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104 Cards in this Set

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In cases where sheriff's department personnel must take action when there is an immediate physical threat, members shall?

Members shall communicate tactical considerations with the intent of preventing the use of force.

What type of incidents require a tactical plan, predicated on preventing a use of force?

1. Planned tactical operations.

2. Service of warrants.

3. Parole compliance searches.

4. Tactical cell extractions.

5. Prolonged passive resistance.

** A supervisor shall be present during planned tactical operations**

What should department members try to do prior to using force?

De-escalate confrontations through tactical communication, warnings, and other common sense methods.

What category of force is it when you break a suspect's nose, finger, or toe, during a use of force incident?

Category 2.

**It does not rise to the level of skeletal fractures in category 3**

When a department member is compelled to use force in order to prevent harm from occurring to medical staff, professional staff or any non-department member? This UOF is called?

Rescue Force

When a department member restrains an individual under the immediate direction and supervision of medical staff, any force used in such instances shall be classified as what?

Medical assistance force

When feasible, a use of force report should be reviewed and approved by whom?

The supervisor whom the force was initially reported to.

Force used against a group who are not arrested and cannot be identified, shall be documented how?

The deputy (deputies) reports the use of force to the on scene supervisor (squad Sgt). The squad Sgt. completes the "Supervisors Report on Special Operations" (EOP 4-4, Annex D, pgs. 3-4) describing his and ALL the actions of the personnel under his command. That report then gets turned in to the Lieutenant (MFF platoon commander in charge of his 4 squads). The LT. then completes the SAME Supervisor's Report on Special Operations (EOP 4-4, ANNEX D, pgs 1-2) and submit's it to the incident commander (IMT Commander, rank of Commander) for his review.

**2020 EOP 4-4/070.50

All field personnel's initial use of force reports, required by the use of force policy, shall be completed when?

Prior to the members going off duty, unless approved by the watch commander or supervising lieutenant.

What are the 3 outcomes or options the unit commander has at the end of an allegation of force inquiry?

1. Close inquiry, actions within policy

2. Initiate an administrative investigation, based on misconduct

3. Initiate a criminal investigation based on reasonable suspicion of a crime.

When can deputies involved in force, transport the suspect?

Almost never.

** Only in emergent circumstances and if done, a detailed justification shall be made in all supervisor reports.**

When force is used and the suspect must be transported to LCMC, IRC, CRDF, or twin towers, who shall interview the suspect prior to transport?

The WC or supervising lieutenant shall arrange to conduct the interview/video taping, at the booking site.

ANY TYPE (arwen, taser, stunbag, etc.) of force SHOOTING, where the suspect is hit, is what category of force?

Category 3

What category level of force is it when the suspect gets ADMITTED into the hospital?

Category 3

What category of force is a drive stun tazing?

Category 2

In incidents involving the total appendage restraint procedure, TARP, the supervisor shall ascertain the following 6 things?

1. How long restrained

2. EMS agency that responded

3. Body position of TARPed suspect while in transport to hospital

4. Length of transport

5. Suspects psychological/physical condition during transport

6. Suspects drug usage or allergies/previous medical conditions.

The WC shall with extreme priority, personally examine a suspect whom force has been used on, with the exception of what category of force incidents?

Category 3 force incidents

**IAB will most likely do the interview/investigation

Should participants, witnesses or supervisors, who directed the force be present during the WC interview of the suspect?


What should be stated on the tape prior to the suspects force interview?

Time, date, location, along with names, rank, and employee numbers of all persons present.

In a directed force incident, who determines who will handle the initial force investigation?

The WC.

** If a non-involved supervisor from the unit is available, they should complete the investigation

In a directed use of force incident, if another supervisor is assigned to investigate the force, does the directing supervisor document his actions?

Yes, in a supplemental report or memo.

In cases where a Sgt. has reviewed a use of force video and determined evidence of misconduct, or the department member failed to make proper notification, and reported it to the WC, what shall the watch commander do?

Contact the unit commander, who shall decide if an administrative or an IAB investigation is warranted.

**2020 MPP 3-09/070.10

In cases where a supervisor has reviewed video and determined evidence of misconduct, or the department member failed to make proper notification, and THEN the unit commander determined that NO admin nor IAB investigation is warranted, who completes the investigation?

The WC

How many days does the WC have to submit a force review package to the unit commander?

21 days

Who determines if IAB force shooting team response is appropriate?

IAB lieutenant

Who shall the WC notify verbally, if IAB force team responds?

The unit commander

Can deputies involved in, or a witness of a shooting, consult with legal counsel prior to being interviewed by department investigators?

Yes, one at a time

The equity oversight panel is an independent panel under contract with who?

The board of supervisors

Who is the department's liaison with the equity oversight panel?

The Equity Commander (rank of Commander).

** The department's point person in all equity matters and matters involving the Bureau of Labor Relations and Compliance.

If a deputy fails to qualify with his on duty weapon, within the trimester, how many calendar days does he have to complete remedial firearms training?

30 days

Is a deputy required to carry a weapon off duty?

No, it is at his discretion.

The sheriff's department allows their employees to work outside employment as long as they have a competent performance evaluation or higher, and work no more than how many hours per week for the outside job?

24 hours

What should be used to remove flex cuffs?

Dike type cutters and a knife as a last resort.

Who must give prior approval for the use of restraints (for an inmate who may harm himself or others and/or is extremely destructive of property) and who (2nd person) SHALL personally supervise the application of the leather restraints?

The Watch Commander gives approval and a Sgt. supervises the application of the restraints placed on the inmate by medical staff.

**2020 Title 15 Sec. 1058

If a deputy receives an outstanding performance evaluation, who MUST sign the evaluation under "department head."?

The employees Unit Commander (Captain)

How many days can deputy personnel be suspended and also be allowed to retain their department identification and county weapon at the discretion of the unit commander?


**They cannot retain their weapon nor ID when suspended.

All county employees are governed by the rules of the LOS ANGELES COUNTY CODE, TITLE 5 (civil service rules) AND TITLE 6 (salaries), and MOU in respect to the terms and conditions of their employment. Which TITLE establishes Minimum Standards for Local Detention Facilities?

Title 15

Can department employees have a supervisory/subordinate relationship within the same unit?


INQUIRIES and INVESTIGATIONS can take any of the following forms (4 possibilities):

1. Supervisory Inquiry

2. Service Comment Report

3. Administrative Investigation

4. Criminal Investigation (IAB)

Is the Office of The Ombudsperson a COMPLAINT intake unit?


**The Ombudsperson Unit responds to DEPARTMENT MEMBERS QUESTIONS about department policy and procedures, and provides information about their rights and responsibilities and complaint and investigation procedures concerning EQUITY matters.

On page 2 of the 49, where you check off the screening factors (suspect in custody, suspect named/known, unique suspect identifiers, vehicle in custody, unique vehicle identifiers, writer/reviewer discretion), If the first 5 screening factors are checked off, it has been determined that the case has what probability of being solved?

HIGH probability

What is the minimum amount of the first six check off screening factors, on the back of the 49, that will make it an active investigation? How many?


All reports written by department members are considered official documents and shall be imaged. The only exception to this policy are what type of reports?

Confidential reports.

A Catalina ferry is midway between the island and Long Beach Harbor, 13 miles out, and 2 men get into a fight. One of the men kills the other. Who will have primary jurisdiction over the investigation of the incident?

The United States Coast Guard

** All boating accidents and/or incidents which occur on the waters outside this state's jurisdiction are the exclusive responsibility of the US coast guard.

**2020 170 & 171 GC specify under state law, California's territorial boundaries extend three nautical miles.

No consideration shall be given to allow an inmate holding a department employee hostage to escape under any circumstance from a custody facility, detention area, or prisoner transportation vehicle. Any exception to this policy must be personally approved by who?

The Sheriff, Undersheriff, or appointed Assistant Sheriff.

**2020 MPP 5-06/110.00

IRC has functional supervision over the reception Unit at CRDF, and the booking functions at?

1. LAC/USC medical center jail wards

2. And the booking functions at all sheriff's stations.

**MPP 5-03/005.05

A certificate of release (SH-AD-516) will be issued when an officer is satisfied that there are insufficient grounds for making a criminal complaint against the person arrested. What penal code is this?

849(b)(1) PC

A certificate of release (SH-AD-516) will be issued when the person was only arrested for being under the influence of a controlled substance or drug, and the person is delivered to a facility or hospital for treatment, and no further proceedings are desirable. What penal code gives this authority?

849(b)(3) PC

A certificate of release, SH - AD - 516, will be issued when the person arrested was arrested for intoxication only, and no further proceedings are desirable. What penal code gives this authority of release?

849(b)(2) PC

Main inmate law libraries shall be maintained at which 3 facilities?

1. MCJ



What mobilization phase requires total mobilization of the entire department?

Phase IV

Who is normally the department incident commander in a PHASE IV mobilization?

A Division Chief

What is an order directed to the sheriff, to bring a prisoner before a designated court called?

Writ of Habeas Corpus

**In Latin, it means "show me the body"

Who can void a citation, also known as a notice to appear?

Hard lieutenant

True or false. Handcuffs may be placed on the prisoner with his hands in front to allow him to be placed on a stretcher.


Qualified sign language interpreters can be obtained by placing a call to who?


TDD stands for?

Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf

Upon a death (private citizen, NOT custody facility), the notification of next - of - kin shall be the responsibility of?

Homicide bureau

True or false. Department personnel who are not physicians shall not pronounce persons dead or use the phrase "the victim was pronounced dead" in department reports unless the victim was so pronounced by a physician.


In order to release a firearm to the owner or his legal representative, at the station, it must be authorized by whom?

Lieutenant AND I/O's approval recorded in PRELIMS as "Ready to Release To Owner."

**2020 MPP 5-04/180.30

What will be the designated call identifier for any aircraft with the Sheriff on board?


How often shall a county jail inmate's socks and undergarments be exchanged EACH WEEK?


**Outergarments are exchanged once per week.

Custodial personnel and supervisors in charge of court holding or temporary holding facilities shall complete an 8 hour REFRESHER course how often?

Once every two years.

What is administrative segregation?

The physical separation of different type of inmates from one another.

A person who is detained in a court holding cell, shall not be detained there, for a period longer than how many hours?

12 hours.

The term FACILITY/SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR, charged with the administration of a local detention/system, is usually an official of what rank?

1. Sheriff

2. Chief of Police

3. Chief of Probation

4. Other official given top title

The FACILITY MANAGER is also known as?

The Jail Commander (Captain)

Deputy personnel assigned to a custody unit are classified and defined as what?

Custodial personnel

Title 15 allows a facility administrator to temporarily suspend any of its specified standards/requirements in certain emergent situations. After how many days of suspension must they notify the board of corrections, in writing, to advise them of this suspension?

3 days

** Suspensions lasting for more than 15 days, require approval of the CHAIRPERSON of the board. Such approval shall be effective for the time specified by the chairperson.

What TYPE ? of correctional facility is a station jail classified as?

Type I

What is the minimum number of hours per week a county jail inmate is to be given for the option of exercise and recreation?

3 hours

After an earthquake, deputies have to check DISASTER ROUTES as their PRIMARY CRITICAL FACILITY CHECKs. Where can these CRITICAL routes/street listings be found?

EOP 2-1 ANNEX I, Zone #5 (for Lancaster Station)

**Emergency Operation Plans, ANNEX (at the end of the section).

After an earthquake, what are the watch sergeant's 5 duties?

1. Determine the condition of desk and other station personnel and arrange for rescue or 1st aid for injured personnel or prisoners.

2. Assist WC with facility inspection, activation of station EOC and with notifications and completion of forms/reports.

3. Confirm station desk is printing out earthquake related calls, observations and messages or documenting on paper.

4. Start a critical facilities log. Confirm that all critical facilities have been checked by field units and their disposition.

5. Assist with planning for operations identified during the intelligence gathering and begin evaluating the needs for 12 and 12 scheduling

Are qualified custody personnel allowed to use special weapons without direct supervision?


**If an inmate poses a substantial threat of injuring another person, a deputy may use a special weapon without supervision.

Can deputies fire warning shots with a special weapon?


**Not under any circumstance

CDM 7-08/040.00

Who can authorize directed force?

Sergeant or above

What must a deputy do when a suspect who has been TARPED, stops breathing?

Remove the TARP and handcuffs, but leave the legs hobbled, start CPR.

What are 6 types of less lethal weapons that the sheriff's department utilizes?

1. Baton launching system

2. Taser

3. Stunbag

4. Pepperball launcher

5. Noise/flash Bang

6. Chemical agents

What is the minimum range for either a low energy or standard energy 37 MM round that is fired at a suspect?

Either round is 3 feet.

The minimum range for a 40 mm baton round is how many feet if it is skip fired, and how many feet for direct fire?

SKIP fire is 3 feet

DIRECT fire is 5 feet.

**Target zone is LOW CENTER MASS

**MPP 5-06/040.15

The ARWEN is a 5 shot baton launcher that shoots what size projectile?

37 MM

**Minimum range is 3 feet for low and standard energy rounds!

The less-lethal Pan Arms SL1 (single shot) AND SL6 (six shot), fire what size projectile?

37 MM

Does a supervisor have to authorize the use and deployment of an AR15?


**Qualified AR15 users can determine when to deploy. Log entry only documenting deployment.

**2020 MPP 5-09/170.20

When a magazine for the AR15 is loaded, how many rounds should be in a 30 round magazine? And a 20 round magazine?

28 rounds and 18 rounds.

**Always two rounds less than full capacity

An AR15 will be deployed with a minimum of how many magazines?

7 magazines

**Loaded with 28 rounds (in 30 round capacity magazines). 196 rounds.

If you have an AR15 with you, how SHALL it be carried?

*Safety ON

*Magazine loaded in the weapon

*No round in the chamber

*Bolt closed.

While rolling code 3, a deputy should drive with what?

DUE REGARD for the safety of all.

While driving code 3, vehicle speed should not exceed what? (The definition AND vehicle code? NOT the MPH)

That which is reasonable and prudent and within restrictions imposed by section 22350 CVC. This will often be LESS THAN THE POSTED SPEED LIMIT.

**2020 MPP 5-09/200.30

Who will respond to investigate ANY COLLISON, which results from a pursuit, code 9, surveillance mode, and/or code 3 operation, including but not limited to:

1. A department vehicle being involved

2. Suspect vehicle being involved

3. And a 3rd party motorist involved as a direct result of the pursuit and/or code 3 operation

TSD-Specifically the Traffic Collision Response Team

**2020 MPP 05-05/010.00

What is the traffic occurrence called, when a private citizen alleges that he had a collision (property damage and/or personal injury) caused by some act of the department's deputy/vehicle, which did NOT become engaged in the collision.

Called an INCIDENT

**NO department vehicle damage

A collision/incident or work damage that occurred while the department vehicle was being driven defensively or used in a reasonable, prudent manner and the employee had NO opportunity to avoid the collision or work damage, shall be categorized as what?


All administrative investigations, whether investigated by the unit or IAB, shall be completed in how many calendar days before the expiration of the statute date (the 1 year time limit) for SWORN AND *NON-SWORN*?

120 Days BEFORE (Sworn)

240 Days BEFORE (Non sworn)

**2020 MPP 3-04/020.30

When a unit commander or the advocacy services unit requests further investigation, IAB should return the case in how many calendar days?


In shooting and force reviews, the review should be completed by IAB in how many calendar days?


In shooting and force reviews, the review should be completed by IAB in 30 calendar days. A copy of shooting and force review cases are forwarded to the training bureau for a training analysis. This analysis should be returned to the Executive Force Review Committee within how many calendar days for RELIEVED OF DUTY and NON-RELEIEVED OF DUTY personnel?



Shooting and force review cases which require review by the executive risk review committee, should be scheduled for review by committee members within how many calendar days?


Are service comment reports used for internally generated complaints?


Any adult or detained juvenile has a right to make how many calls within what time frame?

3 calls in 3 hours.

**BUT, if the question just says "juvenile", the answer should be 3 calls within 1 hour (**2020 CDM 6-09/050.00)

A female prisoner held for more than ? hours, shall upon request, be allowed to continue birth control measures prescribed by her physician?

24 hours

**2020 CDM 6-05/080.00

All female arrestees who have given birth within how many ? months, and are charged with murder, or attempted murder of her infant, require a special medical disorder assessment. The inmate shall be transported to CRDF as soon as possible so that she can be assessed for postpartum psychosis.

12 months

**2020 CDM 6-05/080.00

There should be no more than how many ? hours between inmate meals, OR supplemental food SHALL be provided?

14 hours

**2020 CDM 5-13/010.00

Should an inmates continuous uncooperative, violent, or self destructive behavior result in the inmates CONTINUOUS placement in the safety chair for a period of time exceeding 8 hours, who ? shall consult with healthcare staff for their assessment of any potential healthcare concerns and determine whether the inmate can be safely removed from the safety chair.


**2020 CDM 7-03/040.00

A pepperball gun may be fired at an inmate at a minimum of how many feet?

3 feet (Fired at abdominal area and below)

**2020 CDM 7-08/020.00

A custody food sample tray shall be kept for how many hours?

72 hours