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61 Cards in this Set

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the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement

2 approaches to evaluating leadership effectiveness

1. unit-focused approach

2. dyad-focused approach


average responses across the group

dyad-focused approach

do not average responses to questions about relationship with leader - helps demonstrate the ingroup and outgroup

leader-member exchange theory (LMX)

theory describing how leader-member relationships develop over time on a dyadic (two part - employee and leader) basis

role taking

first phase in LMX

leader provides employee with job expectations and employee tries to meet those expectations

role making

phase of LMX

employee voices their own expectations for relationship -> free flowing exchange of opportunities and resources

2 dyads resulting from role taking and role making

1. high quality exchange

2. low quality exchange

high quality exchange

frequent exchange


high communication, mutual trust, respect, and obligation = more citizenship behaviour

effect of high LMX relationship on turnover

while leader is with org. employees less likely to leave

when leader leaves org, employees more likely to leave

what type of employees more likely to be in the ingroup

those who are competent, likeable and similar to the leader

racial similarity, age and gender have small impact compared to above factors

which cultures are development of high LMX most effective in

individualistic cultures

leader effectiveness

the degree to which the leader's actions result in the achievement of the unit's goals, the continued commitment of the unit's employees and the development of mutual trust, respect, and obligation in leader-member dyads (how well people do in a leadership role)

leader emergence

the process of becoming a leader; who becomes a leader in the first place

high conscientiousness and low agreeableness are linked to

leader emergence

low neuroticism is linked to

neither emergence or effectiveness

leader emergence is linked to lowness on which trait?

low agreeableness

4 decision making styles

1. autocratic

2. consultative

3. facilitative

4. delegative

consultative style

employees have a say in process, but leader makes decision

they ask for suggesstions/opinions of employees


leader presents problem to group and seeks to get consensus - their opinion weighted equally to everyone else's

act as a facilitator

delegative style

leader plays no role unless asked,

employees make decision within a set of boundaries

link between job satisfaction and decision participation and one caveat

incr involvement = incr job satisfaction

but employees don't like meetings & they're time consuming

time-driven model of leadership

should use the decision making styles to describe situations in which each style is most suitable rather than using the styles to describe leaders themselves

when to use autocratic style

insignificant decision and commitment not important

delegative style should be used when

employees have strong teamwork skills, unlikely to commit blindly to whatever decision the leader makes

2 categories of day-to-day leadership behaviour

1. initiating structure

2. consideration


originating, facilitating and sometimes resistiing new ideas


define the structure and wokr and clarify leader-member roles


setting goals and providing incentives for the effort and productivity of employees


creating job relationships based on mutual trust and respect

caring for employees welfare, treating them as equals


mixing with employees, stressing informal interactions, exchanging personal services


pleasant atmosphere, reducing conflict, promoting individual adjustment to the group


approve/disprove employee behaviour


acting on group's behalf, defending them, advancing their interests

inititating structure and consideration both improve overall unit performance but they are unrelated behaviours

yes, hard to predict level of one from the other

can think of as opposite ends of a spectrum

life cycle theory of leadership

optimal level combination of initiating structure and consideration depends on the readiness of employees in the work unit


degree to which employees have the ability and willingness to accomplish their specific tasks


working together for the first time - need role definition

telling (high structure, low consideration)


begun working, find it difficult

selling (high structure and consideration)

-support and encouragement and direction


learned to work together but still need support

parciptation - low structure, high consideration

leader shares ideas


employees ready for responsibility

delegating - low structure, low consideration

turns responsibility over

transformational leadership

insipring followers to commit to a shared vision that provides meaning to their work while serving as a role model who helps followers develop potential and view problems from new perspectives

transactional leadership

leader rewards or disciplines based on adequacy of follower's performance

passive management by exception (sticks)

no action until complaint

(if it aint broke dont fix it)

active management by exception

monitors mistakes and takes action when necessary

-focus on failure

contingent reward ( carrots)

rewards in exchange for adequate performance

out of the 3 types of transactional leadership, which is most beneficial to motivation and percieved leader effectiveness

1. contingent reward - supplying rewards (carrots)

passive management by exception hurts these outcomes

meaning--making process

leader emphasizes negative features of status quo while highlighting positive features of the potential feature

think MLK i have a dream - inspirtational motivational speech

transformational leadership strongly correlates with org. committment

increases affective commitment

transformational leadership moderatly positively correlates with job performance

increases motivation and citizenship behaviours

which can have higher beneficial effects:

leader or substitutes for leaders


organizational structure

how jobs and tasks are divided and coordinated between individuals and groups within the company

org chart

represents the jobs in the org. and the formal reporting relationships between them

wide span of control

flat org chart

narrow span of control

tall org chart

mechanistic organization

standardized organizations that thrive in stable enviornments

-high formalization, clear lines of authority/rigid chain of command, vertical communication, high work specialization, centralized decsion making, narrow spans of control

organic organizations

outward focuses orgs that thrive in dynamic organizations

-low formalization, weak or multiple chains of command, low level of work specialization, horizontal communication, wide span of control

Larger organizations become more


factors that influence the org. structure

1. business environment

2. company strategy

3. technology

4. company size

restruring weakly negatively correlates wiith job performance

increases uncertainty and stress

restructuring has a moderate negative correlation with organizational commitment

lowers affective commitment