In the novel Geographies of Home, written by Loida Maritza Pérez, there are copious references to New York City and its importance to the plot of the story. Published in 1999, the novel follows a Dominican family in its migration to NYC and the challenges they face. As readers, we see problems involving Lliana, Marina, Rebecca, Papito, and Aurelia. Between rape, violence, and abuse, Pèrez does a great job incorporating Brooklyn into the plot of the story. A lot of the wild stories written about in the novel are more believable considering the reputation Brooklyn had in the 1900’s.…
Evans also discusses how Cable observes the phonology of the Creole dialect. One of the changes it makes from Standard American English is the dropping of final consonants, such as the change from “innocent” to “innocen’” (Evans 212). The French language has majorly impacted the Creole dialect, especially in terms of vowel usage and…
What is Gentrification? Since the early 1970’s , American cities have experienced constant urban growth despite the Urban Sprawl which resulted in many Americans moving away from urban cities, and into low density neighborhoods. This phenomenon which intrigued many urban observers known as Gentrification, resulted in not only urban city growth, but it also had varied effects on city life, income rates and including culture. The impact gentrification leaves on many American cities differ from one another.…
Since I was born, New York City has been my life, my blood, and bones; I have grown and lived with many different people with different backgrounds. My neighborhoods have shaped me into who I am today, I am flexible and open, like raw clay, enough to be changed and formed. Then there is the Bronx, a borough of New York, where you have to be strong, or you will not survive, a place where all races are together, and everyone is noisy. I live in a community where there are mostly Hispanics, and where there are always car passing by and honking, during the day it is the only sound you can here, and ear-piercing bird calls, but during the night there is always some kind of party, either that or just really loud music. I have grown to get use…
Show your support for your state and country by purchasing a New York State flag. A flag expressing the motto “Excelsior” Latin for “ever upward” loosely translated to mean superior or above. Since its declaration of independence from Great Britain New York has experienced more growth in population that any other city in America. The population in the city of New York is slightly above 8 million people easily doubling the population of the next city LA. The NY flag symbolizes inland and foreign commerce the heart of the state of New York.…
The Baddest Dog in Harlem - Analytical Essay The short story “The Baddest Dog in Harlem” was written by Walter Dean Myers and published in 2001 from the collection of short stories “145th Street”. The story “The Baddest Dog in Harlem” is about how a group of black men is acting while the police surround the area they are in. The black men get a tip about a guy with a semi-automatic rifle is in an apartment nearby. As the story evolves the main character decides to go with the police and a woman to the apartment where the suspect possibly is, where they discover that the woman’s dog has been a victim.…
New York and Chicago are two of the United States biggest cities. The two cities are extremely diverse and rich in history. Residents of New York and Chicago share similar values and living habits. New York City and Chicago are the most infamous American cities and for that reason they have many great attractions. Although there are many similarities, New York City and Chicago share many differences also.…
Taking the time to value New York, will allow people either living or visiting to acknowledge the place they are in. New York is a highlight for many people all over the world. It includes people who are searching for adventure, work, or for a new beginning in their life. In the essay, “Here Is New York”, by E.B. White, there are several assimilations about noticing how different some New Yorkers are. White states that although New York has so much to offer, people do not always use every opportunity they get, “The New York of the man or woman who was born here, who takes the city for granted and accepts its size and turbulence as natural and inevitable.”…
In the article “Do You Speak American?” Robert MacNeil reminds us of one of the many reasons the United States is so linguistically diverse. He gives various examples of how American English has evolved throughout time. The analysis of the American language is meant for people who read the magazine, U.S.A. Today, but it also applies to a secondary audience, which are American English speakers.…
Norton Reader, 96-102; bring your typed answer to No. 1, page 102. Brooklyn, New York, a vas city often compared to a labyrinth and for good reason, it is known to confuse those unfamiliar with its surroundings due to its magnitude. Frazier states that those native to Brooklyn, or Brooklynites, use the names of neighborhoods and subway lines to proclaim their current destination but he uses an alternative techniques that, while unique, would probable not better aid a person whom does not possess the knowledge of said other individuals. He uses people and their behaviors to better guess the terrain he presently occupies, he will even go so far to describe smells that can be found in certain places in Brooklyn. As examples of this unusual method,…
With a close up of various regions of countries, one can see how everyone who speaks a language will not speak it the same way. Created in the 1980s, American Tongues is an informative documentary that illustrates the theme of dialectal variation in the United States. America has been considered a melting pot for multiple diverse people and cultures. In the past, settlers who traveled to and across the United States left their mark on various regions as they brought their accents, such as African languages molding dialects of the South and how French and English is intermingled by Cajuns in Louisiana. However, the documentary demonstrates and highlights how people tend to create stereotypes for people who do not speak the same way they do and how people may even change their accent to be accepted.…
See, what people don’t realize is that there are two types of New Yorks’. There’s the New York that tourists and non-New York residents…
Blinding lights. Towering buildings. Eccentric performers. New York City has become a place known for making dreams come true. New York City fills people with joy despite the hustling of the city’s anti-social inhabitants the gut-wrenching smell of hot dogs and smoke, and the boring view of towering concrete buildings.…
A specific example is that people from an African American community in Florida say: "The squirrel is fix to climb the tree," while people from Florida who does not belong to this community would say: "The squirrel is beginning to climb the tree. " Hispanic are a very good example of differences in speech. In the United States there are people from many different Hispanic countries such as: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and others. The people from each of these countries have different dialects. For example, Puerto Ricans and Cubans have different names for the same things.…
The Big Apple New York City is the place that everyone dreams of visiting. From the building, to the city lights, everyone wants to see the city that never sleeps. I remember being six years old and seeing NYC on the news while sitting on my couch in my living room in Poland. All the tall building and city streets did not fail to quickly capture my attention. Before I knew it my parents…