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92 Cards in this Set

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SODA stands for?

Status Offender Detention Alternative

***Regulated by the Probation Department** MPP 50-02/040.30

PRIOR to a Sheriff Station detention of 601 WIC juveniles EXCEEDING 6 HRS, they must be released to whom?

Their parents OR placed in a SODA (Status Offender Detention Alternative, regulated by the Probation Department). MPP 5-02/040.30

Can a 601 WIC Sheriff Station detained juvenile be handcuffed or held in a secured cell?


**They SHALL NOT be handcuffed nor held in lockup.**

MPP 5-02/040.30

Is a PIT maneuver considered a traffic collision?

No, UNLESS a third party is struck in the process.

MPP 5-09/210.17

Can 300(c) WIC juveniles be detained in a SECURE holding cell?

Yes, they are emotionally unstable and could harm themselves or others.

Can 300 WIC juveniles be handcuffed while detained at the Sheriff Station?


**Except for 300 (c) WIC **

MPP 5-02/045.05

What is the 1st document a subject will receive advising that the allegations of the investigation are founded and that the department intends to impose discipline?

Letter of Intent

AIH-PG. 29

An employee requesting a SKELLY HEARING to contest the discipline of REDUCTION or DISCHARGE, is heard by whom?

Division Chief


Counterfeit currency is stored in the watch commander safe under the direct supervision of the watch commander, until such time as it is released, as soon as feasible, to who?

U.S. Secret Service

Juveniles, who are a 5585.5 WICs, who are a possible suicide risk, SHALL be immediately transported to the nearest available?

Probation Department facility

The DOC acronym refers to what entity?

**Activated for any war-caused emergency or natural disaster or threat thereof.

Department Operations Center

**Manager of the DOC is the EOC Team CHIEF who is in CHARGE of the emergency as the department INCIDENT COMMANDER.

All feasible steps shall be taken to properly refer juvenile cases to the proper social agency by utilizing what program, BEFORE COURT ACTION IS TAKEN?

Youth Diversion Program

SCR acronym?

Service Comment Report

PC for carrying a concealed firearm upon the person?

25400(a)(2) PC

***In a vehicle is 25400(a)(1) PC

**2020 Ca PC

What are the WIC codes declaring a juvenile (16-17 yr old) AND (14-15 yr old), detained for 602 WIC crimes of serious nature (murder, mayhem, VIOLENT FELONY etc), UNFIT for juvenile court and may be transferred to a criminal court?

707(a)(1) WIC (16-17) and 707(a)(2) WIC (14-15)

*Effective Jan 2019 (SB 1391)

In a deputy involved shooting, homicide bureau is responsible for preparing a comprehensive memo, concerning the facts of the incident, and it SHALL be available to the major department executives, when?

The NEXT BUSINESS DAY following the shooting.

**2020 MPP 3-10/470.00

What stat code is used to record when a driver flees from a deputy attempting to make a traffic stop, and the deputy cannot pursue due to pursuit policy restrictions.

Stat 767

How many hours does a custody inmate get for visitation per week?

The inmate gets 2 visits per week totaling no more than one hour.

How long must you wait to have relations with an inmate once they are released?

30 days.

UDAL acronym? (Custody Division)

Uniform Daily Activity Log

True or false. While in custody, a **MALE** inmate may have ONE of every undergarment, which will exchanged twice per week.


**2020 CDM 5-11/060.00

A **female** inmate may have ONE of each undergarment, exchanged twice each week, EXCEPT for how many panties?

2 panties

**1 bra, (NO T-shirts)

**2020 CDM 5-11/060.00

If you arrest a person on a Friday, and it's a holiday weekend, and the court is closed on Monday, how much time is your PCD good for?

48 hours, as normal.

**other wrong answers on previous tests were, 24 and 72 hrs**

On a consensual encounter, you ask a male if he wants to sit in the back seat while you run him. The male replies "sure," and sits in the back seat. You close the door to run the male. What type of contact is this?


**The male cannot freely leave when he wants to, because the door is closed. Other wrong answers on previous tests were consensual encounter, and arrest.

A female, 60 years old, who is mentally disabled and is missing for 24 hours. What should you ensure is completed?

Dental and Skeletal forms.

** Other wrong answers were MP report, and enter within 4 hours and notify detectives of mp.

Employees break out with meningitis, what action should you take as the sergeant?

Notify all staff of the break out without informing them of who the infected staff is.

**Other wrong answers were: Notify the unit commander. Isolate the infected staff. Contact DCS.

What is a WCSCR used for?

Department performance

**Other flashcards say the answer is "public feedback."**

As the field sergeant, what should you ensure you do when force is used on a suspect that is taken to the hospital for injuries?

Contact the doctor who shall perform a medical evaluation to determine if the suspect's complaint of pain is directly attributed to an identifiable injury (caused by deputy's use of force?)

Our department has been authorized by the state Department of Justice to assign and stamp new serial numbers on pistols, revolvers and long guns. All persons requesting new serial numbers shall be directed to whom?

Arson Explosives Detail

**Who will then conduct an investigation regarding the weapon and owner and initiate a first report. If the weapon and owner are cleared, a copy of the report and the weapon shall be delivered to the scientific services bureau, firearms identification unit who will assign and stamp the new serial number.

Once a suspect is tased, drive stun or hit by probe, what category of force is each? And, does the suspect have to be seen by hospital/medical staff for medical clearance prior to booking for either type of tasing?

Taser SHOT and probes HIT, CATEGORY 3. Drive stun is CATEGORY 2.

And YES, BOTH types of tasing, SHALL be seen by medical staff prior to booking.

If a suspect is hit with ANY specialized weapon projectile, MUST they be seen, examined, and treated by qualified medical personnel?


**Hit with a projectile such as an Arwen round, taser dart, stunbag, pepper ball projectile etc.

When trying to gain compliance from a suspect, and you ONLY SPARK the taser in a scare tactic, what documentation/notification has to be done for that action?

Only a detailed MDC log entry explaining your actions, is required.

Penal code for possession of an assault weapon?

30605(a) PC

Can sheriff vehicles block intersections during a code 3 response?

Yes, ONLY properly marked sheriff vehicles with lights and siren.

Any person who carries concealed upon the person any Dirk or dagger, is what code?

21310 PC

True or false? An inmate can be used to assist the nursing staff for medical and mental health record keeping.


How many hot meals have to be served within a 24 hour period in temporary holding, type I, type II, and type III facilities?


How much time is allowed for an inmate to consume their meal when they are not on a medical diet?

A minimum of 15 minutes

How often are inmates permitted to shower/bathe upon assignment to a housing unit?

At least once every other day, or more if possible.

**2020 CDM 5-13/040.00

How often are jail inmate washable items, such as sheets, mattress covers, and towels, exchanged?

At least once each week

An inmate described as a sentenced status one inmate is?

A person awaiting an arraignment, a hearing, or sentencing.

An inmate described as a Sentenced Status Two inmate is?

A partially sentenced inmate

** Incarcerated on multiple cases, but not sentenced on all cases.

An inmate described as a Sentenced Status Three inmate is?

A person who has been sentenced by a court to any jail, detention camp, or correctional institution.

An off duty deputy responds to court on a must appear subpoena. Upon arriving at court, he is told that his case was trailed to the following week. The deputy's travel time and court time total one hour. He is entitled to fill out an over time slip for how many hours?

3 hours

A deputy takes issue with an incident involving his immediate supervisor, but is uncertain whether to file a formal grievance. He has how many days to either discuss his complaint with his immediate supervisor or file a formal grievance?

10 days

A neighboring police agency would like one of your deputies to submit to an interview as a witness against 1 of their officers in a criminal investigation. Your deputy says that he is reluctant to be interviewed and asks you what his obligations are. He may?

Be ordered to cooperate by the SHERIFF or face insubordination charges.

What decision establishes procedures for the care and handling of 647F PC suspects.

Sundance decision

What search requires a person to remove or arrange some or all of his clothing so as to permit a visual inspection of the underclothing, breasts, buttocks or genitalia?

Strip search

What search is the physical intrusion into a body cavity for the purpose of discovering any object concealed in the body cavity, such as stomach, rectal, and vaginal cavities?

A physical body cavity search

What search is the visual inspection of a body cavity?

Visual body cavity search

All strip and cavity searches shall have prior approval from whom?

Watch commander

4030 PC RESTRICTS the strip/cavity searching of ? **MISD if violated without RS of weapon or contraband (WC to decide).

1. Prearraigned detainees when the detention is for a misdemeanor or infraction offense NOT involving weapons, controlled substances or violence.

2. Minors detained prior to a detention hearing when the offense does NOT involve weapons, controlled substances or violence.

During a strip search, if searching personnel believe a suspect may have contraband secreted within a body cavity, who determines whether the circumstances warrant a physical body cavity search?

The watch commander and he will make sure that a proper search warrant is obtained authorizing the physical intrusion into a body cavity.

True or false? Local detention system means all the local detention facilities that are under the jurisdiction of a city, county or combination thereof, whether publicly or privately operated.


In custody division, a facility administrator is also known as what Sheriff's department rank?


A temporary holding facility, used for the confinement of persons with a pending release, transfer or appearance in court, holds an inmate up to how many hours?

24 hrs or less.

A Type I facility means a local detention facility used for the detention of persons for not more than how many hours, excluding holidays after booking.

96 hours.

A Type II facility means a local detention facility used for the detention of persons that are?

Pending arraignment, during trial, and upon a sentence of commitment.

Type III facility means a local detention facility used only for what?

The detention of convicted and sentenced persons.

A Type IV facility means a local detention facility that detains who?

Work/education furlough inmates.

**Involves inmate access to the community

Supervisors overseeing Type I, II, III, AND IV facilities/jails, shall participate in how many hours of STC training?

80 hours

Custodial personnel are responsible for supervising inmates in, and supervisors of, a court holding or temporary holding facility, and shall complete how many hours of specialized training within the first 6 months of assignment?

8 hours

**With 8 hrs of refresher training every TWO YEARS

**2020 T15 pg. 23

The incident commander for a hazardous materials incident on state highways and streets in an UNINCORPORATED area of Los Angeles County, will be a representative from what department?


When a subject is relieved of duty (ROD), does a confidential Operational log entry need to be made to SHB?


A sworn member may be relieved of duty at any time when the allegations, if founded, might merit discipline in the form of what?

Demotion or Discharge

**2020 MPP 3-04/020.10

Are relieved of duty (ROD) personnel re-assigned to IAB?


What government code empowers the department to ORDER the officer to answer questions for administrative purposes or face disciplinary action for insubordination?

Gov Code 3303(e)

What admonishment is designated to ensure an officers 5th amendment right against self incrimination while preserving the employer's right to obtain information strictly limited to administrative purposes?

Lybarger Admonishment

Also known as "GARRITY."

**Given AFTER MIRANDA. Any statements made after the advisement, may be used for administrative purposes only and cannot be used against him criminally.

Who will conduct the initial complaint assessment for all sexual harassment complaints?

The Intake Specialist Unit

**2020 MPP 3-01/121.35

Any department member who believes he or she has been subjected to sexual harassment or retaliation or who has information about a possible sexual harassment or retaliation, is urged in reporting the matter to who (2 options) ?


**2020 MPP 3-01/121.45

A department member of one unit has a complaint of sexual harassment alleged to have been committed by an individual from a different unit. To facilitate prompt resolution of problems, the department recommends the complainant contact who?

The Intake Specialist Unit

In a formal grievance, if an employee believes the FIRST STEP (first level supervisor) has NOT resolved their problem, they may APPEAL to the next step (his third level of supervision, or to a designated middle management representative if the grievance is a supervisor) within HOW MANY DAYS?

5 business days

When a formal grievance is received, unit supervisors (Sgt.s and WCs) are required to immediately notify who (station level)?

The Unit Commander

**Who will then notify Bureau of Labor Relations and Compliance, Advocacy Unit.

**2020 MPP 3-02/150.15

True or false. An employee may present his grievance on county time?


An employee has how many business days to file a formal grievance from the occurrence OR knowledge of the occurrence of a grievable matter?

10 Business days

**2020 MPP 3-02/150.15

With the death of an employee's immediate family member, how many working hours per death does an employee get to take time off? And how long if the person that passed away is more than 500 miles away?

24 hours (3 days for 8 hr shift) or

40 hours (5 days for 8 hr shift) if over 500 miles away.

What performance classification/evaluation rating is given, where an employee shall either be discharged or reduced in classification?


Personnel whose absence from county service exceeds how many years, shall not be eligible for reinstatement?

2 years

**2020 MPP 3-02/130.00

True or false. All personnel required to qualify while off duty, shall be credited with a maximum of 2 hours of overtime, which includes travel time.


**So a maximum total of 2 hours OT, regardless of how long your travel time is**

**2020 MPP 3-02/290.10

The division chiefs may, without further approval, impose suspensions from 16 to ? days, or remove someone from what rank ? (WITHOUT FURTHER REVIEW ** KEY TERM**) for violations of manual of policy and procedures ?

30 days and Bonus rank

**2020 MPP 3-01/010.58

Captains may without further approval, impose written reprimands or suspensions up to how many days?

15 days

**2020 MPP 03-01/010.58

True or false. The use of the Search Operations Preparation Checklist is mandatory for all search operations?


**2020 MPP 5-09/465.20

True or false. Supervisors and managers are REQUIRED to report potential equity violations to the intake specialist unit even when a complaining or reporting party requests that no action be taken.


**2020 MPP 3-01/122.05

Are regular detectives or station detectives considered mandatory reporters (Policy of Equality procedures) per department policy?


(detectives are not working in a supervisory capacity **2011 Test question**).

**2020 MPP 3-01/122.05

True or false. Due to wide variations in roadways and conditions, speed limits cannot be established that will apply to all pursuits. Consideration should be given to terminating a pursuit or initiating surveillance mode when the deputy and/or suspects speed becomes unreasonable.


**2020 MPP 5-09/210.15

What is the authorized aerial surveillance of a suspect vehicle by Aero unit after ground units have ceased their vehicle pursuit operation?

Surveillance Mode

During an emergency CALL situation, regarding questions of jurisdiction and whos handle, how should it be handled/responded to?

By Responding code 3

**2020 MPP 5-09/200.20

A field unit that is in pursuit requests additional units join in the pursuit due to multiple suspects in the car. Who could authorize more than 3 units to engage in the pursuit?

The watch commander or the field sergeant.

Based on the department's definition of a pursuit, is it possible to be in a pursuit without ever activating the vehicles red light and sirens?


**Following a vehicle whose driver is attempting to evade, or has failed to yield after a reasonably short period of time whether accomplished with or without red lights and sirens sounding, regardless of terminology used to describe these acts, is also a pursuit.

True or false. The watch commander, aero unit, field supervisor, or primary unit is encouraged to employ surveillance mode as an operational tactic to allow the termination of a pursuit, whether or not unreasonably dangerous conditions exist.


In ALL cases of reported on duty injuries, supervisors shall provide the injured/ill employee with an Employee's Claim for Workers Compensation Benefits Form (DWC Form 1) within how many hours?

24 hours.

While in pursuit of a known stolen vehicle, the term "reasonably short period of a time" applies only to those pursuits where in the driver is not driving dangerously. If the suspect is driving recklessly or at excessive speeds, the pursuit shall be what?
