knowledge on the English language. She then proceeds to give the readers an idea of how much she is fascinated by language itself and gives it a grading scale from complex english to simple English. Tan presents her short story by giving the readers a recent experience that made her rethink the past, present, and future.…
She has a particularly unique background when it comes to her English and its development. She had a realization during an event she was making a speech for. At this event her mother was present, and while giving her speak she felt something was wrong. What she had realized was that this was the first time her mother had heard her speak “proper” English. Once she had this realization she looked backed at where this started.…
When I came to the United States, I was educated and spoke English. It was British English; the pronunciation, spellings of some words and some of the grammar were completely different. When I enrolled in middle school, everybody made fun of me; all the students thought I was not smart because I could not communicate with them in American English. However, it was not just hard to communicate with other men, but it was also hard to communicate with women because I am a man. I believe that there is a difference in how individuals communicate; it all depends on a person’s gender and the language he or she grew up speaking.…
In the article “Do You Speak American?” Robert MacNeil reminds us of one of the many reasons the United States is so linguistically diverse. He gives various examples of how American English has evolved throughout time. The analysis of the American language is meant for people who read the magazine, U.S.A. Today, but it also applies to a secondary audience, which are American English speakers.…
Language has the power to connect people to their culture, history, and to other people, but language can also isolate a person and make them feel like an outsider to their own culture and family, or can make them feel foreign in their own tongue. Language can also empower a person in ways that will make him or her feel like they can control his or her own destiny. All of theses ideas are explored in The Language of Discretion by Amy Tan and in From Outside In by Barbara Mellix. Both Tan and Mellix feel like outsiders in the language each one uses, find a danger and excitement in knowledge and learning, and find a way to fit in with their respective languages. Barbara Mellix grew up surrounded by black english while her parents and teachers…
Language is an immensely powerful aspect of each individual’s identity and it largely determines and influences how we think and what we think about. As German philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein once said, “the limits of my language mean the limits of my world”. Though I believe there are definitely other factors that limit or expand one’s “world”, I agree that language strongly influences one’s perspective of the world and overall identity. In her memoir, Lost in Translation, Eva Hoffman addresses this very idea that one’s identity is deeply interconnected with one’s language and when the flow of language is disrupted, changes in one’s identity also occur. Throughout her memoir, Hoffman uses her own experiences to bring across the message that…