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22 Cards in this Set

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Define CrossFit

“constantly varied, high-intensity, functional

Define variance

Constant variance prepares you at your margins of experience to prevent failure at margins of experience

One of the main characteristics of constant variation is the use of very different loads, time domains and movements.

Constant variation is one of the foundations of the CrossFit program

Define general physical preparedness (GPP) and identify the relationship of variance to GPP

GPP is broad, general and inclusive and variance creates this general condition

Building a strong work capacity across broad

time and modal domains.

By allowing variance principle to influence your programming, athletes are put on the path to high levels of general physical preparedness.

A 2K row and a max snatch both involve pulling, but one is about endurance and stamina, while the other is about strength and speed. Athletes adapt to such a diverse program because it is broad and ignores no aspect of fitness.

Explain the concept of ‘failing at the margins of your experience’ and how it relates to GPP and variance

Constant variance prepares you at your margins of experience to prevent failure at margins of experience

Articulate the difference between specialization and GPP

GPP is random and broad; specialisation is focussing on specific skills.

Identify common pitfalls of confusing specialization with GPP

Specialization creates “fringe athletes” in that their fitness demands are so specialized as to be
inconsistent with the adaptations that give maximum competency at all physical challenges.

Define intensity

Intensity is defined exactly as power, and intensity is the independent variable most commonly associated with maximizing favorable adaptation to exercise.

Simply put intensity brings about all the good results from working out. More work in less time means higher average power (force x distance / time = power). Higher average power means higher intensity. Higher intensity means better results.

Articulate and define the characteristics of functional movements

- Natural
- Universal Motor Recruitment Patterns UMRP
- Essential
- Safe
- Compound yet Irreducible
- Core to Extremity
- High-Power Producing

Define Natural movement

involves the movement of multiple joints for every activity

Universal Motor Recruitment Patterns UMRP

Simply put found in everyday life

to independent living & quality of life & inhibiting increpitude (nieudolność)


mechanically sound and therefore safe

Compound yet Irreducible

multi - joint movements;

You cannot breakdown into individual movements and get the same benefit (multi-joint movements)

Core to Extremity

mid-line stabilisation

High-Power Producing

load, distance and speed

Identify the definitive characteristic of functional movements

move a large load over a long distance & quickly

Articulate the descriptive characteristics of functional movements

Functional movements are universal motor recruitment patterns; they are performed in a wave of contraction from core to extremity;
and they are compound movements—i.e., they are multi-joint. They are natural, effective, and efficient locomotors of body and external objects.

Define and calculate work

Ability to perform real physical work as measured by Force x Distance

Define and calculate power

Time rate of doing work or Force x Distance/Time

Understand how relative changes in force, distance and time change power output

Physical output can be measured in terms of foot-pounds/min. We move our own bodies and we move external objects. We can measure how heavy those bodies and objects are, how far they travel, and in what time period. Your ability to move large loads, long distances, quickly, in the broadest variety of domains is fitness. And the ability to sustain that fitness throughout your life is a defining measure of health.

Describe how power is related to intensity

Power = Intensity

Intensity is the ability to produce power.

If you can run an 8 minute mile, then running an 8 minute mile isn't going to increase your threshold. Running a 7:30 mile will. Why?

Because power is force x distance / time

Articulate the relationship between intensity and results related to fitness goals

Power = Intensity = Results

Intensity brings results.