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🛑 Positive🛑

📍 a test, usually over a limited period of time, to discover how effective or suitable something or someone is:
1- Patients have been treated with this drug in clinical trials.
2- The robots have been on trial for the past 3 years.
3- The new treatment has been undergoing trials.
تجربة/ اختبار



📍to say or think that something is the result of a particular thing:

1- Women tend to attribute اتربيوت their success to luck.

2- The increased death rate was attributed أتريبتبد to a severe outbreak of influenza.

3- She attributed اتريبتبدhis bad temper to ill health.

يعزي (عزا)

chain reaction

📍a set of related events in which each event causes the next one

1- A gas canister علبة exploded and started a chain reaction of explosions.

2- The factory closure إغلاق led to a chain reaction of job losses in the local economy.

3- Splitting an atom starts a chain reaction in which more and more atoms are split

ارجع للتعريف



📍 to get something from something else:

1- Aspirin is derived from salicylic acid. حامض السيلاسيك

2- The word Easter is derived from Eostre,the pagan وثني goddess of spring.

3- He derives a lot of fun from playing football

📌N: derivative ديرفتف (المشتق )

يشتق / يستمد


📍 to cause something to begin:

1- They wanted to initiate a debateديبايت نقاش on economics.

2- Peace talks were initiated by the president in May.

3- Such ideas may initiate educational reform إصلاح

📌N: initiation

يبدأ / يشرع في


📍 depending on each other:

1- In our globalized العولمة world, countries are increasingly على نحو متزايد interdependent.

2- Happiness is derived from a variety of interdependent factors.

3- Computers on the Internet are not just interconnected, they are also interdependent.

معتمد بعضه على بعض ( مترابط)


تشبه للي قبل

📍 to be connected in such a way that each thing has an effect on or depends on the other:

1- The body and mind are interrelated.

2- Social skills are in part about how we interrelate with other people.

3- All the cells of your body are closely interrelated.

📌N: interrelationship




📍 something usually bad or unpleasant that happens as a result of an action, statement, etc., and that usually affects people for a long time — usually plural:

1- It was an event which was to have painful repercussions.

2- Members of congress were warned of the repercussions if they voted for war.

3- This seemingly على ما يبدو minor virus was to have serious repercussions for her health for years.

تداعيات / أثر





📍 Consecutive events, numbers, etc. follow one after another without an interruption:

1- This is the third consecutive year that Barcelona have won La Liga.

2- 5,6,7,8 and 9 are consecutive numbers.

3- Photographs taken at the same time on consecutive days can be quite different from one another.

📌Adv: Consecutively

على التوالي / متتابع / متتالي



📍 happening one after the other without any break:

1- This is the third successive year that Barcelona have won La Liga.

2- Greece was suffering from the failure of successive governments to curb the debt.

3- Smith was the winner for the third successive year.


متتالي / متعاقب



📍 second from the last:

1- The murder took place during the penultimate scene of the play.

2- Juventus يوفنتس clinched كلنشد ( حسم) the title in the penultimate game of the season.

3- He gave his speech on the penultimate day of the conference.

قبل الأخير



📍 not happening regularly or continuously; stopping and starting repeatedly or with periods in between:

1- After three hours of intermittent rain, the day’s tennis was abandoned.

2- Essential maintenance منتننس(اعمال الصيانة) work may lead to intermittent power outages. انقطاع التيار الكهربائي

3- To learn more about intermittent fasting, read The Fast Diet.

📌Adv: intermittently

متقطع/ على فترات متقطعة



📍 happening repeatedly over a period of time:

1- Periodic checks are taken to ensure that high standards are maintained.

2- Her grandfather was suffering from periodic bouts نوبات of illness.

3- We will issue سنصدر updates to the app periodically.

📌N: periodical

📌Adv: periodically




📍 happening or existing at the same time:

1- He will be serving three concurrent life sentences.

2- They launched concurrent attacks by land, sea and air.

3- More than 40 parties were being held concurrently in the city

📌Adv: concurrently



📍 to happen at or near the same time:

1- Although his mental illness had coincided with his military service, it had not been caused by it.

2- The start of the solar and lunar years coincide every 13 years.

3- Their opinions often coincide. ي

📌N: coincidence كونسندس )صدفة )

يتزامن / توافق

( لكن هذي لها معنى اعم من الكلمة اللي قبل )

🛑🛑 Science 🛑🛑





📍 to become so hot that bubbles are formed in a liquid and rise to the top:

1- Slowly bring the water to the boil.

2- Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade. سينترقريد

3- The boiling point of water is 100 degrees centigrade.



📍 If something burns a fuel, it uses that fuel to produce energy:

1- The power plant burns coal from Poland.

2- Scientists are developing new fuels that burn more cleanly.

3- A bulb filament خيط , when exposed to the atmosphere, burns out يعني تخرب



📍 to make (someone or something) cool:

1- After taking a sauna, cool yourself quickly in the snow.

2- Large fans cool the engine to keep it working.

3- There was a cooling (adj) breeze coming in off the ocean.



📍 to become cold enough to become solid:

1- Water freezes when the temperature drops below 0ْC.

2- The ground froze solid.

3- We’re going to freeze to death.

1- freeze


3 Frozen



📍 to turn from something solid into something soft or liquid, or to cause something to do this:

1- The ice cream is melting.

2- Add the melte( adj)butter to the cake mixture.

3- Icebergs الجبال الجليدية are melting because of global warming.


heat (v)(n)

📍 to make something hot or warm, or to become hot or warm:

1- Heat the water until it is boiling.

2- Heat the leftover بقايا food in the microwave.

3- The plants withered وثرد (ذابل) under the intenseشديد heat (n) of the sun.



📍 a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result:

1- Plants synthesize food using a process known as photosynthesis. التمثيل الضوئي

2- Arthritis التهاب المفاصلoccurs in elderly people as part of the ageing process.

3- You separate the contents of the blood using a process called centrifugation.

📌N:processor معالج

عملية / معالجة





📍 to happen or make something happen sooner or faster:

1- Growth will accelerate to 3% next year.

2- The government will accelerate its privatisation بريفلزيشن (الخصخصة)programme.

3- CCTV showed the car accelerating to 200kph ممكن نستخدمها من السيارات بمعنى يسرع

- They use special chemicals to accelerate the growth of crops.

-He says that cutting taxes will help to accelerate economic growth.

📌N: acceleration

عكسها decelerate ديسلريت



📍 to cause something to start:

1- Security cameras can be activated by movement.

2- I have a voice-activated مفعل بالصوت computer.

3- Heat activates enzymes. إنزيمات

📌N: activation

deactivation العكس

ينشط / يفعل ( غالباً تستخدم مع الآلات)


📍 to change or make something change from a gas to a liquid or solid state:

1- Water vapour بخار condenses to form clouds.

2- As air rises, it becomes cooler and the moisture condenses.

📌N: condensation



📍 to allow electricity or heat to go through:

1- Water conducts heat faster than air.

2- The molecule did not conduct electricity.

3- The scientist is conducting research into a cure for cancer. لها معنى مختلف قليلاً

📌N: conductivity /conduction

يوصل الكهرباء

( لها معان كثيرة لكن في العلم معناها يوصل )



📍​to make something less pure or make it poisonous:

1- A chemical spill تسرب الكماويات contaminated the river.

2- The river was contaminated by a chemical spill.

3- Thousands of people fell ill because of contaminated (adj) water



📍 to make or become shorter or narrower or generally smaller in size:

1- Blood is expelled يطرد from the heart when it contracts.

2- Metal contracts when it cools.

3- The Greek economy contracted by 2% last year معنى اعم

- As it cooled, the metal contracted.

- Agricultural output has contracted by 2.3 percent.

📌N: contraction


(لها معان اخرى لكن هنا معناها يتقلص)


📍 ​to reduce something in size or amount, especially supplies of energy, money, etc.:

1- Some chemicals deplete the ozone layer. Things like stress, illness and environmental

2- pollution deplete your energy levels.

3- The Russian central bank’s reserves احتياطيات were rapidly depleted during the recent currency crisis

📌 N: depletion


dissolve النطق


📍 (of a solid) to be absorbed by a liquid, especially when mixed, or (of a liquid) to absorb a solid:

1- Salt and sugar dissolve in water.

2- Shake the vial فايل 🧪 gently to dissolve the mixture.

📍 to end an official organization or a legal arrangement:

3- We’ll dissolve our partnership immediately هنا معناها حل




📍 to cause a liquid to change to a gas, especially by heating:

1- Moisture is drawn to the surface of the fabric and evaporates.

2- Sea water evaporates into the air to form clouds.

3- The warm, morning sun evaporated the dew ندى on the grass

- Plants keep cool during the summer by evaporating water from their leaves.

📌N: evaporation


filter (v)(n)

📍 to remove solids from liquids or gases, or to remove particular types of light, using special equipment:

1- First, filter the water to clean it.

2- The liver filters toxins from the body.

3- Use a water filter before drinking.

📌N: filtration انتبه للسبلينق

يفلتر/ ينقي


📍 to remove or take out something:

1- The dentist extracted my tooth.

2-The police questioned him for hours. They wanted to extract information from him.

3- Citric acid حمس الستريك can be extracted from oranges and lemons.



📍to control something, usually in order to use its power:

1- We use solar panels to harness the power of the sun.

2- Turkey plans to harness the waters of the Euphrates river to make hydro-electric power.

3- We want to harness international support to achieve our aims

- There is a great deal of interest in harnessing wind and waves as new sources of power.

يستخدم الطاقة

* قد تأتي بمعنى ربط الحصان بالعربة

synthesize / Synthesis (Uk) الترجمة


📍to produce a substance by a chemical reaction in plants or animals:

1- After extensive واسع research, Albert Hoffman succeeded in synthesizing acid.

2- Vitamins cannot be synthesized by the human body.

3- It was their aim to synthesize these factors into a comprehensive شامل view of life

يركب (من مركب)



📍 to make a liquid weaker by mixing in something else:

1- If you give orange juice to your baby, always dilute it with water. يعني خففه عشان قوي على الطفل

2- The chemicals seepingتتسرب from the contaminated land الأرض الملوثة, quickly diluted in the water.

3- Their ideas tend to dilute the significance of the Holocaust. متعلق بالأفكار معنى اخر




📍to go around or through something, or to make something go around or through something:

1- He caught the disease via a virus which circulates in the bloodstream.تيار الدم

2- The power required to circulate the air through a mine increases with the velocity السرعة of the air current

3- The circulation دورانof blood around the body is controlled by the heart.

📌N: circulation

يدير على


📍 to send (light, energy, etc.) out from a source:

1- The device emits powerful beams of light

2-The amount of carbon dioxide ثاني أكسيد emitted by cars continues to increase

3- Carbon emissions are the main cause of global warming

📌N: emission ايميشن



📍 (especially of liquids, gases, or electricity) to move in one direction, especially continuously and easily:

1- A stream flowed into the valley.

2- The current flows into electric motors which power the turbine. محرك يعمل بقوة الماء

3- As it gets very hot during use, it should only be used in a room with a free flow of cool air.



📍 to begin to exist or to make something begin to exist:

1- The stars must have formed between 10 and 15 billion years ago.

2- Huge ice sheets صفائح الجليد were formed during the Ice Age.

3- The Tetons تيوتنس only started to form around 9 million years ago.

📌N: formation

يتكون / يتشكل



📍 of or relating to the movement of physical objects:

1- Kinetic energy is shown in body movements such as physical exercise.

2- The kinetic energy of the gas molecules gradually dissipated. تتبدد

3- Kinetic cues come from either your own movement or the motion of an object.

📌Adv: kinetically




📍 the strength or force that something has when it is moving:

1- Her election campaign was gaining momentum. هنا أتت بمعنى زخم

2- The position and momentum of particles varies over time.

3- The gravity of Jupiter جوبتر كوكب المشتري robs تسلب comets of much of their orbital المداري momentum.

قوة الدفع



📍 to push or move something somewhere, often with a lot of force:

1- The rocket will propel the spacecraft مركبة فضائية to Jupiter.

2- The army won the battle by using rocket- propelled grenades.قنابل

3- He invented an engine that improved the propulsion of ships

4- Aeroplanes were powered using propellers until the 1950s

📌N: propulsion بربولجن


vaporize/ vaporise (uk)


📍to turn, or cause something to turn, from a solid or liquid state into gas:

1- When the metor struck the Earth, it vaporized.

2- The oil vaporized and formed a huge cloud of gas

3- Aeroplanes usually leave a vapour (uk) trail behind them.



📍 something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., especially something unusual or interesting:

1- The are usually scientific explanations for natural phenomena.

2- The El Niño weather phenomenon may strike again this year

3- In the early 1980s, US doctors began to notice a strange phenomenon.

📌Plaural: phenomenona

ظاهرة ( واقعة غريبة)


📍 a movement of water, air, or electricity in a particular direction:

1- A powerful electric current is passed through transmission pylons. ابراج الإرسال

2- A current of electricity is a steady flow of electrons.


* تختلف عن currant زبيب


📍 relating to forces that produce movement:

1- Scientists observe similar dynamics in fluids. المائع/السائل) فلود)

2- He was a specialist in the field of fluid dynamics.

3- This new flu strain سلالة is a dynamic and evolving worldwide epidemic. استخدام اخر بمعنى تغيير


(عِلْمٌ يَبْحَثُ في الحَرَكَةِ بِمَعْناها العامِّ)


📍 to provide a machine with energy and the ability to operate:

1- Wind power is a renewable قابل للتجديد source of energy.

2- Burning coal to generate power adds to global warming.

3- Some specially-built vehicles can be powered by hydrogen.



📍 the force that a liquid or gas produces when it presses against an area:

2- An area of intense low atmospheric pressure led to a hurricane.

2- Firefighters use water at very high pressures.

3- The pressure rose so quickly that the gas exploded.



📍 a quality in a substance or material, especially one that means that it can be used in a particular way:

1- A radio signal has both electrical and magnetic properties.

2- The electromagnetic properties of electrons are caused by spinning.

3- Liquids have the property of being fluid and of viscosity. فسكاستي ( اللزوجة)


* قد تأتي بمعنى ممتلكات لكن في سياق أخر


📍 to begin to exist or to make something begin to exist:

1- The stars must have formed between 10 and 15 billion years ago.

2- Huge ice sheets صفائح الجليد were formed during the Ice Age.

3- The Tetons تيوتنس only started to form around 9 million years ago.

📌N: formation

يتكون / يتشكل



📍 to push or move something somewhere, often with a lot of force:

1- The rocket will propel the spacecraft مركبة فضائية to Jupiter.

2- The army won the battle by using rocket- propelled grenades.قنابل

3- He invented an engine that improved the propulsion of ships

4- Aeroplanes were powered using propellers until the 1950s

📌N: propulsion بربولجن

يدفع إلى





📍 material with particular physical characteristics:

1- Some cigarettes contain poisonous substances.

2- The substance causing the problem is found in wheat.

3- He was found guilty of taking a banned substance.


📍 any basic substance that is used in or produced by a reaction involving changes to atoms or molecules:

1- CFCs caused chemical reactions that depleted the ozone layer

2- Soldiers exposed to chemical weapons report long-term health problems.

3- The food chain is affected by the over-use of chemicals in agriculture.

📌Adv: chemically



📍 a substance that is used to provide heat or power, usually by being burned:

1- The car ran out of fuel and had to pull over

2- The government is funding research into cleaner fuels

3- The country needs to cut its fuel consumption.



📍 electricity, especially when considering its use or production:

1- Wind power is a renewable قابل للتجديد source of energy.

2- Burning coal to generate power adds to global warming.

3- Some specially-built vehicles can be powered by hydrogen.



📍 the force that a liquid or gas produces when it presses against an area:

2- An area of intense low atmospheric جوي pressure led to a hurricane.

2- Firefighters use water at very high pressures.

3- The pressure rose so quickly that the gas exploded.



📍 a chemical element, such as iron or gold, or a mixture of such elements, such as steel, that is generally hard and strong, and through which electricity and heat can travel:

1- The roof is made of corrugated مموج sheet metal.

2- They found rich deposits of precious metals.

3- The belt is made of leather and metal.

📌Adj: metallic متالك



📍 petroleum (= the black oil obtained from under the earth's surface from which petrol comes):

1- The rig produces around 1000 barrels of oil per day.

2- The price of oil continues to fall.

3- Some gulf states have tried to reduce their dependency on oil exports





📍 to produce energy in a particular form or to produce or create something such as a profits, sales, or jobs:

1- The government said the policies would generate new jobs.

2- The steam engine burns coal to generate power.

3- When in use, the machinery quickly generates lots of heat.

📌N: generation قد تأتي بمعنى جيل



📍 any basic substance that is used in or produced by a reaction involving changes to atoms or molecules:

1- CFCs caused chemical reactions that depleted the ozone layer

2- Soldiers exposed to chemical weapons report long-term health problems.

3- The food chain is affected by the over-use of chemicals in agriculture.

📌Adv: chemically



📍 a substance that is used to provide heat or power, usually by being burned: عادة غاز أو فحم أو بترول

1- The car ran out of fuel and had to pull over

2- The government is funding research into cleaner fuels

3- The country needs to cut its fuel consumption.



📍 a substance in a form like air that is neither solid nor liquid:

1- Coal is a cheaper fuel source than gas.

2- BP signed a contract to develop oil and gas reserves in Siberia. سايبريا

3- The president agreed to the construction of a gas pipeline across the country.

gasoline اسم البنزين في بريطانيا

غاز ( الأمريكان يقولون بعد انه بنزين )


📍 a substance, such as water, that is not solid or a gas and that can be poured easily:

1- You must drink plenty of during the day.

2- The explosion was caused by flammable سريع الاشتعال liquid.

3- At room temperature, fats are solid and oil is liquid.




📍 a small amount of something that shows you what the rest is or should be like:

1- Samples of blood were taken for DNA testing.

2- The mission would collect rock and soil samples from the planet.

3- The doctor took some tissue نسيج samples to help diagnose the disease.



📍 petroleum (= the black oil obtained from under the earth's surface from which petrol comes):

1- The rig produces around 1000 barrels of oil per day.

2- The price of oil continues to fall.

3- Some gulf states have tried to reduce their dependency on oil exports تصدير



📍 a test, usually over a limited period of time, to discover how effective or suitable something or someone is:

1- Patients have been treated with this drug in clinical trials.

2- The robots have been on trial for the past 3 years.

3- The new treatment has been undergoing trials.

تجربة/ اختبار


📍 to turn or cause something to turn in a circle, especially around a fixed point:

1- The Earth rotates around the Sun

2- A motorالمحرك rotates the blades ريشة المروحة

3- Rotate your ankle to stretch the ligaments. الأربطة

📌N: rotation

vaporize/ vaporise (uk)


📍to turn, or cause something to turn, from a solid or liquid state into gas:

1- When the metor struck the Earth, it vaporized.

2- The oil vaporized and formed a huge cloud of gas

3- Aeroplanes usually leave a vapour trail behind them.


📍 a scientific rule that somebody has stated to explain a natural process:

1- Einstein’s work developed new laws of physics.

2- Newton’s laws of motion helped us to understand gravity.

3- Physical laws are conclusions which have become accepted universally within the scientific community.





📍 a person who is one of the first people to do something:

1- He was one of the pioneers of genetic engineering.

2- Amy Johnson was a pioneer in English aviation. مجال الطيران

3- John von Neumann pioneered (v)computer science.

4-Computer science was pioneered (v) by John von Neumann

رائد / ريادي/ رواد


📍 relating to forces that produce movement:

1- Scientists observe similar dynamics in fluids. المائع/السائل) فلود)

2- He was a specialist in the field of fluid dynamics.

3- This new flu strain سلالة is a dynamic and evolving worldwide epidemic. وباء


(عِلْمٌ يَبْحَثُ في الحَرَكَةِ بِمَعْناها العامِّ)



📍 : something (such as an animal or plant) collected as an example of a particular kind of thing

1- Thousands of specimens of bacteria are kept at the laboratory.

2- They gathered a number of fossil specimens from the cliff face.

3- He found the perfect specimen of this rare plant




📍the force that causes a moving object to slow down when it is touching another object

1- Friction between 2 surfaces produces heat.

2- Putting oil in the machine reduces friction.

3- The hinge هنج (مفصلة ) was oiled and didn't squeak صرير because the friction had been reduced.

📌 frictionless عديم الاحتكاك



📍 to turn or cause something to turn in a circle, especially around a fixed point:

1- The Earth rotates around the Sun

2- A motorالمحرك rotates the blades ريشة المروحة

3- Rotate your ankle to stretch the ligaments. الأربطة

📌N: rotation
