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204 Cards in this Set

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The difference between have not, don't have.


I have a book. I don't have a book. or I haven't got a book.


... I have called you.

I haven't called you.

I haven't a book. It is wrong.

Right one I haven't got but it's old

I don't have or doesn't this is common.

Tiger mom

Idiom Podium

Many children don't have the right to play as other kids because they have Tiger mom.


I am sorry I missed your party, I had a high fever.

Check-up or checkup check up

Sarah goes for a checkup or Check-up every year.

فحص طبي

Check up

I need to check up on the kids.

للاطمئنان عليهم

Hungry Angry used by get

I am hungry جعان

I get hungry يجوع

I got hungry جعت

I am angry غضبان

I get angry يغضب

I got angry غضب

Eye chart

Try to read the letters on this eye chart.

Eyesight الأبصار

Some eyesight problems are easy to correct.


My sister and I got bored.

So I helped my sister practice reading.

Idiom Podium eye candy

My husband is smart, strong and eye candy.

Why did you buy this phone?

I don't know, it is just eye candy.

Generally a place is eye candy.

مكان خلاب

Listen, Hussein

We don't want you in the team but we need some eye candy.

Movies nowadays are only full of guns and eye candy.

My beloved wife, Fatma is a pretty woman, smart girl and eye candy.

I really feel that.

Coworker زميل عمل

My coworker and I got bored.


You can't have dinner without Dinnerwares

أواني الطعام


The world fell into Disarray after the quarantine was enforced.



حجر صحي

Significance significant

أهمية مهم

The ability to accept each other's differences is of great significance

Rocky start بداية متخبطة

OK,maybe they start out a little rocky.

Infectious disease

الأمراض المعدية the current threat is caused by an Infectious disease.

Pandemic وباء

The world was not prepared to face a Pandemic.

We are in the process of in the midst of a Pandemic.

Healthcare workers

In the midst of the current crisis, healthcare workers are the real hero.


His dog had a microchip Implant to track him in case he got lost.

Strain سلالة

Scientists have discovered a new strain of the virus which is much more dangerous.

Patent براة اختراع

You can not obtain a patent for something that you haven't invented.

Vaccine لقاح

A vaccine is yet to be discovered by scientists


يقطع ينقش ينحت

Sculpt نحت من جديد

Sculpture نحت

Carved in stone

منقوش في الحجر

التعليم في الصغر كالنقش علي الحجر

اساسي دائم


يغمز غمزة

Putin's wink is very strange.


يربش بعينه يطرف بعينه

Can you take another photo? I think I blinked.


To force air out from mouth

Blow up== explode

Blow up, blew up, blown up


A person who rides a bicycle

Show off

To love to show people your skill


To move in one side and out of the other

Look through

ينظر خلال

Look through the window

Look through a book == you are reading quickly

Go around ==orbit


Planet Earth goes around Sun.

Pass the hat USA

Pass the hat around UK

يجمع تبرعات

We are helping kids in Africa so please pass the hat around if you can.

Pass the buck

ركلة الحصان او تلوم غيرك ووتلبسه لحد تاني

Don't try to pass the buck, it is your fault, and everyone knows it.

Pass the buck

ركلة الحصان او تلوم غيرك ووتلبسه لحد تاني

Don't try to pass the buck, it is your fault, and everyone knows it.

Goalkeepers always pass the buck to defenders

Bite someone's head off

عندما تنتقد شخص علي حاحة تافهة

و النقد غير منصف بدل من الشكر

I bought you all these expensive dresses and you are biting my head off for forgetting buy a belt?


يسعل يكح

To force air out through your throat, often when sick.


ضجة و اهتياح

To do

At do


Much ado about nothing

الكثير من اللغط ووالضجة عن لا شي

عامل من الحبة قبة

Make a big deal about something

مكبر الموضوع اوي


فقط تماما حدث للتو




يصرخ يصيح يصخب

Two wrongs don't make a right

لا تغير الخطأ بخطأ اخر

Two wrongs don't make a right

لا تغير الخطأ بخطأ اخر

If someone has done something bad to you, revenge will only make things worse.

Revenge will just make things worst

The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

ما ضاع حق وراءه مطالب

You can get better service if you complain.

If you wait patiently, nobody is going to care.

Kick ass negatively

معني سلبي

حرفيا يركل مؤخرة ديلع بالشلوت

معني حقيقي

يضرب بعنف و اهانة

Kick someone's ass

Beat someone up

To physically attack someone.

Kick ass positively

This is your house, wow it is a kickass.

It means an awesome house.

There are a lot of movies i like but Avatar, man! That was kickass.

Is this a kickass location or what!

He is a kickass accountant

She is a kickass diver.

Kick ass postively encourageous

Go kick ass

Go kick some ass

You can go out there and kick some ass.

God, this lecture has kicked my ass and made me see the world in a totally different way.

Till and untill

حتي الي ان يحدث كذا


We played Soccer until midnight.


We played Soccer till midnight.

With times

Until next time

Till next time.

I work from 9 am till 5 pm.

I work from 9 am until 5 pm.

Don't use with numbers or places and distances

The car can take up to (no till or until) 7 people.

We walked from my house up to the lake.

No future after until or till

I will study the whole summer until the school starts (no will start)

Not until بمعني ليس قبل كذا

Won't you tell me what happened last night?

Not until you tell me first.

It always seems impossible until it is done.


قوي لذاته و حماية نفسه


قوي ذا بطش وجبروت علي غيره

The pen is mightier than the sword.

He is a mighty warrior

Almighty is one of the names of Allah.

They used to say the pen is mightier than the sword. I think the camera is.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Try to convince people with ideas and words is more effective than trying to force people to do what you want.

Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.

If you have an enemy, pretend to be friends with them instead of openly fighting With them. That way can watch them carefully and figure out what you're planning.


قوي لذاته و حماية نفسه


قوي ذا بطش وجبروت علي غيره

The pen is mightier than the sword.

He is a mighty warrior

Almighty is one of the names of Allah.

They used to say the pen is mightier than the sword. I think the camera is.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Try to convince people with ideas and words is more effective than trying to force people to do what you want.

Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.

If you have an enemy, pretend to be friends with them instead of openly fighting With them. That way can watch them carefully and figure out what you're planning.


ملحمة وحكاية ملحمية

Epic = excellent

I enjoyed reading the epic tale of Hayreddin Barabarossa.

It is epic food

It is epic

Boy! That was an epic win for Dre.

What an epic win for your team

What an epic fail for the goalkeeper.


اللعنة و يسب سب

Damn you people

يلعنكم ايها الناس





Damn! She looks beautiful

تعجب و دهشة

Damn, Gina

Is taken from a movie

Start يبدا .. يشغل اجهزة

Begin يبدا

Formal begin

Informal start

Start the washing machine.

Begin the washing machine.


My phone won't start

You can use start or begin

I told you from the start

I told you from the beginning

Growth begins or starts when we begin to accept our own weakness.

Two many cooks spoil the broth

كثرة الطباخين تفسد الطبخة

Chicken soup is thick soup

Chicken broth is thin soup.

Eat soup

When there are two many people trying to lead, the results are always bad. Jobs and projects should have one strong leader.

She ate spoiled cook and got sick.

Jack spoiled his children

جاك افسد ولاده بالدلع




طاهي طباخ

مهنة اساسها الطبخ


اي حد بيطبخ

My mother is a good cook

You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

When you try to do something great, you'll probably make a few people angry. Don't worry about those people, just focus on the good results.

1 cent = 1 penny

Is the same in UK or America

قرش بالمصرى

A penny saved is a penny earned.

القرش الابيض ينفع في اليوم ال كذا

Save your money. Saving money is just making money.


Such that

1. للاشارة بمعني كهذا و كهذه

Such + noun

Have you heard such men?

She has no such promise

I haven't heard such information.

2.للتشديد بمعني جدا

Such + 'a' 'an' adjective

That was such a fun night.

She is such a brave girl.

3. جدا لدرجة ان

Such 'a' 'an adjective that

It is such a fun movie that I don't want it to end.


اكثر خضرة

There is no time like the present.

If you need to do something don't wait for a better chance later. Do it now, there is no better time.

There is no time like the present.

If you need to do something don't wait for a better chance later. Do it now, there is no better time.

Good things come to those who wait.

Be patient. Later, something good will happen to you.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

People always want whatever they don't have.


اصدقاء اعداء

John and I are frenemies.

Bye, Fleicia

غورى في داهية

اغرب عن وجهي

Tea نميمة

She has the tea

عندها الاخبار

Come on spill the tea




There is a bit difference between the two words.

It is necessity

I need a glass of water. Necessity

I want a glass of water. Desire

I didn't need a friend, I need a father.

Honey, I need a bigger refrigerator.

Daddy, I want a squirrel

Need للضرورة

Want للرغبة

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link

A group can only be as successful as its least successful person.

Empty vessels make the most noise.

Empty and stupid people are the most talkative.

You can't judge a book by its cover.

Wow, such an amazing food from such a small restaurant

Low key tone

High key tone

Low key lighting

High key lighting

نغمة منخفضة

نغمة مرتفعة

اضاءة خفيفة

اضاءة مرتفعة

Low key tone

High key tone

Low key lighting

High key lighting

نغمة منخفضة

نغمة مرتفعة

اضاءة خفيفة

اضاءة مرتفعة

I lowkey (secretly)love her, but I don't think I will tell her.

I highkey eat healty food, but I lowkey want some junk food.

I lowkey (secretly)love her, but I don't think I will tell her.

I highkey eat healty food, but I lowkey want some junk food.

Penny and I wanna do something lowkey

حاحة علي الضيق مصاريف بسيطة

Ouch, you stepped on my foot.

I am so sorry, I didn't see it there.


Come on, don't be salty, I said sorry.

Yeah, well that is some salty langauge.

لغة حادة

You can't fool Egyptians. They are woke now

شعب واعي او علي وعي

If you are so woke, why didn't you vote?

بما انك بتفهم في السياسة

ماانتخبتش ليه

Every = All للجميع

All لا ياتي بها مفرد

Each كل علي حده

ان زرت كل الدول في العالم

I visited every country in the world.

I visited all the countries in the world.

ان زرت كل دولة في العالم معني اشد و اقوي

I visited each country in the world.

Now, the next time you hear this whistle, each one of you get one toy.

Everyone wants to get rich.

Each one of you is a desperate wish for love.

Every ل تلاتة جمع فما فوق , للكل

Each للمثني للافراد

He wears a watch on each hand.

He knows everyone in his town.

He knows each one in his town.

He knows each and every one in his town.

Hundo P

Hundred Percent

Hey man, wanna go to the beach?

Hundo P it is gonna rain.

Oh well

Oh well يعبر عن عدم الرضا

Friday Jr


I am not gonna see you tomorrow or Friday, so I am gonna see you Friday Jr.

Senior> Junior


Walk away

Let's Mosey, wait.

Hey, what are you looking at? Mosey,Pal.




Photo anything taken with a camera.

Picture anything taken with a camera or drawn by hand but on a plane.


Any thing taken with a camera

Drawn by hand

3D drawn.

Pill كبسولة او مزعج

Pill = annoying

Hey, I invited Claire for/to dinner.

Why you know I don't like her, She is a pill.

Why did you shout at him?

Because he is acting like a pill and I can't focus.

Chill يبرد او يبرد

I chill my coke in the refrigerator.

Chill = relax

I am gonna go to sit under that tree and chill for a while.

Chill = calm down

Just chill, ok?

Chill out اهدا

Oh my god, my god, my god I lost my car keys.

Shhh just chill, I'll help you find them.

A chill pill

اهدي و قول هديت

يعني بدل دوشة وا زعاج

A. Why are you still here? Aren't you going to work?Do you know what time it is?come on don't be late? You will be in trouble.

B. Just take a chill pill.

Same difference

They are the same no difference

You have to use right hand, but if you want to use left hand, it is fine. Same difference.


اضافي او بديل

ياتي بعدها

اسم مفرد_معدود_ رقم



ياتي بعدها

جمع غير معدود

I will give you another address.

بمعني بديل او اخر

Just another minute, please.

بمعني اضافي

Let's try this another way.

I will stay another twenty minutes.

I know it, other guys know it too.


Like so many other things in life


There was other stuff.

غير معددود

No ..Not ...None

No noun is not a verb, simply none.

No + noun تنفي وجود شى

She has no money.

No idea is stupid.

There is no doubt in my mind.

No, that was no joke.

Not + verb

I did not tell him

You are not going with us.

Any time like

Is Not

Was not

Does not

Do not

I am not a doctor. مفرد

She is not sleeping. فعل

We are not farmers. جمع


For simplicity

I have no plans

I have none


الافعال المركبة

Ask out

I really like Lisa, I think I will ask her out.

You did not ask her out.

Look, I don't normally ask out women that I meet in Coffee houses.

Ask around

I asked around but nobody has seen my bicycle.

To ask many people around you the same question.

It is so expensive

Well, ask around.

Ok, I will ask around.

Care about يهتم ب

Care for

١.العامية فقط

Care for a ride.

Care for some ice cream.

Tim doesn't care for his friende, they are always rude to him.

I don't care for your tone.

= I don't like your tone.

I don't care for the way you have ironed my shirts, Dave.

Such, very جدا

So لذلك

Such , so جدا

I missed the bus so I took a taxi.

1. قبل الصفة او الحال بشرط الا ياتي بعدها اسم so

She is so smart.

She came so quickly.

You are so beautiful, Sarah.


You are such a kind person.

You are such a fool

I am such a pig.

2. So قبل many much few

I ate so much cake.

I ate such much

Michael, I hated you for so many years.

You have so few


I ate such a lot of food.

Need to


احتياج للاهمية

Have to

لا يوجد اختيار

ضرورة تجنبا لعواقب

Informal and formal

USA more


لا يوجد اختيار

ضرورة تجنبا لعواقب


UK more

احتياج للاهمية بدون اجبار

I need to

It is important for me to

It is mother's day, I need to call my mom.( it is important for me to call my mom

ضرورة تجنبا للعواقب

I have to


Or else

Something bad is gonna happen.

I have to go to the bathroom, Now.

I must go to the bathroom,Now.

I need to go to the bathroom, Now.

You neee to tell her how you feel.

You need to get up.

You have to tell her what is going on?


Hot potato

What kind of name is Avram?Is he a Jew?

What kind of للاستغراب

What kind of a question is that?

What kind of a stupid name is that?

Hot potato = sensitive or uncomfortable

Gun control is a hot potato now in the united states. موضوع شائك

After seeing the price on the t-shirt, I dropped it like a hot potato. سعر مولع نار

We wanted to go to the beach, but Miachel didn't, so we dropped him like a hot potato

There is a popular game in China

Students are playing with a firing ball

Lots of

A lot of

للتعبير عن الكثرة للمعدود و غير المعدود

A lot of boys lots of boys

A lot of rain lots of rain


Many countable much uncountable


A lot of for countable and uncountable



A lot of for countable , uncountable

Many for countable

much for uncountable


Lots for countable ,uncountable

Lots of money and time.

That is a lot of money.

Lots of things

A lot of things

In the end في النهاية

At the end في نهاية

At the end of the movie, everyone clapped.

I studied hard, and in the end, I passed the test.

At the end of the day, we were weary.



Ask بصفتي

As your close friend, I have to tell you to stop.

I will ask you as your mother who wants you to live.

Ask مثل like

Old academic

He is tall like his father.

Like +اسم

My house looks like a castle.

She had a headache like me.

As + noun clause.

Do as I say.

Nobody knows him as I do.

Modern academic

Like + noun clause

Like+ اسم

Don't act like me.

Don't act like I do.

Don't act as I do.

Histroy مادة تاريخ_ علاقة بين طرفين _ذكريات ماضي

Historic مهم و تاريخي مدينة او تثر قديم حقيقة ثابتة تاريخيا

Historical حدث تاريخي او رواية

Historical movie

Special استثنائي



Special استثنائي

You are so special to me.

He has some special skills.

Some of my students need some special attention.

But you are special.

Specially خصيصا من اجل هدف محدد

Specially made car

He bought a specially made car.

Especially لاسيما خصوصا هذا الشي

I love my family especially my mom.

Don't say anything, especially you.

I love all my friends, especially Phill.

Numbers are adjectives

Numbers without change remain as they are.

Numbers with noun

Three things happen

1.add a an

2. - between every word

3. Every words are singular

صفة شئ ثابت

نعت شئ متغير

She has a three-year-old son.

This street is five meters wide.

This is a five-meter-wide street.

The other day

Buy myself or for myself

1. Did you go to school today?

2. Of course, did you?

1. I didn't want to, so I didn't.

2. That is sad, have you gone to the movies recently?

1. That is a switch.

2. I am serious, have you?

1. No, I haven't. why?

2. I really want to go the movies this weekend?

1. So go then.

2.I really don't want to go by myself.

1. Well, anyway do you plan on going to school tomorrow?

2.No, I think I am going to go to the movies.

1.Did you make it to school today?

2.I always do, did you go to school today?

1.No I didn't.

2. You should have, but have you seen any movies lately?

1. That was an odd change of subject.

2. Maybe it was, but answer the question.

1. No, not recently.

2. I want to go to see a movie this weekend.

1.What is stopping you then?

2. I don't want to go alone.

1. So, will you be at school tomorrow.

2. I want to go to the movies instead.

1. Did you even bother to go to school?

2. Yeah, I went, did you go?

1.I didn't feel like it.

2.that is nice, have you been to the movies lately.

1. No, but that is a random change of subject.

2. It may have been random, but have you?

1. I haven't lately.

2. I would love to catch a movie this weekend.

1.So, why don't you just go?

2. I don't want to see a movie by myself.

1.ok, so are you going to go to school tomorrow.

2. I think I might just go to the movies.

Go somewhere يذهب للمكان المحدد

Make it to somewhere نجح بالذهاب في الوقت المحدد

Did you go to the meeting?

Did you make it to the meeting?

Sorry, I can't make it.

Should have يجدر بك او نصيحة

Bother to go to school

It was a stupid question, I didn't even bother to reply.

Has anyone even bothered to ask John about his opinion?

Feel like

Want desire

She was rude, I felt like leaving.

I feel like chinese food.

You were rough

I may have been rough?

I was right

You may have been right.

Shoplift يسرق من محل

Shoplifters لصوص

Our security guards catch many shoplifters.

A. It was nice talking to /with you

B. Why are you trying to rush me off the phone?

A. I really have to go.

B. Why I still want to talk to you.

A. Don't be nosey.

B. I am not I just want to know.

A. Well, it is really none of your business.

B. That is harsh.

A. I am sorry, but I have to go

B. Fine

A. I will talk to you later

B. What is the rush?

A. I have to get off the phone now

B. I am not ready to get off the phone with you.

A. There are other things I need to take care of.

B. What is that you need to do?

A. Please don't be nosey.

B. I am not being nosey, it is just a question.

A. You don't need to worry about that.

B. That was mean to say

A. I am very sorry and I must go.

B. I guess

The waiter rushed us off the moment we paid the bill.

I really have to go اضطرار طبيعي

I gotta go اضرار ملح بس عامية

I've got to go. اضطرار ملح

Gotta go مش مؤدبة

Busybody = nosey= nosey parker

There is a harsh truth to face

Get off = finish

Being = trying

A. It was nice talking to /with you

B. Why are you trying to rush me off the phone?

A. I really have to go.

B. Why I still want to talk to you.

A. Don't be nosey.

B. I am not I just want to know.

A. Well, it is really none of your business.

B. That is harsh.

A. I am sorry, but I have to go

B. Fine

A. I will talk to you later

B. What is the rush?

A. I have to get off the phone now

B. I am not ready to get off the phone with you.

A. There are other things I need to take care of.

B. What is that you need to do?

A. Please don't be nosey.

B. I am not being nosey, it is just a question.

A. You don't need to worry about that.

B. That was mean to say

A. I am very sorry and I must go.

B. I guess

The waiter rushed us off the moment we paid the bill.

I really have to go اضطرار طبيعي

I gotta go اضرار ملح بس عامية

I've got to go. اضطرار ملح

Gotta go مش مؤدبة

Busybody = nosey= nosey parker

There is a harsh truth to face

Get off = finish

Being = trying

A. It was nice talking to /with you

B. Why are you trying to rush me off the phone?

A. I really have to go.

B. Why I still want to talk to you.

A. Don't be nosey.

B. I am not I just want to know.

A. Well, it is really none of your business.

B. That is harsh.

A. I am sorry, but I have to go

B. Fine

A. I will talk to you later

B. What is the rush?

A. I have to get off the phone now

B. I am not ready to get off the phone with you.

A. There are other things I need to take care of.

B. What is that you need to do?

A. Please don't be nosey.

B. I am not being nosey, it is just a question.

A. You don't need to worry about that.

B. That was mean to say

A. I am very sorry and I must go.

B. I guess

The waiter rushed us off the moment we paid the bill.

I really have to go اضطرار طبيعي

I gotta go اضرار ملح بس عامية

I've got to go. اضطرار ملح

Gotta go مش مؤدبة

Busybody = nosey= nosey parker

There is a harsh truth to face

Get off = finish

Being = trying

1. Has anyone told you about Jessica's party coming up?

2. I was told about it already. I just am waiting for my invitation.

1. Is that right? I already got my invitation from her earlier?

2. I believe that she will give me the invitation today.

1. Are you even going to go ?

2. Yeah, it sounds like it is going to be the best party of the year.

1. Exactly, it seems like it is going to be loads of fun.

2. When exactly does the party start?

1. The invitation says it starts at 8:00 pm.

2. Has she given out alot of invitation yet.

1. I have no idea, she hasn't given out many though.

2. I am planning on going, but I really need her to give my invitation.


Has anyone told you== did anyone told you?

Coming up =phrasal verb

Is that a fact = is that right دهشة و سخرية و تصديق

I believe that = I think= I guess

Loads of = much , many معدود و غير معدود

1. Has anyone told you about Jessica's party coming up?

2. I was told about it already. I just am waiting for my invitation.

1. Is that right? I already got my invitation from her earlier?

2. I believe that she will give me the invitation today.

1. Are you even going to go ?

2. Yeah, it sounds like it is going to be the best party of the year.

1. Exactly, it seems like it is going to be loads of fun.

2. When exactly does the party start?

1. The invitation says it starts at 8:00 pm.

2. Has she given out alot of invitation yet.

1. I have no idea, she hasn't given out many though.

2. I am planning on going, but I really need her to give my invitation.

1. Have you heard about Jessica's party on Saturady?

2. I have heard about it, but I am still waiting for my invitation.

1. Really? I got mine from her this morning.

2. I am guessing that she is going to give me my invitation today or tomorrow.

1. You are probably right. Do you intend on going to the party.

2. I want to, I heard it is going to be really fun.

1. I know it does sound pretty awesome.

2. Well, when does the party start?

1. It is supposed to start at about eight.

2. How many invitations has she given out?

1. I really don't know, but I don't think she gave out that many yet.

2. I really want to go, so I hope she gives me my invitation soon.

1. Hey, did you hear about Jessica's party this weekend?

2. Yeah, but I am still waiting for my invitation.

1. Oh, really, she gave me mine earlier today.

2. Well, she'll probably just give me my invitation later on today.

1. So, are you planning on going ?

2. I think so , it sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun.

1. It really does, i can't wait.

2. What time does the party start?

1. It starts at 8 o'clock.

2. Oh well, how many people has she given invitations to so far?

1. I am not sure, but I don't think she has given out that many.

2. Well, hopefully she will give me my invitation later on today.

Has anyone told you== did anyone told you?

Coming up =phrasal verb

Is that a fact = is that right دهشة و سخرية و تصديق

I believe that = I think= I guess

Loads of = much , many معدود و غير معدود

Plan يخطط i am planning a trip to Europe

Plan on يخطط ل

I am planning on going to Europe

Plan to يخطط ان

I am planning to go to Europe.

Intend to ينتوي ان

I am intending to go to the party.

Intend on ينتوي

I am intending on going to the party.

Come up = about to happen علي وشك الحدوث

Come up to يقترب

Ahmed came up to me and whispered in my ear.

Come up with

I can come up with good excuses.

Give out يعطي او يوزع

I gave out samples ane everyone said it is the bomb.

Give out يتوقف عن العمل بسبب خلل معين

My computer just gave out

1. What do you think you are doing?

2. I can't study at home, because my family talks so loudly.

1. Well, study at the library then.

2. Can you really focus in there?

1. Yes, it is always really quiet.

2. I'll give it a shot today.

1. When you do, make sure you get a good seat.

2. Why? Are there not enough seats for everyone?

1. It depends on when you go.

2. I am going at 1:00 am.

1. Dude, it is not even open that late.

2. But, that is the best time for me.

1. You can always try a cafe. They tend to close late or sometimes not at all.

2. Allright, go on.

Dude =man=mate=guy

What the heck do you think you are doing?

It is the polite way to say hell

I'll give it a shot today

It means I will try to do it.


اعادة الترجيع او الرجوع للوراء

1.Can you please shut up?

2. May be if you ask nicely, I will!

1. This is a library, you have to shut up.

2. I don't know if I have too.

1. Well, I have no interest in splitting hairs. What you are doing is wrong.

2. I didn't know laughing was a crime.

1. It is a crime when you do it in the library.

2. You are just jealous, because I have a good time, and you are not.

1. Nope, that is not it, try again.

2. I will shut up if you say you are sorry.

1. Sorry for what? If anything, you should say sorry.

2. Ok fine, I am sorry that your parents didn't teach you how to be nice.

1. That is enough, I am getting a librarian.

2.ohh, a librarian, scary!


يثبتني او يلزمني

Shut up is not a polite way


Excuse me, could you be a bit quieter?

I am sorry, would you mind keep it down?

Splitting hairs

You are trying to argue about very small and unimportant details.

1.Hey Mark, what's up man?

2.Hi Jack, Nothing much how are you doing?

1. Better than I deserve to what do I owe the pleasure?

2. I am looking for a job. I was hopping you could help me.

1. Sure, how can I help?

2. I was wondering if you could hook me up at the place you work?

1. No problem. I don't know if they are hiring, but I will find out.

2. Thanks man, you are the bomb.

1. What kind of job are you interested in?

2. Anything that you think I can do.it will be fine.

1. Can't you be a little more specific?

2. I wish I could man but honestly, anything would be fine.

1. That bad, ha?

2. Well, I am learning to keep my chin up.

1. Good man, I will talk to my boss in the morning and get back to you.

2. Thanks man , a friend in need is a friend indeed.

1. Anything else you need me to do?

2. No, I am waiting to hear from you.

1. Allright, take care.

2. Yeah, you too.

You are the bomb.

It is a slang for you are awesome , you are great.

Keep your chin up

You are trying to remain happy and cheerful

Rewind the conversation

يرجع اللي الوراء

Nothing much it means nothing important

To what do I owe the pleasure?

Why are you calling me?

Hook me up

It is a phrasal verb.

1.Yo Mark, what up man?

2. Hey Jack, I was about to call you, what is the word?

1. All good, got some good news for you by the way.

2. Brilliant, spill it, Jay.

1. Okay, I talked to my boss I will text you his phone number.

2.Thanks a lot, bud. Did he say he has an open position?

1. No, he didn't mention any vacancy at the moment but he said he would talk to you.

2. That's great! Hey thanks again man.

1. Sure, you know you should also go online to look for work.

2. Online? Where?

1. There are many jobs search websites.

2. Cool, do you know any by name?

1. Just Google, Jobs in Cairo, you will find some.

2. Okay, I will try that when I get home.

1. You can do it on smart phone, you know.

2. I know but I think it is better at home thanks again.



Use for 3 main reasons

1. Great someone. Hello

2. To pay attention for you is equal to hey

3. Express excitement.

Wow how did you do it?

What is the word?

How are you?

How is it going?

What is up?

Spill it

Talk or say it


Close friend

Open position

A vacant job



1. Man, Am I excited? I have got my first job interview.

2. Interview for what?

1. You know, it is an interniship for a big company.

2. Wow, it is impressive. I hope you get it. Fingers crossed.

1. Well, thanks, I am preparing for the interview by-you know- practicing with my sister.

2. What exactly are you doing? How are you practicing?

1. We are doing mock interviews.

2. Is it helpful?

1. It sure is. She recorded our first interview. She pointed out things that umm-you know- I should avoid.

2. What are of things she saw?

1."she said" I said you know too much that I looked nervous.

2. Oh, really, that is strange. Because you are the only one who I know you doesn't use fillers in his speech.

1. I know right? I was like no.

2. Dude, dude. Let me just stop you there. I was just being sarcastic. Your sister is right, you overuse fillers.


Fingers crossed =good luck

For God's protection.

Mock = laugh at or tease someone.

Mock= a replica or a similar copy of something



You know

Kind of


I really don't approve of this.


Your approval means the world to me.

Look on the bright sight.

Your approval means the world to me

I really approve of this.

Look on the bright side

الجانب المشرق

نص الكوباية المليان

You didn't become a success on your own somebody else did that.

A success

شخص ناجح

He is successful

He is a success

Complain about

Be a man and stop complaining about the weather.

My fellow Americans, I have listened to your complaints I understand that you don't want government healthcares shoved down your throats.

Shoved down =strong push

I have created a compromise plan.

Compromise حل وسط

It is a suppository

انه لبوس

Among between


عند تحديد الاطراف مهما كان عددهم


عند الكلام في العموم

Guidance counselor

مستشار التوجيه

College degree

درجة جامعية

Bachelor's degree

شهادة البكالوريوس

Pay back

يدفع دينه


Spain declared war on Britain in 1796




Faculty اعضاء هيئة التدريس

او كلية =college=school

Take flight


Take flight


Take flight


Nah, it is just some dude getting fired

موظفين تم رفضهم

No, nope, nah, nay

مفردات لا

Can you spare some change

استغني عن شوية فكة

Jobless rate soars

معدل البطالة يرتفع

Flash mobs

رقصات مترتبة لها

Flash mobs

رقصات مترتبة لها

Prosperous مزدهر

Prosper يزدهر

Prosperous مزدهر

Prosper يزدهر

Evade taxes يتهرب من الضرائب

Loophole ثغرة

Shelter money يخفي اموالهم


يتلاعب ب

Dirt cheap

برخص التراب

Dig up some dirt on somebody.

Trickle down


Keep in line =keep people under control

In the present circumstances

As it stands

Fruit of the loom

فاكهة الماكينة او النول نتاج النول قماش

You speak out

تتكلم بدون خوف

Fruit of womb

نتاج الرحم

The census bureau

مكتب التعداد

Year-round=throughout the year

Counterparts نظيرهم

Make up for يعوض

Worsen to become worst

Just not rewarded the same.

Wage اجر ساعة او يوم

Salary مرتب شهرى


Racial discrimination

Religious discrimination


Diddly squat



What the heck have you done?

طريقة مؤدبة للانفعال


Figure out

I am sure that you can figure that out by yourself


Figure out

I am sure that you can figure that out by yourself


Figure out

I am sure that you can figure that out by yourself


In the traditional sense

Today's video wasn't educational in the traditional sense.

بالمعني التقليدي


I am doing my best to pay attention to their chatter

ثرثرة و فضفضة


It is healthy to vent your anger

ينفس تنفيس


It is healthy to vent your anger

ينفس تنفيس

To get something off your chest

ازاحة شي عن صدرك

Hear me out

Don't interrupt me and hear me out.


My fellow teachers, you have my unshakeable respect.


She is uninformed of the change that has been taking place in her country

Shed light on

يسلط الضوء علي

She tried to shed light on some important issues.


متعصبون متحزبون

Bigots won't be bigots if they read.


متعصبون متحزبون

Bigots won't be bigots if they read.


بغيض - لا يطاق

Jack is an obnoxious guy. I can't stand him.




بغيض مقيت

Posting hateful comments is easy for every idiot.

Draw ... into

يجر ... يشرك

Don't draw me into your little mind games.

To hold your ground

تبق ثابتا تكن علي

Even after being told off by her boss, she held her ground and explained why she was right.


يثير استياء

Many Americans displease policymakers in Washington

Grow a pair

كن رجلا استرجل


يبشر -يعظ

We must preach through examples.

Near and dear

قريب و عزيز

The patient was very near and dear to her heart.


بخجل علي استحياء

She smiled bashfully, turned around and walked away.


فلس قرش

Your father went through every dime he has saved.

Reap the fruit of

يجني ثمار كذا

It is time for you to reap the fruit of your hard work.

Folks القوم و الشعب

Did you folks hear the news?

The lord of the worlds

رب العالمين

رب العالمين

All praise is due to Allah, the lord of the worlds.


مغسول الدماغ

They were brainwashed by media.



There are so many untold stories of enslaved Africans.

Core نواه باطن

He was rocked to his core by a simple question.



This is morally unacceptable.

To kick a man when he is down.

تركل رجلا ملقي علي الارض

Noble knights don't kick a man when he is down.

Trying to get at

يحاول الوصول ل

What are you trying to get at?

Knock ...out

يسدد الضربة القاضية

Muhammed Ali used to knock out his opponents.


الرفق و اللين

You can win money by gentleness rather than violence.


يحير الحيرة

I will boggle your heart.

Take somebody for a fool.

Are you trying to take me for a fool.

Crack down

Phrasal verb

Crack down on

يتخذ اجراء صارم

يتخذ اجراء صارم ضد

The library will start cracking down on people who lose their books.

Call for

Phrasal verb

يطلب كذا _يدعو

Call for = deserve

This calls for a celebration ايجابي

You called for it تستهال او تستحق

They are calling for a boycott.

Go against

Phrasal verb

يتعارض مع

I won't do anything that goes against my beliefs and values.


ينفق ببذخ


He believes he can win her heart by lavishing her with gifts.

The more lavish the weddings, the more expensive the gifts must be from the guests.


Take flight


Show off

Phrasal verb


She only bought that sports car to show off her wealth.

Save face

يحفظ ماء الوجه

Phrasal verb

It is a culture where the concept of saving face is incredibly important.