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she introduced herself to her Coworker that was staring at her computer screen


تستخدم لما يكون في تناقض بالحملة

He was very nice to me, but i didnt like him though

He didnt look at me he wasnt busy though

from top to bottom


she looked at him from top to bottom her face was blank(with no facial expression on it)

you sent me a blank document

I, ll rember you

think to one's self

stand still

stand still

I 'll rembemer you he thought/he thought to himself

He stood still for a moment what just happend


said, done, or acting in a seemingly jokey manner, but with some serious intent

He was half_joking when he fired him


a cloth

cleaning cloth

sth used to make clothes

This store has a lot good_ quality cloth for saleقماش

Could be count and non__count

if we refer the material it's self we say cloth

if we mean the small piece that we use for cleaning surfaces it is count

I need a cleaning cloth


Of the same size or number

We cut the cake into equal pieces


in correct, untrue

not according with truth or fact; incorrect.

"the allegations were false"

Everything he says is false

He thought the story was based on facts but it was false



sth which is made and sold

The store sales greal local goods

To make bigger or more

As time passed The tree increased in sizw



the number of everything counted

There is a total of six apples

Two in the basket and four out of it

I saved a lot of pennies to buy itقرش



To understand the importance of sb or sth

Everyone appreciates his hard work on the project

"I phoned your office to confirm that this date is convenient"

The stores stay open all night which is convenient

Of a size between big and small

Most customers prefered the medium_sized cakes at our bakers

How much sth costs

The value of houses has increased by ten percent this year





Colors or shapes which are repeated on sth

They prefer paper with a simple pattern to cover their bedroom walls

have an emergency

Letting know

i had an emergency at work

We will go as planned

He checked in and sent her a message letting her know that he is ok




a mistake, such as a word that is spelled wrong, in a printed text:We can't publish the newsletter like this - it's full of misprints.

As he typed it in

Just so happen



used to describe something that occurs by chance It (just) so happens that I know her son.

It just so happen that he died a few days ago

He sadly fained on the floor

At the sound of

At the sight of

At the sound of the final whistle they stated to celebrate

At the sight of my face he ran away


guidiance counselor

is a person who is employed, usually in a school, to offer advice on problems, help troubled students and assist students in making career or college plans.

You should work as a guidance couselor


Bachelor's degree=

College degree

He is gonna get a degree in translation


Pay back

make money

Declare a war

You need to pay back your ege loans

He makes/earn too much money

He is gonna declare a war on you

I am going to my shelter

In my career i worked in... and... and...

My job is an english teacher



The onset of winter

Wet season=rainy season

The wet season (sometimes called the rainy season) is the time of year when most of a region's average annual rainfall occurs.

before the onset of the rainy season موسم امطار


firm, tight

positioned or fixed firmly and correctly and therefore not likely to move, fall, or break:That ladder doesn't look very secure to me.

Check that all windows and doors are secure.

Weave, wove, woven


to make cloth, a carpet, a basket etc by crossing threads or thin pieces under and over each other by hand or on a loom

hand-woven scarves

Only a few of the women still weave.

Tune in

to watch or listen to a particular television or radio programme or station:Be sure to tune in to next week's show

Hello world thank you so much for tuning in


go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or associate.

I am your host Abd accompanied with my good buddy Imad

He was my only companion

"the two sisters were to accompany us to New York"




The beginning of an official activity

Allow me to formally welcome you to this special show that i call...

she has been on the board since its inception two years ago"

Working day

Coffe break

a short break during the working day, during which people typically drink a cup of coffee or tea.


in most causes, generally, commonly

"the quality of work is typically very high"

They typically drink coffe in the morning

Psychic person


A person with a special mental ability that allows them to read minds or see the future

I am not a psychic

This is where the inspiration for this name came from



Of a person showing anger

you dont have to be bitter

someone who gets angry too quickly and reacts without thinking carefully first

Get closer

Once in a blue moon

Cast your vote=throw

It is a chance for us to get closer

Will be doing it once in a blue moon

it is a democracy here do Cast your vote in the comment below


your call/decision

He is a brat

it's your call


Troubled times

of a company) eliminate staff positions.

"recession forced many companies to downsize"

We had some troubled times




Take flight

I am gonna employ him

I can type at a fast rate

We will take flight tomorrow


do without

give (something of which one has enough) to (someone); afford to give to.

"she asked if I could spare her a dollar or two"

Spare yourself the pain and stop doing it




a group of people who arrange, by email or mobile phone, to come together in a place at the same time, do something funny or silly, and then leave

I ll look for a spot to sit

You need to fill out the forms

Sea level


The plane is flying 34 ft above/below sea level

The wheels were stuck in the mud

Dead sea

furthermore=in addition to

The dead sea is a big lake

He is too lazy furthermore he has no sense of responsibilty


The Dead sea is the lowest lake in the world

Clear the path


This is gonna clear the path for more people to come

I bought some chairs with an amazing Pattern/design on them

Unit of money


Cent and penny are units of money

Be careful not to be tricked with low_quality goods




There is too much homelessnes in my country

The prices are exploding/soaring by 74 percent in the past six years




The lack of sanititaion caused the outbreak of the desease

There are too many unsheltered people

On top of that

Living condition

UN official described the living conditions as shocking

On top of that he came here

Healthy and prosperous

Provide for

Send to college

It's a healthy and prosperous country

Provide for his family and send his children to college

Dirt cheap


Keep sth going/running

The labor there is dirt cheap

There was a loophole in the contact

They paid money the keep the party going

As it stands) in the present circumstances

Keep in line=keep under control

Trickle down



of or concerning the body.

"children learn to control their bodily functions"

This is gonna cause some bodily harm

Break someone



To force sb to talk or to give information about sth

Did you break that kid

He wont crack

He cracked some jokes

Maybe you should consider your a different methodology



an apparatus for making fabric by weaving yarn or thread.

It is the fruit of the loom

Low_cut socks

Diddly squat

Census Bureaue

usually used with a negative)anything

she didn't care diddly-squat about what Darryl thought"

By comparison Census Bureaue found...


Year_round=throughout the year

The Minister is meeting his countterpart today

Year_round working



make upfor

The were some harrasments got the newspaper men

we will settle this argument/calim

File a suit

As well as

I will file a suit

i can swim as well as dance



Remove your hood man i cant see your face

Its a fictionAl story

Prey on



They prey on little animals

Wolvws like to stay in packs

I saw a pack of dofs

Afraid of

Wolvws are afraid of humans

In the traditional sense

Figure out

Thecsession today wasnt educational in the traditional sense

The words are gonna be listed 5 by 5 accompanied with audio

You ll figure that out by yourself



to talk for a long time about things that are not important:

I am paying attention trying to listen to their chatter

It is healthy to vent your anger

Get off chest

Hear out

Tell me what is bother ing you. get it off your chest.

Dont interrupt me and hear me out




My fellow teachers you have my unshakable respect

This is gonna be our roadmap for studying


shed light on

He was uninformed of the change that has been taking place recently

We are gonna shed some light on it




They are bigots

He got some abnoxious messages

This thing is disagreeable for us


Draw into=drag, pull

I got some hateful messages

pull or drag (something such as a vehicle) so as to make it follow behind.

"a cart drawn by two horses"

He was trying to draw me into this problemsيجر

Hold ground

Grow a pair

Hold your ground man dont give up

Grow a pair man اكبر

preach him

Near and dear



He was very near and dear to my hear

He is doing it bashfully

Charge a dime

Reap=yield the fruit

He is not charging us a dime for it

You are gonna reap/yield the fruit of your hard work

The lord of the worlds

Your masters americans

He is the lord of the worlds my only master


Mentally enslaved

he was brainwashed

they are mentally enslaved



He was rocked to his core by a simple question

This is morally unacceptable

Kisck sb when down

Who are we kidding

Kick out

I dont kick sb when he is down and you are down

Kick you out with the fact...



This need some gentleness لطف

Wide open


The door was wide open

I hate to bother you but i ll see you again. won't i?

They were scary experiences


to give attention to or to deal with a matter or problem:

We are gonna address that problem today

We’ll address that question at the next meeting.

In response to

Process of language learning

Put a finger on..

All these hateful messages were in response to this

Dont in love religion in the process of language learning

So we can put a finger on it

Damn fault

Put effort

Share knowledge

It is not your damn fault that he doesnt like it

This is the reason that i am putting a ll my effort towards teaching yiu cause i was taught to share knowledge

Every now and then


Resort to insult

I get these questions every now and then

I remember vividly that sb took it

Nearest shrink

prophet and companions

Have no education

I advise you to pay a visit to your nearest shrink

If you had some education you wouldnt say that


Flowded by ciunltess

Theses two creterias in which sb is juged

I was flooded by count less messages

Dont you compare and contrast

Generate a sutuation

To begin with

Abuse and mistreat

This is gonna generate a situation where it's ok to treat them like that

People who abuse woman and mistreat them.

They are not men to begin with

Call a day

I call it a day and catch you later

Rise sharply

Sexual assualt


The sexual assaults rise sharply

He was unwilling to tell me

Spike=Sharp increase


a thin, pointed piece of metal, wood, or another rigid material.

The doorgate has spikes how are gonna escapeخوازبق

sharp increase in the magnitude or concentration of something.

"the oil price spike"

Despite the spike in prices they remained calm ارتفاع



Combat zone

Leak infotmation


He is in the combat zone

i am gonna leak some information

I got this for bravely raping your daughter

Chain of command

a system in an organization by which decisions are made and passed from people at the top of the organization to people lower down Symonds is third in the chain of command.

Attractiveness scale



There is an attractiveness scale معيار جاذبية

There are 235 convictions

They think they are geniueses



a period of a thousand years,

When it come to

Humankind=man kind, human race

When it comes to politics

Slavery was one of the most worst things in human history




The remanings of sth after it's destroyed

The Roman ruins are worth seeing

They treat him as a slave

Worth seeing

Fountain of knowledge= very knowledgable

He is a Fountain of knowledge

This place is really worth seeing


Tourist attraction

It is so spacious

It is on of the most Tourist attractions in the city

Turn back on sth=ignore

Trevi fountain


He turned his back on old traditions


Retreive, recover


We are gonna restore it

I thought that they have returned

Face down

Turn over

he was sleeping face down

I turned him over he was dead

Play out

Aint no/nothing

When a situation plays out, it happens and develops:

The debate will play out in the media over the next week or two.

We will wait and see how things play out

There aint no place to sleeo


Put, place

to put furniture, a machine, or a piece of equipment into position and make it ready to use:

The plumber is coming tomorrow to install the new washing machine.

We are gonna install a new showerيركب

The roof was installed yesterday

Bossy and dominating

Men are bossy and dominating

He is not a.man to begin with

Would=used to

Go back=return

They would come and rest under the same tree

لا نضع back مع return لأنها بداخلها تحتورذي معنى back

He returned home early

Begin to worry

stay out late

I began to worry he never stays out so late i whispered to myself




He is a bird_catcher

He is in the cage


Flap wings

All in vain

I tried desperately to distract her

The bird started flapping its wings but all in vain



I am overwhelmed by your kindnessمغمور

He was overwhelmed by their hospitality

Get some twigs


Cruel and selfish

set free


It is unedible meal يمكن اكله

He set them free and said i was so cruel and selfish



They were so happy to be reunited again

He is so cruel and selfish

Rip open

I ripped the package open


used to describe someone who is strong or powerful, and who likes to be in charge of others:

She demonstrated a knack for managing the difficult alpha personalities on her team.

He wants to be the alpha lion


used to describe someone who prefers other people to be in charge and may be shy or lack confidence:

In the film, Stiller plays a good-hearted but put-upon beta male.


Butt is more polite than ass

Before i kick yiur ass let me ask you a question


It is very disappointing that they dont grow up the way you want

He is deceiveingly smart

Fit in

Cut to the chase

Careless speech

I dont think he would fit in here

Lets cut to the chase

We call this Careless speech when drop leterrs and make reduction....

It's because



There are gonna cause you some bodily harm

Two wrongs dont make a right

The squeaky wheel gets the grease

If sb has done sth bad to you revenge will only make things worse

You can get better service if you complain if you wait patiently nobody is going to care

Go kick some ass

He is a kickass accountant

a kickass location

Go out there and kick some ass

Until next time my fruend

Eye candy


This girl is an eye candy

You're waterboarding me

Pacific ocean


I ve never been to the pacific ocean

Warly to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise

The pen is mightier than the sword

He is a mighty warrior

Allah the almighty is mightier than you



A picture is worth a thousand words

Keep your friends close,keep your enemies closer

Dont opnely fight with him


Be friend


Try to be friend with him dont fight with him openly




اكتر رسمية من begin

Start the fridfe/TV please.

My phone won't start.

Growth begin when we begin accepting our weakness نمو او ازدهار

We take the kids to the





It is an epic food) excellent

How do you like the place

It's epic

Boy! it is epic

It was an epic win for him


Damn! you look beautiful

ليس بمعنى اللعنة ولكن للتعجب

نستطيع استخدامDang

اكثر تأدبا

How are you doing today

I am doing great, how about you?

I am absolutely fantastic, thank you

Every thing has been good with you

I havn't been better

I started school recently

Which school are you going to

I am going to ABC

How did you like it so far

I like it so far

I wish you luck

Thank you


Two many cooks spoil the broth

Spoiled food


When too many people trying to lead the result is always bad

He ate a spoiled food and got sick

He spoiled his children خرب بالدلال



الفرق بين cook و chef

chef مهنة طباخ

اما cook ليس مهنة

You cant make an olmlet without breaking a few eggs

A penny saved is a penny earned


What did you

what reason do you have for

What reason do you have for calling me

Why did you call me

Earlier opposite later

I met him earlier this week

I havnt told you what happened yet, have I?

No you havnt told me anything

Are you serious?

Yes, i am really excited.

That's great. congratuations

I appreciate that

You have no idea how happy i am for you

For real?

I believe you were the best choice for this promotion i really do.


The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

There is no time like the present

Good things come to those who wait

... People always want whatever they dont have.

Bye felicia


Spill the tea

Unless you learn to lead you ll be at the mercy of someone else to guide you


A chain is only as strong as its weakest link

You cant judge the book by its cover


Empty vessels make the most noise

Empty and stupid people are the most talkative

It is such a nice meal from such a nice wife


Reflection is good in the morning.

Bad books


I am in her bad books since i shouted at her

Do some alterations

High key



I Highkey eat healthy food but lowkey i eat junk food

We will do it lowkeyThe party was lowkey.

You cant fool them they are woke now يقظين.

No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings



we need some lighting



The mix

Stir the mix very good then heat itالخليط

Put in order


Try to put the receipe in orderرتب

He was limping. يعرح




I am planning my future

I will observe it dont worry

I want to go there someday.



I will celebrate my graduation.

Groundhogs come out in the spring