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📍 the documents showing the history of a place, organization, or family, or the place where these are kept:

1- The archives of the museum are filled with interesting documents and artefacts. القطع الأثرية

2- We now have an online archive of records which can be accessed by the public.

3- The city archives contain birth, marriage and death certificates.

📌archivist المسؤول عن الأرشيف )أركفيست)


artefact / artifact

📍 an object that is made by a person, such as a tool or a decoration, especially one that is of historical interest:

1- The museum holds more than 1,000 artefacts from Ancient Rome.

2- He was an illegal trader تاجر in ancient artefacts.

3- It was a priceless historical artefact

شَيْءٌ من صُنْعِ الإِنْسان


إيكس كفيت

📍 to remove earth that is covering very old objects buried in the ground in order to discover things about the past:

1- A new expedition is again excavating the site of the ancient Viking settlement.

2- Archaeologists اركيولجست ( علماء الآثار ) excavated the skeletal remains بقايا الهيكل العظمي of an early human in Indonesia.

3- They excavated the site of a dried up river and found many interesting artefacts القطع الأثرية .

📌N: excavation

الحفر للبحث عن الآثار


📍 features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, that were created in the past and still have historical importance:

1- Historic buildings are part of our unique heritage.

2- The concert celebrates the rich heritage of Russian folk music. الموسيقى الشعبية

3- It is important to protect our heritage for future generations.




📍 relating to human society at a very early stage of development, with people living in a simple way without machines or a writing system:

1- His book is a study of the primitive societies of the Pacific islands.

2- He has studied the health of many primitive tribes of Central America




📍 a period of 1,000 years, or the time when a period of 1,000 years ends:

1- Many Japanese companies are unsure whether they will survive the new millennium.

2- There were parties all over the world as people celebrated the new millennium

📌- millennia آلاف السنين ( (الجمع) ملينيا

الف عام

Renaissance النطق

رينسانس/ ريني سانس 🇬🇧

📍 from or relating to the period when there was a new increase in interest and activity in art, literature, and ideas in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries:

1- You can view many great Renaissance masterpieces in the art gallery. صالة عرض

2- Science took a new and different turn during the Renaissance.

3- Renaissance art is typified تتميز by a particular style of painting

عصر النهضة





📍 a comparison تشبيه of the features or qualities of two different things to show their similarities:

1- The term ‘social capital’ الرأسمالية الاجتماعية was coined by analogy with the conventional تقليدي use of the word to mean financial assets.

2- You can make an analogy between the courses of the planets كواكب and two trains traveling in the same direction.

-He drew an analogy between the brain and a vast computer.

-It is sometimes easier to illustrate an abstract concept by analogy with (= by comparing it with) something concrete. شيء مادي (كنكريت)

- He made an analogy between flying a kite and fishing. [=he compared flying a kite to fishing; he said that flying a kite was like fishing

📌N: analogous


nuance النطق


📍 a very small difference in color, tone, meaning, etc.

1- We can use our eyes and facial expressions to communicate every subtle nuance of emotion there is.

2- If you read the Koran القران in translation, you miss the nuances الفروق الدقيقةof the original language.

- Actors have to study the nuances of facial expression to show the whole range of emotions.

فارق بسيط/ فارق دقيق

coin (v)

📍 to create (a new word or phrase) that other people begin to use:

1- She coined the term ‘virtual reality’ الواقع الافتراضي and pioneered باينيرد ( رائد) its early development.

2- Simone de Beauvoir first coined the phrase ‘women’s liberation’ in her book, The Second Sex.

يخترع كلمة أو عبارة

connotation النطق


1- In Norse mythology, Hell is the realm of the dead عالم الموتى , but the name doesn’t carry the negative connotations which Christianity later placed on it.

2- ‘Urchin’, with its connotation of mischievousness, may not be a particularly apt ملائم word.

- "Resolute" حازم means stubborn, but with a more positive connotation.




📍 (of words and phrases) used not with their basic meaning but with a more imaginative meaning, in order to create a special effect:

1- Most poems are written in figurative language.

2- It’s an event that will change your life in both the literal and the figurative sense. المعنى المجازي




📍 The literal meaning of a word is its original, basic meaning:

1- People there are fighting, in a literal sense بالمعنى الحرفي , for their lives.

2- The concert ended with a bang انفجار in the most literal sense. بالمعنى الحرفي

3- A literal translation of the word is ‘walls’.

- The literal meaning of "television" is "seeing from a distance".

- You will need to show more than just a literal understanding of the text.

📌Adv: literally




📍 a word or phrase for one thing that is used to refer to another thing in order to show or suggest that they are similar

1- The writer’s use of metaphor is very fitting ملائم for the topic.

2- If you want to explore music as a metaphor for society, this book is the place to start.

3- He goes further, extending يمتد the metaphor beyond the game itself to the business of the NFL. دوري القدم الأمريكي

-Her poems include many imaginative metaphors.

📌N: metaphorical

تشبيه ( ارجع للتعريف)

* مثل لما تقول لواحد جبان يالدجاجة ، فهو ليس دجاجة في الحقيقة




📍 a lot of people or things in small area:

1- Where Bucharest now stands, there was once a large, dense forest.

3- Singapore is an area of dense population.

2- Small mammals such as mice like to live in dense undergrowth. أشجار متشابكة

📌 adv: densely


* قد تأتي بمعنى غبي

porous النطق


📍 having small holes that allow air or liquid to pass through:

1- The local limestone حجر الكلسis highly porous.

2- Rough porous surfaces will soak up paint more quickly than smooth, sealed surfaces.الأسطح المختومة

3- The porous rock in the area leads to the creation of many small streams.


permeable النطق


📍 If a substance is permeable, it allows liquids or gases to go through it:

1- A number of products have been developed which are permeable to air and water.

2- Permeable membranes الأغشية are thought to have tiny pores المسام which allow the rapid flow of water.

3- The rainfall quickly soaked into the permeable rock.

- Certain types of sandstone are permeable to water.

مادة تسمح للسوائل والهواء أن تدخلها

(تشبه الكلمة اللي قبل )


fiber/ us

📍a thin thread of natural or artificial material that can be used to make cloth, paper, etc.

1- If you look at paper under a microscope you will see the fibres.

2- There is a variety of colored fibre in the cloth.

3- Experts warn that inhaling just one asbestos استبوس fibre can cause cancer




📍 one of the parts that a substance or combination is made of:

1- Caffeine كافيين is the active constituent of coffee.

2- The main constituents were lemon juice and syrup. سرب (شراب مركز)

3- These constraints القيود force its constituent minerals to change their atomic structure.

جزء / عنصر/ مكون

raw النطق

روو uk/ را us

📍 (of materials) in a natural state, without having been through any chemical or industrial process:

1- We import يستورد raw materials and export mainly manufactured goods.

2- In the port are two ships carrying raw sugar from Cuba.

3- The raw sewage مياه المجاري from the pipes had leaked into the river


debris النطق


📍 the pieces that are left after something has been destroyed:

1- Rescue workers routed traffic around the debris from the explosions.

2- A number of people were killed by flying debris.

3- Road sweepers مكنسة cleared the street of debris





📍 a particular number or amount that never changes:

1- The constants of nature ثوابت الطبيعة are certain numbers that describe the laws of physics.

2- Two significant constants have been found in a number of research studies.

3- The most widely known constant is the speed of light


* اذا أتت في سياق غير الرياضات قد يكون معناها مستمر



📍to take away an amount or part from a total:

1- The company deducted this payment from his compensation. تعويضات

2- Up to 5% of marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes.

3- Taxes will be automatically deducted at the end of the month

📌N: deduction

يخصم/ يطرح

Integer النطق


📍a whole number and not a fraction:

1- Prime numbers الأعداد الأوليةare positive موجبة integers that can only be divided by themselves and one.

2- They asked patients to score the degree of discomfort عدم ارتياحon a 0-6 integer scale.

3- Choose an integer between 1 and 9.

عدد صحيح ( وهو عدد يمكن كتابته بدون استخدام الكسور أو الفواصل العشرية)


📍a number that results from dividing one whole number by another:

1- Only a fraction of the work was completed on time.

2- A quarter, or 1 over 4, is a fraction.

3- Multiply the fraction by a whole number. عدد صحيح

- ¼ and 0.25 are different ways of representing the same fraction.


* أو جزء في سياق اخر

median النطق


📍 The median value is the middle one in a set of values arranged in order of size:

1- The median sentence for hard drugs offenses increased from 150 days in 1982 to 240 in 1986.

2- Pessimists. المتشائمون point out that the median price for new homes has slipped.

3- The median age for retirement has increased to 67.

متوسط adj

العدد الاوسط n


📍 a mean number is an average number:

1- Take a hundred and twenty values and calculate the mean.

2- The mean score for 16 year olds is 87%.

3- What is the mean age of entrants into the army?




📍 (especially in mathematics) a formal statement that can be shown to be true by logic:

1- This was the central mathematical theorem underpinning يدعم his entire theory.

2- The theorem is hard to prove.

3- It can take years of effort to prove some theorems.

نظرية ( خصوصا في الرياضيات)

🛑🛑 Opinions 🛑🛑



📍 a statement that you strongly believe is true:

1- This concrete كونكرت evidence (أدلة ملموسة/مادية) to support assertions that the economy is contracting. ينكمش / يتقلص

2- She challenges the assertion that participation in organized sport teaches children teamwork.

3- He made a confident assertion that the company would grow next year.




📍 a guess about something based on how it seems and not on proof:

1- That was merely مجرد conjecture, not fact.

2-,Ozone creation is a very large scale natural process and the importance of human attempts to reduce it are a matter of conjecture.

- There's been a lot of conjecture in the media recently about the marriage.

يخمن / حدس



📍 an opinion expressed in an argument:

1- This evidence supports the contention that the outbreak اندلاع of violence was prearranged.

2- There is sufficient evidence to support this contention.

3- They holds the contention that no student should be compelled مجبور to pay for tuition fees.



📍 a fixed, especially religious, belief or set of beliefs that people are expected to accept without any doubts:

1- Their religious dogma has blinded them to the real needs of the people.

2- He is fighting to free the country from the grip of dogma.

3- They are now questioning the dogma of the ruling elite. الطبقة الراقية

📌 Adj: dogmatic



📍 an opinion about something, esp. one that is publicly expressed:

1- The Congress has agreed to reconsider اعادة النظرits stance on the war.

2- The Swiss سويسري frequently maintain a neutral(نيوتروال) محايد stance in international affairs.

3- His stance towards the news story is similar to mine.



Skeptic (us)


📍a person who doubts the truth or value of an idea or belief:

1- He was a born sceptic.

2- She now has to convince sceptics that he has a serious plan.

3- Anyone who is sceptical of global warming and its consequences simply need to look at the evidence.

📌Adj: sceptical




📍 the activity of guessing possible answers to a question without having enough information to be certain:

1- The prime minister has dismissed رفض speculation about his plans to resign.

2- I have published my speculations about the future in my latest book, The World In 2100.

3- There are speculations that he might have died from a blow to the head

📌V: speculate




compelling النطق


📍 If a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it makes you believe it or accept it because it is so strong:

1- All the evidence makes a suicide verdict the most compelling answer to the mystery of his death.

2- The evidence was so compelling that the government was forced to make the change.

3- He made a very compelling argument for the dismissal of the case. لرفض القضية

قاطع / مقنع (ارجع للتعريف)



📍 If advice, criticism, or actions are constructive, they are useful and intended to help or improve something:

1- Serbia has praised اشاد what they call a constructive approach to peace talks.

2- After their meeting, both men described their talks as open and constructive.

3- She received a lot of constructive criticism after her performance.


بنّاء (مثلاً نقد بناء)


📍 able to be believed or trusted:

1- Her claims seem very credible. To maintain a credible threat,

2- we must maintain the alliance.

3- His story was scarcely سكيرسلي credible. صعبة التصديق

📌N: credibility

- Incredible لا يصدق

قابل للتصديق

credible غير قابل للتصديق


📍 If something is groundbreaking, it is very new and a big change from other things of its type:

1- She published her groundbreaking book on psychology in 1986.

2- Their groundbreaking research will have a major impact on the way we treat disease.

3- Alexander Fleming’s groundbreaking discovery of penicillin changed the world

رائد ( ارجع للتعريف)


📍 the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change:

1- I have always regarded him as a man of considerable integrity.

2- The game relies on the integrity of the individual to abide by the rules.

3- Most politicians today lack integrity



📍 ​best; most likely to bring success or advantage:

1- To maintain optimum health, exercise three times a day.

2- They are the regions which enjoy optimum conditions for farming.

3- He reached his optimum fitness level just in time for the Olympics.

📌Adj: optimal حتى اللي فوق كلها صفة

الأمثل / الأفضل



📍 careful to look at or consider every part of something to make certain it is correct or safe:

1- The government is going to introduce more rigorous testing of children.

2- The pathology department uses a rigorous system of blood analysis.

3- The soldiers underwent خضع rigorous training before being sent into the war zone

📌adv: rigorously بصرامة

صارم/ دقيق

🛑🛑 Negative Qualities 🛑🛑



📍 different from what is usual or average, especially in a way that is bad:

1- abnormal heart rhythms إيقاعات should be checked by a doctor.

2- nothing abnormal was detected اكتشافه

3- The child had an abnormal fear of strangers.

📌N: abnormality

غير طبيعي / غريب


📍having a negative or harmful effect on something:

1- A high dosage of vitamins my lead to adverse side effects.

2- despite the adverse conditions, bridge was Finished in just eight months.

3- Because of the adverse weather ,They have to abandon the football match.

📌N: adversity محنة

📌Adv: adversely سلباً

سلبي/ مضر / متعسر



📍 not having enough of:

1- A poor diet is deficient in vitamins and minerals.

2- The proposal was deficient in several ways.

3- sleep deficiency can have serious health consequences.

📌N: deficiency



📍 not having the things that are necessary for a pleasant life, such as enough money, food, or good living conditions:

1- They are among the most seriously deprived children in the country.

2- there are many problems associated with life in deprived inner داخلي city areas.

3- In this deprived neighborhood, he was one of few young men with a job.

📌N: deprivation حرمان )ديبرفيشن)

محروم من الأشياء الأساسية

negligent النطق


📍 not being careful or giving enough attention to people or things that are your responsibility:

1- The hurt determined that the airline was negligent in training the crew.

2- The council had acted in a negligent manner.

3- The claims were made against a negligent third party for personal injury.

📌N: negligence



📍 a fault or a failure to reach a particular standard:

1- Marriages usually break down as a result of the shortcoming of both partners.

2- His book is entertaining, but it has its shortcomings.

3- Manchester United’s defence displayed some serious shortcoming.




📍likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly, especially by getting worse:

1- There have been riots before situation is volatile.

2- The international oil market Have been highly volatile since the early 1970s.

3- Armed soldiers guard the streets in this volatile atmosphere.

📌N: Volatility فولتلتي






📍 to bring together different pieces of written information so that the similarities and differences can be seen:

1- She has spent years collating the data on which her study is based.

2- They have begun to collate their own statistics on racial ريشل abuse.

3- The organization has collated a great deal of information on reading difficulties.

📌N: collation

يجمع ) التعريف )



📍If two or more facts, numbers, etc. correlate or are correlated, there is a relationship between them:

1- Obesity البدانة correlates with an increased risk of diabetes.

2- The political views of spouses سباوسس (الزوجين) correlate more closely than their heights.

3- The loss of respect for British science is correlated to reduced funding

📌N: correlation

يترابط مع



📍 based on what is experienced or seen rather than on theory:

1- Empirical studies show that some forms of alternative medicine are extremely effective.

2- She published a series of empirical studies.

3- Empirical findings confirm the existence of black holes.

📌Adv: Empirically تجريبياً

تجريبي/ عملي - ارجع للتعريف-

( يعني شيء يمديك تشوفه وتقيسه)



📍 an idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet been proved:

1- Work will now begin to test the hypothesis that flies are affected by WiFi signals.

2-Different hypotheses انتبه للسبلنق في الجمع have been put forward to explain why these foods are more likely to cause health problems.

📌Adj: hypothetical

📌P: hypotheses هيبوثيسيس

📌V: hypothesize



📍 an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events

1- There are conflicting theories as how children best learn to read.

2- Einstein’s theory of relativity explains much of our understanding of the universe.

3- In theory, mapping رسم the human genome جينوم may lead to thousands of cures for disease

📌Adj: theoretical

نظرية ( عادة لديها دلائل ومائلة للصحة عكس اللي قبل )


كوالتتف ( بالبريطاني )

كوالتيتف ( بالأمريكي)

📍 relating to the quality of an experience or situation rather than to facts that can be measured:

1- There are qualitative differences in the way children and adults think.

2- High quality research may contain a combination of qualitative and quantitative كمي data.

3- Her qualitative research includes interviews and observations.

📌Adv: qualitatively


quantitative النطق


📍relating to numbers or amounts:

1- She made use of quantitative data of migration patterns.

2- Their quantitative research included the statistical analysis of currency fluctuations. تقلبات

3- Quantitative studies have shown no measurable impact on the economic effects of a ban on smoking.

📌Adv: quantitatively


🛑🛑Upward trends الاتجاهات 🛑🛑


rise عادة يكون قبلها صفة (n)(v)

📍 an increase in number, amount, or value:

1- Between 1999 and 2000 there was a modest بسيط rise.

2- There was a dramatic دراماتيكي rise between 2010 and 2011.

📌Ps: rose

يرتفع/ ارتفاع

increase عادة معها صفة او ادفيرب)n) (v)

نفس اللي قبل

📍 to (make something) become larger in amount or size:

1- Between 1999 and 2000 there was a slight increase

2-Numbers increased dramatically between 2010 and 2011.

📍Adv: increasingly



📍 to rise very quickly to a high level:

1- Between 2010 and 2011 numbers soared.

2- Between 2010 and 2011 numbers soared to just over 80.

ارتفاع قوي

( ما يحتاج تقول سور موديست ولا سور درامتكلي نفس الكلمات اللي قبل لانه معناها درامتكلي الردي)

leap )v) (n)

📍to increase, improve, or grow very quickly:

1- Between 2010 and 2011 numbers leapt to just over 80.

2- Between 2010 and 2011 numbers leapt from just under 30 to just over 80

📌Ps: leapt/leaped (us( كلها صح

ازدياد سريع

rocket الأستاذ يقول الأفضل غير الكلمة لانه قد تكون غير رسمية

لاحظ غيرنا الصورة لانه اللي قبل ما تنطبق عليها الكلمة

📍​to increase extremely quickly or make extremely quick progress towards success:

1- Between 2010 and 2011 numbers rocketed to just over 80

2- Numbers rocketed from 2010 to 2011

يرتفع بسرعة جداً

( اسرع من الكلمات اللي قبل كلها )

climb عادة جمبها ادفيرب

📍 If a price, number, or amount climbs, it increases:

1- Between 2010 and 2011, numbers climbed rapidly to just over 80.

يرتفع ( من الوسط للكبير، اما الصغير للكبير لا تستخدمها)


📍 a period during which something reaches its highest level, price, rate, etc.:

1- Numbers reached a peak of about 85 in 2011 reaching a peak of approximately 85 in 2011.

2- Numbers peaked at almost 85 in 2011.

أعلى درجة



fall (n)(v)

📍 to become lower in size, amount, or strength:

1- Between 1998 and 1999, numbers fell by approximately 15.

2- There was a rapid fall in numbers between 2003 and 2004

🛑P.s: fell


decrease (n)(v)

📍 to become less, or to make something become less:

1- Between 1998 and 1999, numbers decreased by approximately 15

2- There was a steady decrease in numbers between 2011 and 2015.




📍 to go down in amount or value very quickly and suddenly:

1- Between 2003 and 2004, numbers plunged.

هبوط سريع ( انهيار)



📍 to fall very quickly and suddenly:

1- Between 2003 and 2004, numbers plummeted.

هبوط سريع ( أسرع من الكلمة اللي قبل )

decline (v)(n)

📍 to gradually become less, worse, or lower:

1- Between 2011 and 2015, there was a steady decline.

2- Numbers declined slightly between 1998 and 1999.



📍 to become lower in level, value, price, etc.:

1- There was a slight drop in numbers between 2008 and 2009.

2- Numbers dropped from just over 80 to just under 70 between 1998 and 1999.



📍to go down to a lower level, often by a small amount or for a short time:

1- There was a slight dip in numbers in 2007.

2- Numbers dipped below 70 in 1999 before recovering..

تنخفض قليلاً لكن ترجع مره ثانية




📍 sudden and showing a big change:

1- Between 2003 and 2004, prices fell dramatically.

2- There was a rise in prices from 2010 to 2011.

📌Adv: dramatically



📍continuing to happen or change at a gradual and regular rate:

1- The number of animals remained steady between 2000 and 2003.

2- Profits declined steadily between 2011 and 2015.

📌Adv: steadily

مستقر / ثابت


📍 a sharp change is sudden and very noticeable:

1- There was a sharp decline between 2003 and 2004

2- The number of birds grew sharply between 2010 and 2011.

📌Adv: sharply



📍 quick or sudden:

1- From 2003 to 2004, there was a rapid decline in costs.

2- Costs increased rapidly between 2010 and 2011.

📌Adv: rapidly

سريع أو مفاجئ


📍 not large in size or amount, or not great in value:

1- There was a modest decrease in the number of students between 1998 and 1999.

2- There was modest growth in the number of students from 2015 to 2016.

بسيط/ متواضع


📍A steep rise or fall is one that goes very quickly from low to high or from high to low:

1- There was a steep decline in the number of jobs from 2003 to 2004.

2- The number of jobs rose steeply between 2010 and 2011.

شديد الانحدار / أو شديد الارتفاع


📍 happening or done quickly or unexpectedly:

1- There was a sudden but modest increase in numbers from 2015 to 2016

2- Numbers soared suddenly between 2010 and 2011.


مفاجئ / غير متوقع

🛑🛑More trends vocabulary 🛑🛑




📍 to change level, strength, or value frequently:

1- From 2004 to 2010, numbers fluctuated between 25 and 40.

2- From 2004 to 2010, numbers fluctuated around the 30 mark.

📌N: fluctuation

تذبذب (يعني تروح للأعلى ثم للأسفل وهكذا)

remain steady

1- Between 2000 and 2003, numbers remained steady.

تبقى ثابتة


📍 If something stabilizes, it becomes fixed or stops changing:

1- Between 2004 and 2009, numbers fluctuated, before briefly stabilizing until 2010

2- Between 2000 and 2004, numbers stabilized around the 75 mark.

يستقر ( بعد أو قبل انحدار أو تصاعد)



📍​to stay the same and not grow or develop:

1- After a precipitous (بريسبتس(شديد الانحدار decline in 2004, growth stagnated for another 6 years

2- There was a period of stagnation between 2004 and 2010.

✏️N: stagnation ركود



📍 in general rather than in particular, or including all the people or things in a particular group or situation:

1- Overall, numbers in this period declined by approximately 25.

2- The overall trend is one of two periods at a high level, with a low period in between.

بصورة شاملة / إجمالي


📍 moving towards a higher position, level, or value:

1- Between 2015 and 2016, there was a slight upward trend.

إلى أعلى


📍 moving towards a lower position:

1- From 2011 to 2015, there was a prolongedفترة طويلة downward spell رقيقة

2- There was a sharp downward movement between 2003 and 2004.