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98 Cards in this Set

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How many copies does an EPO have? Each copy goes where?


**1st copy goes to the court

**2nd copy goes to the restrained party

**3rd copy goes to the protected party

**4th copy remains with the report.

Random phone audits of the station call takers is sent to whom and how often?

Office of the Undersheriff and sent on a monthly basis.

A R on the in-service next to a deputy's name indicates what?

That he is on the response team.

An A next to a deputy's name indicates what on the in service?

That he is assigned an AR15.

Juveniles in possession of unopened alcohol containers, should be impounded and held for how many days?

7 days. If not claimed by the parents within those days, the container should be destroyed.

Who administers the telephone audit program?

Reserve Forces Bureau

**Random audits are conducted and the results are reported to the Office of the Undersheriff, on a monthly basis.

**2020 FOD 90-003

Who is responsible for conducting a citizens audit (calls for service) for each month under the service audit program?

A Lt.

A "call back audit" of a call for service (done by WC and SGT who listen to TWO calls per shift) must occur within what time frame from the time the call was taken?

Within 1 week

**OLD answer was 2 weeks

**2020 FOD 04-003

A "Z" on the in-service indicates the deputy is assigned what item?

An Arwen (37mm) or 40mm.

A W on the in-service next to a deputy's name indicates what?

He is trained in Weapons of Mass destruction.

Less lethal: What are two types of the 37mm that we have available for use?

Pan Arms SL6 Six shot and the SL1 single shot

Can a less lethal stun bag shotgun be carried in a vehicle shot gun rack inside the car when the rack allows for multiple shot gun mounts?

No, never. The stun bag shotgun must be carried in a specially marked case that is placed in the vehicle trunk.

Dispatchers must not delay calls for service by doing these two inappropriate things?

1. Stacking a TR car with calls while other cars are available to handle calls.

2. Assigning calls to cars with greater ETAs or they cannot respond, while other closer cars can respond.

Reserve mountain rescue members must be at what certification level?

EMT-1A certified with re-certification done every 2 years

Authority to take someone needing mental evaluation is granted under what WIC sections?

5150 for adult and 5585.5 for Juvy

Is a mental health facility required to hold a 5150 patient for 72 hrs?

No, they may be released earlier if the mental assessment team/doctor deems an early release is acceptable.

In an officer involved shooting, the Chief will be provided with what?

The Shooting Book

When can specialized tactical channels be used? Such as A-Tac or C-Tac or mutual aid etc?

These channels are restricted and cannot be used without the approval of SCC Watch Commander or supervising dispatcher. These channels are restricted to ensure the department personnel from all divisions have immediate access to a dedicated channel for priority needs. The use of these channels shall be in repeat mode unless directed otherwise by the SCC Watch Commander or when the circumstances prevent the repeat function from being used.

When can a watch commander deviate from policy?

When he has the approval of the SCC Watch Commander and the situation warrants the deviation from policy.

When an audio tape needs to be enhanced, who will provide the procedure?

Technical Operations Detail of Fraud & Cyber Crimes Bureau

**2020 MPP 5-07/230.20

When a LoJack hit on a stolen vehicle is received at a Sheriff patrol car and the location appears to be in a neighboring city, what should the patrol deputy do?

He shall request that the other city patrol officers assume the handle.

Can a deputy tell an individual who has multiple false alarm calls at their house, within 30 days, that we will not respond to future calls?

No, we will always respond but the false alarm coordinator may fine them for more than 3 false alarm calls.

Is it permissible for a deputy to transport a 5150 WIC patient to a private hospital?


What reports have to be written if a deputy detains a patient under 5150 WIC?

Sh-Ad-49 and 72 hr. hold for mental evaluation.

When does a station Watch Commander conduct an audit of the MDC?

He may randomly conduct MDC audits during his shifts and report any violations to the Unit Commander.

What is the scope of the Community Advisory Committee (non elected individuals and will not have a criminal history)?

They shall serve to act as a liason between their local Sheriff Station and the local community it serves. They will consult with the concerned station commander and staff on matters relating to public perception of law enforcement issues.

How often should the community advisory committee meet with the sheriff's station?

They should meet 4 times per year or quarterly.

What does 13700 P.C. define?

Definitions and specifics of domestic violence.

**This PC is used in the C-line for Sh-Ad-49 re Noncriminal Domestic Violence reports (where Deputy writes a report because he believes IMMINENT bodily harm may occur even though no crime has occurred).

C-line to read "Domestic Violence/Non-Criminal/13700 PC/449."

"R" - Used for caller/participant

"P" - Used for Non-caller/participant

"I" - Used for caller/NON-participant

**2020 FOD 10-005

13730(a) P.C. mandates what?

That all law enforcement agencies record/report all domestic violence calls, including weapons involved and strangulation/suffocation, supported by a written report.

**2020 Ca. PC

What penal code and what stat code are used on the C line of a crime report for non-criminal domestic violence?

The C Line will read "Domestic Violence (Non-criminal) 13700 P.C./NC/449

What penal codes are used to document criminal domestic violence?

273.5(a) Spousal Assault and 243(e)(1) P.C. Spousal Battery

What is required by the investigator in all criminal domestic violence cases?

The investigating detective shall present the case to the district attorney's office for filing including cases where the victim declines prosecution.

Juvenile steals a car and then runs into a mall. Should a K9 be deployed into the mall.

No, K9 deployment for GTA suspects is only allowed for adults.

Can a K9 be deployed on a 16 year old juvenile who fired rounds at a victim while committing a 211/245 P.C. and ran onto school grounds?

Yes, based on an armed 16 year old and a propensity towards violence.

What should station personnel state when handling non 911 phone calls? 3 things

1. Station name

2. Personnel name

3. How may I help you

If a juvenile claims he has been injured by law enforcement while in-custody, who will report the suspected child abuse? Where will the SCAR be forwarded?

Probation. The SCAR will be forwarded to ICIB for investigation.

Who SHALL the K9 services sergeant notify in the event of a K9 bite?

The on call Lieutenant from IAB

Is IAB required to respond to a K9 bite if the suspect requires overnight hospitalization?

No, they may respond based on the on call Lieutenants decision to respond.

K9 deployment is allowed for?

Felony suspects and armed misdemeanor suspects (also situations that would present a dangerous circumstance if deputy personnel were to conduct the search themselves).

What is the definition of a street gang?

Group of 3 or more persons who have a common identifying sign symbol or name or whose members individually or collectively engage in or have engaged in a pattern of criminal activity creating an atmosphere of fear in a community.

In ALL requests for a K9 unit, who must respond to the crime location?

The Sgt. of the station where the requesting deputy works, OR K9 supervisor.

All earthquake reports to the Department Operation Center (DOC), or County Emergency Operations Center (CEOC), shall be done via ?

EMIS - Emergency Management Information System

At a unit of assignment, who is responsible for pre-planning for the eventuality of an earthquake?

The Unit Commander

What is the initial role of field operations after an earthquake?

1. Conduct an initial survey of damage.

2. Serve as a reconnaissance function.

**Referring to field units

True or false. A City Resource Request form shall be completed for each contact or contract city making a request for resources. The report is used to request and track county resources.


What topics are to be included in the situation report after an earthquake? (3 answers)

1. Current operations

2. Anticipated operations

3. Anticipated needs

Consistency with the county emergency operations center (CEOC) and DOC activities, and the prompt collection of information and proper reporting should be ensured. Immediately after an earthquake, to ensure that all tasks and responsibilities are completed, what form(s) should be completed and by who?

1. "Station Watch Commander's checklist"

2. "Field Sergeant's Initial checklist"

**Wrong answer is Emergency Operations Checklist**

**2020 EOP 2-1/060.00

with copies of these checklists under Annex "J" and "K" of this section.

True or false. The station watch commander must ensure that all critical facilities are checked by field units after an earthquake.


Within the first 15 minutes of an earthquake, the SCC watch commander shall initiate damage intelligence reporting by contacting how many pre-designated sheriff's station watch commander's?


The EOB unit commander makes recommendations to the CEOC team chief whether or not to activate, the DOC, the CEOC (County Emergency Operations Center) and any ?

IMTs - Incident Management Teams

True or false. After an earthquake, on-duty Aero Bureau personnel shall be initially deployed at the direction of, and accept missions only, from the *CEOC* team chief.


**To do aerial surveys, to support ground surveys

**2020 EOP 2-1/090.00

True or false. During an air disaster, geographical conditions will dictate the agency with the highest priority in conducting emergency rescue operations.


**i.e. If the air crash occurs in the water, the United States Coast Guard will have the highest initial priority to find survivors. Conversely, if the air crash occurs on land, the local fire department will have the highest initial priority in rescuing survivors and extinguishing associated fires.

**2020 EOP 2-2/030.00

True or false. The "Federal Family Assistance Act" of 1996, was a plan to deal with aviation disasters. Its purpose was to assign responsibilities and delineate the federal and the airline company's response to an aircraft crash.


** It is the basic document for organizations to develop agency specific supporting plans and establish appropriate corresponding procedures.

**2020 EOP 2-2/030.10

In an air disaster, the overall investigative responsibility for all non-criminal, fatal, civilian aircraft accidents rests with ?

NTSB - National Transportation Safety Board

**To determine the cause of the accident

**Key word is "fatal." If NO fatality, then it is the FAA handle.

**2020 EOP 2-2/030.20

In an air disaster, where there exists an indication that the incident occurred as a result of any criminal activity, the responsibility for conducting the investigation rests with Homicide Bureau and ?


The LASD incident commander in all aircraft incidents, whether at land or at sea, shall be who ?

The WC of the STATION where the incident occurs

True or false. Following the initial emergency response, pieces of a FATAL airplane wreckage shall not be moved without the authorization of the Federal Aviation Administration.


**Authorized by NTSB

**2020 EOP 2-2/040.10

The ULTIMATE responsibility for response and management of an earthquake/event at STATION LEVEL, rests with who?

The WC

**Other wrong answers were CEOC Team Chief and Sheriff

**2020 EOP 2-1/ANNEX L

True or false. Media representatives are legally entitled access to the scene of an air crash except when the crash site is deemed a crime scene or a military aircraft is involved and national security may be an issue.


**If a military crash involving national security, ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT will be EXCLUDED from the crash site also.

**2020 EOP 2-2/040.50

SEMS stands for?

Standardized Emergency Management System

During an evacuation order under penal code 409.5 PC, if a person refuses to leave an area, what section could you arrest the individual on ?

148 PC

**409.5 is NOT clear whether law enforcement can force someone to evacuate an area. Should the need arise, an alternative would be to have an officer or fireman order the individual to leave the area. Should the individual refuse he then could be arrested under penal code 148.

**2020 EOP 2-06/040.00

Normally, the decision to evacuate an area (major disaster) is made by who ? (2 choices)

Fire Department AND/OR County Health Department

Timely notifications must be made to who ? when any evacuation is being considered or is occurring.


** Evacuation operations can be complex, time and resource consuming, and must often be conducted under critical time constraints.

**2020 EOP 2-06/050.10

EAS stands for?

Emergency Alert System

The purpose of EAS (Emergency Alert System) is to disseminate emergency information to the public using radio and ?

TV stations

**2020 EOP 2-6/050.30

The watch commander, who has the authority to request an emergency broadcast, shall notify who to activate the EAS (Emergency Alert System via local radio/tv) AND ENN (Emergency News Network via JDIC) ?


**SHB will make all of the appropriate notifications.

**2020 EOP 2-6/050.30

In regards to an on-highway hazardous spill, a "Unified Command" means commanding officers from both the Sheriffs department OR CHP, and who ? BOTH command the same incident together, ensuring the objectives of both departments are met.

Fire Department

**2020 EOP 2-6/070.40

True or false. A PATROL deputy CANNOT review a video of a Category 3 use of force (involved in OR witnessing) until the viewing has been authorized by the unit commander.


**Must be authorized by the HANDLING IAB LT. or when IAB does not have the handle, it must me authorized by the Homicide Bureau LT. OR Watch Commander if Homicide does not take the handle.

**2020 MPP 3-10/115.00

A "Y" on the in-service stands for ?


A "M" on the in-service stands for ?

Crisis Intervention Trained

A "V" on an in-service stands for?

SRT (Vital infrastructure)

Jailers shall conduct a safety check of every inmate in the station jail at least once every 30 minutes. Jailers shall conduct safety checks of designated minimum security dormitory housing (inmate worker housing areas) at least every 60 minutes. Inmate workers shall be COUNTED at least ? per SHIFT.


** WCs and Watch SGTs shall visually observe all inmates and visually inspect the jail and booking areas, twice per shift. (Has changed from once, which was on old tests).

**2020 CDM 6-07/000.00

What penal code allows a law enforcement officer to take a child into protective custody when there are conflicting custody orders or conflicting claims to custody and the parties can not agree which party should take custody of the child.

279.6 (a)(3) PC

**2020 Penal Code (other study info fails to include subsections).

When a female employee becomes pregnant, at what point during her pregnancy MUST she advise the department that she is pregnant and will need time off?

At 8 months

Following a known category 3 use of force incident, including deputy involved shooting, the on scene supervisor shall, once the scene is secured, do what 4 things regarding BWCs? **NOT DONE FOR CAT 1 & 2**

1. Take possession of all BWC's devices from involved personnel.

2. Power off the devices and secure them.

3. Turn the devices over to the handling lieutenant or watch commander.

4. Upload the video and secure the viewing rights, or ensure a member of the body worn camera unit (BWCU) does so.

**2020 MPP 3-06/200.55

For deputy involved hit shootings and in-custody deaths, who will authorize the review of video by the involved department member?

The handling Homicide Bureau Lieutenant.

**For non-hit shootings and Cat 3 use of force incidents, the IAB Shooting/Force Rollout Team Lt. will authorize the review of video by the involved dept. member.

**2020 MPP 3-06/200.55

True or false. The Watch Commander MUST give authorization FIRST, BEFORE any PIT maneuver can be performed.


**Can only be performed when ALL below factors are present, along with WC approval: ****Deputy must be trained in PIT***

1. PIT risk is less than threat to public.

2. Other means of apprehension are unsuccessful.

3. 2nd and 3rd deputy also MUST be present in pursuit for support.

4. 35 MPH or less for both deputy and suspect vehicle.

**2020 FOSS 20-001

For deputy involved hit shootings and in custody deaths, who will authorize the review of video (BWCs) by the involved department member?

Handling Homicide Lieutenant

**2020 MPP 3-06/200.55

For non-hit shootings and known category 3 use of force incidents, who will authorize the review of video (BWCs) by the involved department member?

The IAB force shooting response team LIEUTENANT.

**2020 MPP 3-06/200.55

For category 3 use of force incidents not handled by homicide or IAB, who will authorize the review of video (BWCs) by the involved department member?

Watch Commander

When a BWC recording clearly establishes that an allegation of misconduct is false, can the watch commander TERMINATE the WCSCR under the authority of "Watch Commander Discretion?"


** The watch commander should mark the Box on the WCSCR, "watch commander has personal knowledge the complaint is false." The watch commander shall state in a memorandum that they have reviewed the video and specifically why the video is the basis for the "false complaint" disposition.

**2020 MPP 3-06/200.58

All BWC recordings shall be retained for a minimum of how many years (not associated with an URN)?

3 years

**2020 MPP 3-06/200.73

All BWC recordings associated with a URN number and a statistical code which represents a 9 retention, shall be held for how many years?

9 years

**0 retention shall be held indefinitely

**2020 MPP 3-06/200.73

When does a temporary GVRO (Gun Violence Restraining Order) expire?

21 days from the date the order was issued. (**1 yr if permanent GVRO issued**)

**They have 24 hrs to surrender the firearms to L.E. (BOOKED AS SAFEKEEPING, NOT Surrendered) or a gun dealer.

**They have 48 hrs to submit proof of relinquishment to the court.

**2020 FOD 16-001

What is the MAXIMUM capacity for a Type 1 (station jail) booking cell and sobering tank?

Booking Cell - 10 bodies

Sobering tank - 15 bodies (8 bodies)

**This info is per FOD 86-012 which is outdated. Other answer, under CURRENT Title 24 (construction guidelines) say 8 persons allowed per sobering cell. 1 inmate for every 20 sq. Ft.)***

**Unless emergency conditions exist and WC approves (i.e. major disturbance bookings)

**2020 FOD 86-012 OR T24.

If there is a NEED to evacuate the station jail, who must give that order?

Watch commander

**2020 Rush Audio

NORMAL station visiting hours for inmate workers are when?

1000-2000 hours.

**UC may change station inmate worker visiting hours to begin 2 hrs later and end 2 hours earlier if necessary.

**2020 FOD 86-023 Rush Audio

In the event a gunshot residue test is desired, should the suspect be handcuffed with his hands in front?

Yes (and NEVER allow the suspect to wash his hands prior to the test).

** This deviation from policy is suggested in order to prevent the destruction of evidence and should be used in conjunction with other safety measures such as safety belt restraints, handcuffing to the belt, ect.

**2020 FOD 86-031

True or false. A GSR test should always be conducted AFTER booking the suspect.


** The test should be conducted as soon as possible and always prior to booking the suspect. The test can be conducted in the field or at the station.

**187 PC suspects will normally have the GSR done by HOMICIDE.

**2020 FOD 86-031

True or false. In all GSR cases, it will be required that the investigator contact the crime laboratory to communicate the case circumstances to accurately assess the need for analysis and REQUEST that it be tested. Without the request, the crime lab will return the GSR kit UNEXAMINED.


** All cases that are returned unexamined are clearly labeled as such.

**2020 FOD 86-031

Does IAB need to be immediately notified to investigate "allegations" of force?


** A supervisory inquiry must be conducted first. If the allegation is determined to be false, then IAB does not need to be notified. If the inquiry determines the allegation is true, then notify IAB if the force falls within the mandatory notification guidelines.

**2020 IAB Brochure

Who staffs the 1-800 complaint line during business hours?


** They also compile data for all shootings involving department personnel (I.E. hit, non hit, accidental discharge, warning shots, and animal shootings.)

**2020 IAB Brochure

Who EVALUATES every shooting and force incident, when an IAB Force/Shooting Response Team is required to respond?

EFRC - Executive Force Review Committee

**2020 IAB Brochure

Who is responsible for conducting "administrative reviews" (gathering of all facts for later review by EFRC) of all deputy involved shootings and policy mandated significant use of force incidents?

The Force/Shooting Response Team

**2020 IAB Brochure

How many IAB Force/ Shooting Rollout Teams are there? **Comprised of 1 Lt. and up to 6 Sgts**

4 Rollout Teams

*Where EACH team is on-call ONE week per MONTH

**AND 5th team conducts policy of equality/equity investigations.

**2020 IAB Brochure

The IAB department consists of 1 capt., 1 Ops Lt., 5 Team Lts., and how many Sgt. investigators?

30 Sgts. (Usually 6 per team)

Can an inmate currently imprisoned in a STATE PRISON, convicted of a felony, VOTE?


BUT, a convicted misdemeanor inmate sentenced to county jail, CAN VOTE!

**If on PAROLE for a felony, they CANNOT VOTE.

**2020 CDM 6-14/090.00

True or false. A lineup of juveniles DOES NOT require an court order.


** A court order MUST be obtained for the lineup