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63 Cards in this Set

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📍 a treatment that helps someone feel better, grow stronger, etc., especially after an illness:

1- Many people in therapy begin to remember what happened to them in childhood.

2- Speech problems can often be solved by a speech therapy programme.

3- After breaking her leg, she needed several weeks of therapy to rebuild her muscles.

📌Adj: therapeutic علاجي (ثربيوتك)

علاج ( بدون أدوية ولا جراحة)


📍 a medical operation in which a new organ is put into someone's body:

1- Heart transplants are very common nowadays.

2- Hundreds of people are awaiting liver transplant operations.

3- There was a scandal over the sale of human organs for transplant.

📌N: transplantation

زراعة الأعضاء



📍 protected against a particular disease by particular substances in the blood:

1- The blood test will show whether you are immune to the disease.

2- Most adults are immune to rubella. الحصبة الألمانية

3- After living in the war zone for a year, he became immune to the sight of death مشاهد الموت

📌N: immunization

مناعة / حصانة


📍 a substance that is usually injected into a person or animal to protect against a particular disease:

1- Anti-malarial المضادة للمالاريا vaccines لقاحات are now undergoing trials. تحت التجربة

2- Seven million doses of vaccine are given to British children every year.

3- Elderly people are often given a vaccine against flu.

📌V: vaccinate



📍 a drug that is used to kill harmful bacteria and to cure infections:

1- Approximately 60% of antibiotics are used to treat respiratory)ريبسبارتوري )الجهاز التنفسي infections.

2- A 10 day course of oral عند طريق الفم antibiotics is the usual treatment for tonsillitis. تنسليتس ( التهاب اللوز)

3- Antibiotic resistance مقاومة is a growing problem that threatens the entire globe.

مضاد حيوي


📍 a measured amount of something such as medicine:

1- The recommended dose for patients is 300mg.

📌N: dosage




📍 a substance or method for curing an illness, or a way of dealing with a problem or difficulty:

1- Natural herbal العشبية remedies often help overcome winter infections.

2- There are many over-the-counter دون وصفة طبية remedies for the common cold.

3- The remedy of our economic ills أمراض اقتصادية liesيكمن in the hands of the government. استخدام أعم



📍 a building, often part of a hospital, to which people can go for medical care or advice relating to a particular condition:

1- The doctor gave me a medical check-up فحص at the local clinic.

2- The fertility clinic عيادة الخصوبة was set up for women in surrounding villages. القرى المحيطة

3- You should attend the clinic at least once every week.

📌clinician الطبيب اللي يعمل في العيادة



📍 to make someone with an illness healthy again:

1- He is carrying out research into finding a cure for cancer.

2- The disease cannot be cured, but it can be controlled

3- There is no known cure for Dengue دنقيف Fever. حمى الضنك

يعالج / علاج


📍 a substance that is used as a medicine

1- The drug will help thousands of people affected by this disease.

2- Drug companies make billions of dollars in profit.

3- The doctor prescribed the drug for me.



📍 the act or process of forcing a liquid medicine or drug into someone or something by using a special needle:

1- The doctor gave me an injection to help me sleep.

2- You require an injection to get rid of the disease.

3- It has to be given by injection, twice a day.



📍 a substance that is used in treating disease or relieving pain and that is usually in the form of a pill or a liquid

1- After school, she will pursue a career in medicine

2- I prefer to use alternative medicine.

3- A spoonful ملعقة مليانه of sugar helps the medicine go down.

📌Adj: medicinal مديسنال

طب أو دواء


📍 a person who receives medical care or treatment:

1- If treatment is given early, the patient’s chances are much better.

2- Dr Smith specializes in the treatment of cancer patients.

3- The surgery accidentally deleted all the patient records.


* وقد تأتي بمعنى صبور

scan )v)(c)

📍 a medical examination in which an image of the inside of the body is made using a special machine:

1- He was rushed to hospital for a brain scan.

2- A scan revealed a fracture to his spine.

3- A CT scanالأشعة المقطعية is a painlessغير مؤلمة imaging تصوير test that uses x- rays..


فحص/ يفحص




📍 to protect a person or animal against a disease by putting a substance into the body to make it produce antibodies الأجساد المضادة (= proteins in the blood that fight disease):

1- We require that every student is immunized against hepatitis.

2- The monkeys had been immunized with a vaccine.

3- All parents should have their children immunized

📌N: immunization




📍 the scientific study of disease:

1- Anatomy, physiology and pathology are studied on medical courses.

2- A sample was sent to a pathology laboratory for analysis.

3- The physician reviewed the pathology of selected disease processes

📌 pathologist أخصائي علم الأمراض

علم الأمراض


📍of or relating to the production and sale of drugs and medicine:

1- Roche روش are a Swiss pharmaceutical company.

2- The pharmaceutical industry is the second largest in the world.

3- The firm has supplied pharmaceuticals to Africa for many years.

الأدوية ( نستخدمها مع الصناعات )



📍the treatment of muscle stiffnessتصلب, pain, and injury, especially by rubbing and moving the sore parts:

1- After his leg heals, he will need several weeks of intensive physiotherapy.

2- An alternative is to visit a physiotherapy clinic.

3- If you experience joint pain, you can undergo خضوع a course of physiotherapy.

📌 physiotherapist المعالج الطبيعي

العلاج الطبيعي



📍 someone involved in a skilled job or activity:

1- If in doubt, consult a medical practitioner.

2- To become a qualified practitioner takes several years.

3- If you feel chest pain, visit a medical practitioner immediately.

طبيب ممارس للمهنة



📍 the part of medicine that studies mental illness:

1- Psychiatry is a relatively نسبياً new profession in medicine.

2-She is a consultant in child and adolescent psychiatry.

3- He practises psychiatry at the local hospital

📌: psychiatrist الطبيب النفسي

📌adj: psychiatric ساكياترك (النطق )

الطب النفسي

anaesthetic / anesthetic (us)

أنس ثتك

📍 a substance that makes you unable to feel pain:

1- The operation is carried out under general anaesthetic.

2- 73% of women had an epidural ابدورال ( مكان في الظهر اسمه الجافية) anaesthetic during labour. المخاض

3- The dentist will usually give you a local anaesthetic during dental surgery.

📌V: anesthetize انيستثايز

📌anaesthetist اللي يضع التخدير ( انيسثتست)




blood pressure

📍 a measure of the pressure at which the blood flows through the body:

1- The nurse will monitorيراقب your blood pressure.

2- The drugs will help to lower your blood pressure.

3- Her blood pressure has dropped dramatically in the last hour.

ضغط الدم


📍​connected with thinking or conscious mental processes:

1- As children get older, their cognitive skills become stronger.

2- Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development has been very influential. مؤثرة

3- Some people with depression can benefit from cognitive therapy. العلاج الادراكي

📌Adv: cognitively كوقنفتلي

📌N: cognition


pharmacology النطق

📍​the study of medicines and drugs, including their action, their use, and their effects on the body:

1- He studied pharmacology at London for 3 years.

2-He was recently appointed عُين professor of clinical pharmacology.

3- Pharmacological treatment of mental disease is oDen long-term على المدى الطويل

📌Adj: Pharmacological

📌: pharmacologist الشخص اللي يعمل في علم العقاير

علم العقاقير


📍 the amount of something such as food, breath, or a liquid that is taken in by someone or something:

1- Your intake of alcohol should not exceed 2 units per day.

2- You must reduce your sugar intake.

3- We will have a fresh intake of students next week.

المقدار المأخوذ / استيعاب


📍 relating to the mind, or involving the process of thinking:

1- Children undergo يخضع rapid mental development in the first few years of life.

2- After returning from war, he developed severe mental health problems.

3- She underwent خضعت a lot of mental anguish معاناة after the death of her mother.

📌Adv: mentally

عقلي / ذهني


📍 the way in which someone usually holds their shoulders, neck, and back, or a particular position in which someone stands, sits, etc.:

1- You can make your stomach seem flatter اكثر تسطحاً by improving your posture.

2- You must maintain good posture when you run.

3- Position of skeleton in good and in poor posture



📍 to become completely well again after an illness or injury:

1- He is recovering from surgery

2- A mother is recovering quickly in hospital after a car crash

3- He never fully recovered from the virus

📌N: recovery

يتعافى / يستعيد عافيته




📍 If a bad situation is acute, it causes severe problems or damage:

1- She was admitted to hospital with acute arthritis. )ارثرايتس )التهاب المفاصل

2- After drinking contaminated ملوث water, he developed an acute case of dysentery. إسهال ) ديسنتيري)

3- She was rushed to hospital after feeling acute chest pains.

حاد ( لكن غالباً ما يستمر كثير )



📍(especially of a disease or something bad) continuing for a long time:

1- He is suffering from chronic back pain.

2- She suffered for years with chronic depression.

3- The condition is often chronic.

📌Adv: chronically

مزمن ( عكس اللي قبل اللي ما تطول )

addict النطق


📍 a person who cannot stop doing or using something, especially something harmful:

1- The research is designed to find out why drug addicts often relapse. (يعني يرجع للإدمان بعد ما يتركه ) ينتكس

2- He was both an alcoholic and a cocaine كوكاين addict.

3- They were both recovering addicts and supported each other.

- addicted (هذي أديكتيد ( مشددة

📌n: addiction.



📍​a condition that makes a person become sick or develop skin or breathing problems because they have eaten certain foods or been near certain substances:

1- Food allergies can result in a wide variety of symptoms.

2- An allergy to cats is a common cause of asthma. الربو

3- It is important to protect infants against allergies.

📌Adj: allergic



سند روم

📍 a combination of medical problems that shows the existence of a particular disease or mental condition:

1- Irritable bowel القولون العصبي ( باول) affects more women than men.

2- The syndrome is more likely to affect those with lower levels of immunity.

3- The exact cause of Asperger’s اسبرج Syndrome is not known.



📍 the appearance of a particular disease in a large number of people at the same time:

1- A severe flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.

2-A killer epidemic of yellow fever is affecting central Africa.

3- A report warns that the AIDS الآيدز epidemic is not yet at its peak.



📍 (a) severe injury, usually caused by a violent attack or an accident

1- Horse riding accidents often involve head trauma.

2- An ambulance is vital for getting trauma patients to hospital quickly.

3- Because of the car accident, she suffered severe neck and head trauma.

إصابة/ صدمة ( ارجع للتعريف)




📍a feeling of sadness, or medical a type of mental illness that causes long periods of unhappiness:

1- She was suffering from depression

2- You should receive professional care if you have severe depression

3- She suffered from post- natal بعد الولادة depression for months.



📍an illness of the mind or body:

1- He suffered from a rare blood disorder.

2-The disorder can cause paralysis برالسس ( شلل)

3- He developed a severe mental disorder.



📍to give (blood, a body organ, etc.) to a hospital or other medical organization so that it can be given to someone who needs it:

1- Many people donate their organs for use after death.

2-You can donate your sperm anonymously.

3- All donated blood is screened فحص for HIV فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية

📌 donor متبرع

📌N: donation



📍causing death

1- The doctor said he had suffered a fatal heart attack.

2- The overdose of pills had proved fatal ثبت أنها قاتلة

3- Global warming could be fatal for the human race.

📌Adv: fatally

📌N: fatality فجاعة مميتة



📍to pass a disease to a person, animal, or plant:

1- A single mosquito can infect a large number of people

2- Objects used by an infected person must be sterilised معقمة

3- People infected with ebola must be kept in isolation.

📌adj: infectious / infected




1- Being moderately باعتدال overweight increases your chances of heart disease

2-If you eat too much sugar, you will become overweight

3-Overweight people are often thought to be lazy.

وزن زائد / بدين

Obese النطق


📍 very fat : fat in a way that is unhealthy

1- Obese people tend to have higher blood pressure than lean النحيف people.

2- More than 300 million people globally were considered obese in 2000.

3- The likelihood احتمالية ( لايكلي هود) of developing obesity may at least be in part hereditary جزء ورثائي

📌N: Obesity

سمنة مفرطة




1- The development of a child’s brain happens very quickly.

2- His father died of a brain tumour. ورم

3- The brain contains a number of different lobesفصوص.

📌brainy ذكي



1- I fractured a bone in my arm when I fell off my horse.

2- The body is made up of bone, fat and muscle.

3- Osteoporosis آستير بروسس (هشاشة العظام ) happens when not enough new bone grows.

📌bony نحيف (يعني عظامه طالعه)


breath (n) النطق


1- He held his breath underwater for several minutes.

2- I can’t breathe because of the air pollution.

3- You should try to breathe through your nose.

📌V: breathe برييث )النطق)

📌N: breather



1- The Incredible Hulk has enormous muscles

2- To get strong muscles, you must do lots of resistance training تدريب التحملin the gym.

3- He tore his calf muscle while he was walking.

📌adj: muscular مسكيلر


* تختلف عن mussels اللي بمعنى بلح البحر.


1- The athlete’s heart was beating fast by the end of the race

2- The pain in his chest was a sign of a heart attack.

3- The heart transplant operation was a great success


📍the ability to see:

1- My sight is failing so I need to wear glasses.

2- Owls have a powerful sense of sight

3- Goalball is a sport for blind and partially بارشلي sighted ضعاف البصر people.

📌Adj: sighted


* قد تاتي بمعنى مشهد



1- The virus damaged her muscles and internal داخلي organs.

2- The lungs are one of the five vital organs in humans.

3- A balanced diet is essential for proper مناسب functioning لعمل of your organs





📍very small organisms that are found everywhere and are the cause of many diseases:

1- Chlorine كلورين ( الكلور) is added to swimming pools to kill bacteria.

2-The bacteria of most diseases are in the air around us every day.

3- Yoghurt contains good bacteria that is essential in effective digestion دايجستشن( الهظم الفعال)

📌adj: bacterial

📌Singular: bacterium


📍the smallest basic unit of a plant or animal:

1- The cells divide and produce many other different types of cell.

2- Soap destroys the cell walls جدران الخليةof bacteria.

3- All cells are bounded by a cell membrane ممبرن (غشاء



📍a very small organism that causes disease:

1- Chlorine is widely used to kill germs

2- The virulent (الضارة(فيرلنت germ affected millions of people.

3-Germs in contaminated كنتامنيتد (ملوث) water can spread quickly.

جرثومة ( ليس مصطلح طبي )



📌passed or able to be passed from parent to child before birth:

1- Albinism البهاق is a hereditary trait. سمة

2- In men, hair loss is hereditary.

3- Around 200 hereditary traits are transmitted from generation to generation .

📌N: heredity غير دارج

Heredity plays no part in the disease



📍containing poisonous substances

1- The cost of cleaning up the toxic waste نفايات سامة will be very expensive.

2- This product is highly toxic to cats but harmless to humans.

3- Clair Paterson fought for the removal of lead, which is a highly toxic substance, from gas.



📍a test, usually over a limited period of time, to discover how effective or suitable something or someone is:

1- They have been testing this drug in clinical trials. التجارب السريرية

2- The new CT scanner الماسح الضوئي has been on trial for the last week.

3- The new medicine has been undergoing a trial.

تجربة / اختبار


📍 extremely small piece of organic material that causes disease in humans, animals, and plants:

1- There are many different strains سلالات مختلفة of the flu virus.

2- A virus can spread rapidly in confined المحبوسة places.

3- You can spread a virus by coughing كوفنق and sneezing.

📌Adj: Viral فايرل

فيروس / جرثومة