Mrs. Tyler-Milholland
ENGL 102
20 October 2016
Language is constantly changing which means that different dialects, styles, and registers are evolving and are becoming more apparent in recent pieces of literature and work. People can now be classified into groups based off of how they communicate with one another. Though dialect, style, and register may seem to be considered the same thing, these terms are what help us categorize people into their different social class, groups, geographical areas, and backgrounds. Language is what sets people apart from each other because everyone has a unique language in which they speak that is developed by where they grew up, where they live, who they are influenced by, what they read, …show more content…
This article does not personally relate to me given the fact that I did not grow up with brothers or a prominent father figure, but I was interested in it because I never got to see how males communicate with each other up close. Guy Code, put into its simplest definition is, “the collection of attitude, values, and traits that together compose what it means to be a man,” said Kimmel. This article showed me how men and boys interact with each other differently than how my sisters and I and my friends did growing up. Men, from the beginning of time, have unknowingly lived by a set of rules that they, themselves, created and judge each other by.
The author of “Bros Before Hos: The Guy Code” chose to use more of a formal style mixed with a few informal portions to help him relay his main idea to his readers. I think he did a very good job at connecting with his readers, male and female, by his use of personal anecdotes from other men and giving a clear explanation of what some of the rules in the Guy Code are. By His use of language and diction, he was able to be very precise in his explanations and …show more content…
"Cracking the Guy Code: The Rules of Men." TODAY, 17 July 2013. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.
"Gender Stereotypes 2.0: Self-representations of Adolescents on Facebook = Gender Stereotypes 2.0: Self-representations of Adolescents on Facebook." Oberst, Úrsula. Comunicar. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.
"Portrayals of Masculinity in "Guy Movies"" Portrayals of Masculinity in "Guy Movies" 13 Jan. 2016. Web. 24 Oct.