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📍to return something or someone to an earlier good condition or position:

1- The army was brought in to restore order.

2- The death penalty was restored.

3- The new government restored confidence in the economy.

📌n: restoration

يعيد / يسترجع / يستعيد


📍 to reduce or be reduced in size or importance:

1-Federalism is designed to diminish the power of central government.

2- Hospitals are facing problems because of diminishing funding.

3- This could lead to diminished support for the war.

📌N: diminution نادرة الاستخدام

يقلل/ يقلص



📍 to change from the usual way, or to go in a different direction:

1- They stopped you as soon as you deviated from the script.

2- Sub-Saharan جنوب الصحراء الكبرى Africa has wage levels that deviate significantly from international norms.

3- Galileo’s ideas deviated markedly from those of his time.

* He never deviated from his strict vegetarian diet.

*We need to know when the bus deviates from its scheduled route.


acclimatize /acclimatise (uk)

📍to (cause to) change to suit different conditions of life, weather, etc.:

1- Allow time for your body to acclimatize to the high altitude.

2-Take a few days to acclimatize to the new time zone.

3- I’m sure that we will acclimatize very quickly to the new economic situation.

يتأقلم (خصوصاً مع الجو )


هيرب فور ( لا يهمك نطق البرنامج)

📍an animal that eats only plants:

1- The stomach of a herbivore has several chambers.

2- The teeth of herbivores are quite different to those of carnivores.

3- Elephants are herbivorous animals.

آكلات الأعشاب (مثل الزراف)



📍 a king or queen:

1- Australia is an independent country but still has the British monarch as head of state.

2- His attempts to rule as an absolute monarch حكم مطلق provoked يثير a rebellion التمرد

📌N: monarchist شخص مؤيد للملكية

العاهل / الملك


📍an animal, such as a frog, that lives both on land and in water but must produce its eggs in water.

1- Alligators did not evolve تتطور from amphibians

2- The pond teemed تعج with all manner أنواع of amphibious animals.

3- Amphibians feature ميزة prominently بشكل بارز in ancient legends

📌Ex: frog, toad ضفدع العلجوم, salamander

📌Adj: amphibious



📍 an animal that eats meat:

1- The researchers concludes that carnivores should not be kept in captivity.

2- A herbivore and a carnivore may share the same habitat الموطن but their feeding patterns keep them separate.

3- Lions are the great carnivores of the African savannah. السافانا

📌 adj: carnivorous

أكلات اللحوم


هيرب فور ( لا يهمك نطق البرنامج)

📍an animal that eats only plants:

1- The stomach of a herbivore has several chambers.

2- The teeth of herbivores are quite different to those of carnivores.

3- Elephants are herbivorous animals.

📌Adj: herbivorous

آكلات الأعشاب (مثل الزراف)


📍an animal that is naturally able to eat both plants and meat

1- It was a tree-dwelling التي تعيش في الشجرة omnivore that resembled تشبه a cat.

2- These teeth replace those of herbivores and omnivores.

3- Human beings are an example of an omnivorous creature.

📌adj: omnivorous

📌Ex : fox , Human bearing

اكل النبات والحيوان


📍an animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals:

1- The mites نوع من أنواع الحشراتwere in turn eaten by other arachnid حيوان عنكبوتي predators.

2- Farmers are using natural predators to protect their crops.

3- The predatory behaviour of foxes is extremely sophisticated.

📌 Adj: predatory



📍an animal that is hunted and killed for food by another animal:

1- Electric eels الثعابين الكهربائية stun their prey with huge electrical discharges. التصريفات الكهربائية

2- These animals are the prey of hyenas. الضباع ( هايينس)

3- They prey on small insects. هنا فعل

* The wolves prey on small animals. هنا فعل

📌لا يوجد بها جمع



📍an animal or plant that lives on or in another animal or plant of a different type and feeds from it:

1- He tested positive for intestinal المعوية parasites.

2- The infection is caused by a tiny parasite which can affect humans and pets. الحيوانات الأليفة

3- Global warming may cause the spread of tropical ااستوائي parasitic diseases.

📌Adj: parasitic




acclimatize /acclimatise (uk)

📍to (cause to) change to suit different conditions of life, weather, etc.:

1- Allow time for your body to acclimatize to the high altitude. ارتفاعات

2-Take a few days to acclimatize to the new time zone.

3- I’m sure that we will acclimatize very quickly to the new economic situation.

📌N: acclimatization

يتأقلم (خصوصاً مع الجو )


📍 to combine or join together, or to cause things to do this:

1- The Bank of America merged with Merrill Lynch.

2- Modern and traditional architectural elements merge in a clever way.

📌n: merger


📍to return something or someone to an earlier good condition or position:

1- The army was brought in to restore order.

2- The death penalty was restored.

3- The new government restored confidence in the economy.

📌n: restoration رسترويشن

يعيد / يسترجع / يستعيد


📍 to change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document:

1- The president agreed to amend the constitution.

2- Parliament البرلمان may amend the proposed tax bill.

3- We reserve نتحفظ the right to amend the terms and conditions.

📌n: amendment.

يعدل ( شيء بسيط غالباً ومتعلق بالقانون)



📍 to change from the usual way, or to go in a different direction:

1- They stopped you as soon as you deviated from the script.

2- Sub-Saharan جنوب الصحراء الكبرى Africa has wage levels that deviate significantly from international norms. المعايير العالمية

3- Galileo’s ideas deviated markedly from those of his time.

📌N: deviation



📍 to change something from its original, natural, or intended meaning, condition, or shape, especially in a negative way:

1- The media distorts reality by showing people as all good or all bad.

2- There are allegations مزاعم/ ادعاءات that the government distorted scientific findings to justify تبرر its policies

* She accused her opponent of distorting the truth.

📌N: distortion دستورشن

يحرف / يشوه

divert النطق ✏️


📍to cause something or someone to change direction:

1- The project diverted water to the drought-prone المعرضة للجفاف areas.

2- During the strike, we will divert ambulances to private hospitals.

*Traffic will be diverted through the side streets while the main road is resurfaced.

📌N: diversion دايفرشن

يحول اتجاه


📍to control something or someone to your advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly:

1- The media is trying to manipulate the election.

2- The robot is manipulated by using a joystick. عصا التحكم

* Throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media.

📌N: manipulation

يتلاعب ب


📍 to improve an idea, method, system, etc. by making small changes:

1- Medical techniques are constantly being refined.

2- Botanists باتنست(علماء النبات)are refining these classifications. التصنيفات

3- You can refine your search by adding filters.

* Engineers spent many months refining the software.

📍 to make something pure or improve something, especially by removing unwanted material:

* Sugar and oil are refined before use.

* The inventor of the machine spent years refining the design.

*The class is meant to help you refine your writing style.


يحسن / ينقح / ينقي


📍a change from one form or type to another, or the process by which this happens:

1- The transition to a democracy was difficult.

2- Young people need more support in the

transition from school life to work.

3- In Beethoven’s symphony, there is a beautiful transition between the second and third movements.

📍to start living as a person of a different gender: (v) ( معنى آخر )

* Bornstein transitioned from male to female almost 20 years ago.

* It wasn't easy transitioning gender in the military.

📌Adj: transitional

انتقال / تحول


📍to become bigger or to make something bigger:

1- We use silicone implants يزرع to enlarge the breasts.

2- The glands الغدد in your neck may enlarge.

3- The European Union enlarged to 25 countries in 2004.


يوسع / يكبر


📍 to reduce or be reduced in size or importance:

1-Federalism is designed to diminish the power of central government.

2- Hospitals are facing problems because of diminishing funding.

3- This could lead to diminished support for the war.

📌N: diminution نادرة الاستخدام

يقلل/ يقلص



📍to become worse:

1- There are fears that the situation may deteriorate into full-scale واسعة النطاق war.

2- His health rapidly deteriorated overnight.

3- The condition of the roads deteriorated because of the floods.





📍to get rid of something completely or destroy something bad:

1- Doctors are fighting to eradicate malaria from Africa.

2- Government policies sought يبحث to eradicate child poverty.

3- The headteacher مدير المدرسة wanted to eradicate lateness.

📌 N:eradication

يبيد/ يمحي / القضاء على




📍 something (such as a chemical) that is used to produce a particular effect or result:

1- White bread contains a chemical agent that bleaches بليشيس (يبيض) the flour.

2- He found that this chemical agent can produce birth defects. عيوب خلقية

3- The agent reacted with body tissue نسيج الجسد with serious effects.



📍the smallest unit of any chemical element, consisting of a positive nucleus surrounded by negative electrons. Atoms can combine to form a molecule:

1- A methane molecule is composed تتكون of one carbon atom attached موصلة to four hydrogen atoms.

2- He was the scientist who was first to split the atom.

3- There are substantialكبير fears about their capacity to spread atomic weapons.

📌Adj: atomic الذري



📍 the smallest unit into which a substance can be divided without chemical change, usually a group of two or more atoms:

1- At high temperatures, the strands of the DNA خيوط الحمض النووي molecule start to come apart. التفكك

2- Molecules are made up of atoms that are held together by chemical bonds.

3- A water molecule is made up of 2 atoms of hydrogen and one oxygen atom.

📌Adj :molecular



📍 a chemical that combines two or more elements عناصر

1- Organic compounds contain carbon in their molecules.

2- Gasoline is essentially a compound of carbon and hydrogen.



📍 able to be dissolved when mixed with a liquid:

1- Sugar is soluble in water.

2- Some are soluble in water, as shown by the discoloration تغير اللون of the substances on which they grow.

قابل للذوبان


📍 (of a substance) impossible to dissolve:

1- Carotenes الكاروتينات are insoluble in water and soluble in oil.

2- A mask of pure, insoluble collagen fibre ألياف الكولاجين is placed over the ski

*These minerals are all insoluble in water.

غير قابل للذوبان


📍 any solid consisting of atoms or molecules that are arranged in a regular structure:

1- The symmetrical المتماثل shape of an ice crystal is due يرجع الى / ناجم عن to depositional الترسيب growth.

2- This process is used to grow single crystals to be used as semiconductors أشباه الموصلات

*Silicon crystals grown in a laboratory convert light into electrical energy.

بلور / كريستال



analogue/analog (US)

أنا لوق

📍of, relating to, or being a mechanism آلية or device in which information is represented by continuously variable physical quantities الكميات الفيزيائية المتغيرة

1- The analogue signals from a video tape are converted into digital code.

2- Digital TV is a more efficient way of delivering signals than analogue transmissions الإرسال / بث

* Analog broadcasts, the current technology, would continue side by side with digital.

تناظري ( عكس الرقمي Digital )

📌الفرق بينهم:

ـ analog : هو كل اله تعتمد عليها فى قراءه بيانات معينه على مؤشر يتحرك على scale معين يتم تقسيمه بطريقه تتناسب مع الشئ المراد قياسه من تياراو فولت او قدره ... الخ ..

الـ digital : هى كل اله تعتمد فى قراءه بيانات معينه على ارقام تظهر على شاشه مما يسهل عليك الدقه فى حساباتك .

مثال :

استخدام الساعه ذات المؤشر / و الساعه الرقميه ..

* الساعه ذات المؤشر تعتمد على عقرب يدور على عدد من الارقام يمكن معرفه الوقت بها عن طريق رؤيه المؤشر على عدد معين من 1-12 ويتم حساب الدقائق بصوره تقربيه ..

* الساعه الرقميه تعتمد على ظهور ارقام على الشاشه توضح الوقت بالضبط دون الحاجه الى تقريب الدقائق.

خصائص الاشارات التناظريه :

قيمها متغيره باستمرار .

تتعرض للتشويش بسهوله .

بعد فتره تحتاج لتغيير الياى المستخدم للمؤشر نظراً لتلفه من الاحتكاك بين الاجزاء الميكانيكه

امثله للأجهزه التى تستخدم الاشارات التناظريه ..

التلفزيون ،الراديو،التليفون الارضى،معظم الساعات فى البيوت

خصائص الاشارات الرقميه :

دقه فى القياس عاليه جداً .. قابليتها للتشويش قليله جداً

امثله للأجهزه المستخدمه للاشارات الرقميه :

الانترنت عباره عن اشارات رقميه

الشاشات التى تستخدم وصله HDMI يوصلها اشارات رقميه الهاتف المحمول يرسل ويستقبل اشارات رقميه من والى ابراج الشبكه


📍to run or operate (something, such as a factory or system) by using machines, computers, etc., instead of people to do the work:

1- Unskilled jobs are going to be automated.

2- They decided to automate many of the manual processes.

3- It was a self-service, fully automated programme.



📍operated by or involving the pressure of water or some other liquid:

1- The boat has no fewer than 5 hydraulic pumps.

2- Below 500m, depth عمق does not appear to be related to hydraulic conductivity.التوصيل

3- Hydraulic pressure is involved in lowering the landing gear and in controlling the airplane.

* They manufacture hydraulic pumps, valves, and motors.

* The plane’s hydraulic systems can withstand incredibly high temperatures.


يعني التحكم في نقل الحركة والقوى داخل الآلات مستخدمة السوائل المضغوطة


هايدرو اليكترك

📍producing electricity by the force of fast moving water such as rivers or waterfalls:

1- Engineers say the river has huge potential for developing hydroelectric power.

2- The region contains many factories powered by a hydroelectric dam. سد

3- We made big things like steel for ships and tractors الجرارات and turbines توربينات for hydroelectric plants.

الطاقة الكهرومائية


📍 (a device that produces) a powerful, narrow beam شعاع of light that can be used as a tool to cut metal, to perform medical operations, or to create patterns of light for entertainment:

1- Therapies العلاجات currently under investigation include laser surgery.

2- Researchers found that a tunable laser beam شعاع الليزر الانضباطي might be useful in surgery.

3- The air force started to use laser-guided bombs. القنابل الموجهه بالليزر



📍 the first example of something, such as a machine or other industrial product, from which all later forms are developed:

1- He has built a prototype of a machine called the wave rotor.

2- They launched a prototype of their solar- powered car.

3- He quietly built a prototype of the machine in his garage.

النموذج المبدئي


📍connected with the eyes or sight, or connected with or using light:

1- Volcanic dust in the atmosphere creates interesting optical effects.

2- An optical zoom on a camera physically adjusts the lens to magnify يكبر a distant object.

3- Then came an all-optical experiment using an optical fibre ليف بصري to transmit نقل data.



📍 the study of using scientific principles to design and build machines, structures, and other things, including bridges, roads, vehicles, and buildings:

1- He was involved in the engineering of spacecraft. مركبة فضائية

2- She graduated with a degree in electronic engineering.

3- This major engineering company built many famous bridges.



📍 operating through the use of many small electrical parts (such as microchips الرقائق and transistors الترانزستورات )

1- They sell cameras, mobile phones and other electronic devices.

2- We will supply توريد and install تركيب electronic equipment. المواد الالكترونية

3- In recent years, paper-based records السجلات الورقية have been replaced by electronic systems.



📍 a machine that uses the energy from fuel or steam to produce movement:

1- Diesel engines are usually more fuel efficient than petrol ones.

2- The aeroplane crashed because of a sudden engine failure.

3- The mechanic fixed the engine in just a few minutes.

📌engineer مهندس




📍 operated by a machine, or connected with machines or their parts:

1- It is the oldest working mechanical clock in the world.

2- This small, mechanical device will fit in your pocket.

3- The plane was grounded على الارض because of a mechanical fault.

📌adv: mechanically




📍 relating to the practical use of machines or science in industry, medicine, etc:

1-This job requires a lot of technical expertise.

2- Many technical problems will have to be overcome.

3- If you need any technical assistance, give me a call.

تقني / فني


📍 If something, especially something related to a computer, is user-friendly, it is simple for people to use:

1- The new operating system is very user- friendly.

2- The organization of the library is very user- friendly

3- The website has been designed to make it as user-friendly as possible.

سهل الاستخدام


📍 a machine, usually with wheels and an engine, used for transporting people or goods on land, especially on roads:

1- The vehicle broke down on the journey to Washington.

2-The police said she was driving a stolen vehicle

3- An SUV سيارات الدفع الرباعي is classified as a small truck but is actually used as a family vehicle.

📌Adj: vehicular





📍 the number and types of plants and animals that exist in a particular area or in the world generally, or the problem of protecting this:

1- The environmental program encourages farmers to preserve biodiversity.

2- We must preserve and protect the great biodiversity of the oceans.

التنوع البيولوجي


📍 all the living things in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment:

1- Kenya’s ecosystems include rainforest, deserts and savannah.

2- Over-fishing الإفراط في الصيد has destabilized زعزعت الاستقرار marine ecosystems.

3- The success of Apple’s ecosystem depends on hardware-software integration. استخدام اعم

النظام البيئي

fossil fuel النطق

فوسل فيول

📍 fuels, such as gas, coal, and oil, that were formed underground from plant and animal remains millions of years ago:

1- By using less energy, we’ll burn fewer fossil fuels and emit بنبعث fewer greenhouse gases.

2- The fossil fuel companies, including the big oil companies, are amongst the richest in the world.

3- The government wants to cut back on fossil fuel exploration.

الوقود الأحفوري


📍 ​the process of getting rid of large amounts of rubbish by burying it, or a place where rubbish is buried:

1- The environmental costs of landfill can be very high.

2- The rubbish in modern landfills does not rot.

3- An 11 acre إيكر ( قطعة أرض ) landfill site in Massachusetts, now hosts a 9,620-panel, 2.2-megawatt solar plant. محطة للطاقة الشمسية

مكب نفايات


رايفوس ( يختلف قليلاً النطق عن الv)

📍 unwanted waste material, especially material that is regularly thrown away from a house, factory, etc.:

1- The council makes a weekly collection of refuse.

2- Vast كبيرة amounts of unwanted domestic منزلية/محلية refuse are left by the sides of roads.

3- Old TVs and washing machines are examples of domesticمحلي refuse.



📍 An unspoiled place is beautiful because it has not been changed or damaged by people:

1- The village is quiet and unspoiled.

2- We want to preserve the unspoiled coastlineالساحل of Wales.

3- The valley was unspoiled by modern life.

طبيعة لم يفسدها الانسان

green belt

📍 an area of land surrounding a city where building is not usually allowed

1- Planning regulations أنظمة التخطيط within the green belt are severely restricted.

2- Fields and parks make up much of the city’s green belt, an area of natural beauty.

الحزام الأخضر (بالشكل اللي بالصورة )




📍 a baby or a very young child

1- She found and took care of the infant.

2- The infant mortality مروتالتي (معدل الوفيات) rate in developed countries has been dramatically بشكل كبير reduced.

3- His infant daughter delighted his grandparents.



📍 a young person who is developing into an adult

1- Nearly 1% of adolescent girls suffer from anorexia. فقدان الشهية

2- Adolescents are often faced with an identity crisis as they grow up.

3- The city had a high rate of adolescent pregnancy.

📌N: adolescence مرحلة المرهقة



📍 behaving or feeling in the way that a mother does towards her child, especially in a kind, loving way:

1- She had few maternal instincts.

2- Her feelings towards him were almost maternal.

3- She had a very maternal approach اُسلوب تعامل to the children in her class.



📍 of or like a father:

1- Paternal instincts are those behaviours which a father performs unconsciously.

2- His feelings towards his employees were almost paternal.

3-He reasserted his paternal authority over his family.



📍 a brother or sister:

1- There was an intense rivalryمنافسة شديدة between these siblings.

2- 30% went back to live with a sibling or parent after the war.

3- I had 3 much older siblings as I grew up


marital status

ميرتل ستاتس

📍 the fact of someone being married or not:

1- How well off you are in old age is largely determined by race, sex and marital status.

2- It is possible that his marital status has hindered his rabbinic career. عرقلت مسيرته الحاخامية

3- Please enter your marital status and provide any relevant documentation

الحالة الاجتماعية


📍 the way in which you are treated and educated when young, especially by your parents, especially in relation to the effect that this has on how you behave and make moral decisions:

1- He was a naval war hero with a privileged مميز upbringing.

2- His political ideas were coloured by his upbringing as the son of a peasant فلاح farmer. مزارع

1- She enjoyed an idyllic upbringing التنشئة المثالية in the countryside.






📍​one of two halves of the earth, especially above or below the equator:

1- In the southern hemisphere, the height of summer is in January.

2- Countries in the western hemisphere are predominantly بيدامننتلي ( في الغالب) democratic.

3- If you live in the far north of the northern hemisphere, you can glimpse the Northern Lights.

نصف الكرة الأرضية


📍 an imaginary line drawn around the middle of the earth an equal distance from the North Pole and the South Pole:

1- The space station orbits 22,000 miles above the Earth’s equator.

2- Sarawak Island straddlesتمتد the equator. يعني على خط الاستواء

3- In equatorial countries, it is usually hot all year round

📌Adj: equatorial.



📍 ​the distance of a place east or west of an imaginary line between the North Pole and the South Pole, measured in degrees:

1- Warsaw is at a longitude of 21 degrees east of Greenwich. غرينتش

2- Determining تحديد longitude exactly has been a problem for the safety of shipping.

3- He measured the latitude and longitude and marked it on the admiralty map خريطة الاميرالية

📌Adj: longitudinal طولي

خط الطول


📍 the distance north or south of the equator measured from 0° to 90°

1- Warsaw is at a latitude of 52 degrees north of the equator.

2- In the middle to high latitudes, rainfall has risen steadily in the last 20-30 years.

3- Vitamin D deficiency نقص is commonplace مألوف at northern latitudes.

خط العرض


📍 the rise and fall of the sea that happens twice every day:

1- The island is inaccessible by foot at high tide.

2- The police report that exceptionally بشكل استثنائي high tides have damaged local beaches.

3- Some scientists have suggested that strong tides can cause earthquakes.

📌Adj: tidal

المد والجزر


📍the round hole at the top of a volcano, or a hole in the ground similar to this:

1- Experts calculate that a 3km asteroid could create a crater 60km wide.

2- An ancient volcanic crater provides the perfectly shaped circle of Simpson Harbour.

3- The bomb gouged out اقتلعت a crater 10 meters across.

فوهة البركان


📍the highest point of a mountain:

1- The first man to reach the summit of Mount Everest was Sir Edmund Hillary.

2- He reached the summit at about noon.

3- The expedition البعثة climbed to the summit of the mountain.



📍 (of weather conditions) neither very hot nor very cold:

1- The Nile Valley retains يحتفظ a temperate climate throughout the year.

2- Agricultural crops thrive تنموin temperate climates.

3- His report to the president was far more temperate and balanced than his earlier effort. معنى اعم



📍 very dry and without enough rain for plants:

1- Botanists علماء النبات have cultivated crops that can withstand arid conditions.

2- Farming is difficult in the arid parts of the country.

3- His history lectures were arid. معنى اعم يعني مملة

قاحل/ جاف


📍​related to the sea or sea transport:

1- Coral reefs are excellent breeding grounds ارض خصبة for marine life.

2- Jacques Cousteau spent his life researching marine biology.

3- Sea Life Centres have raised awareness of the marine environment.



قلاسير ( النطق البريطاني )

قلايشر ( النطق الامريكي )

📍 a large mass of ice that moves slowly:

1- Scientists report that Alaska’s glaciers are melting faster than expected.

2- During the Ice Age, northern Europe was covered under an enormous glacier.

3- The glacier moves down the valley at a speed of 1 metre a day.




📍 relating to the earth:

1- Human beings are a terrestrial life form.

2- Although Mercury is very hot by terrestrial standards, it is cool by comparison مقارنة to the Sun.

3- Terrestrial TV channels send their signals over land, rather than by satellite




📍all the animals that live wild in a particular area:

1- The flora and fauna of the African savannah is very diverse.

2- Brackish waters المياه المالحة generally support only a small range of faunas.

3- They worked hard to protect the fauna of the Appalachian forests.

حيوانات منطقة معينك


📍 all the plants of a particular place or from a particular time in history:

1- A wide variety of flora exists in the Amazon jungle.

2- The purpose of the expedition was to study the flora and fauna of the island.

نباتات منطقة معينة




📍 the right of an organization, country, or region to be independent and govern itself:

1- Catalonia demanded autonomy from Spain.

2- The rebels stepped up their demands for autonomy.

3- Each of the managers enjoys considerable autonomy in their decision making. معنى اوسع

📌Adj: autonomous.

الحكم الذاتي / الاستقلال


📍 the system of beliefs and laws by which a country, state, or organization is governed

1- The transitional authority will draft تعد a draft مسودة constitution.

2- The constitution protects civil liberties and freedom of speech.

📌 unconstitutional العكس


coup النطق

كو ( وليس كوب)

📍 a sudden illegal, often violent, taking of government power, especially by part of an army:

1- They were imprisoned مسجون for their role in the coup.

2- A military coup took place in Egypt in 2013.

3- Rebel المتمرد generals الجنرالات stagedنظمو a coup to oust طرد the democratically elected government



📍 a leader who has complete power in a country and has not been elected by the people

1- The country descendedانحدرت into anarchy أنركي (فوضى سياسية) when its dictator was overthrown. يطيح

2- This brutal dictator has blood on his hands.

3- Popular protests eventually forced the dictator to flee يهرب the country.




📍 a king or queen:

1- Australia is an independent country but still has the British monarch as head of state.

2- His attempts to rule as an absolute monarch حكم مطلق provoked يثير a rebellion التمرد

📌N: monarchist شخص مؤيد للملكية

العاهل / الملك



📍 the group of people in a country or part of a country who have the power to make and change laws:

1- The proposals before من قبل the legislature included laws against drug trafficking.الاتجار

2- The legislature passed a bill مشروع قانون to permit للسماح a referendum استفتاء on the constitution.

3- The USA has a bicameral باي كامرل (ذو مجلسين تشريعين) legislature

📌N: legislation تشريع

السلطة التشريعية


📍a particular government or a system or method of government:

1- The Fascist regime of Germany collapsed at the end of the war.

2- He was imprisoned مسجون and tortured under the military regime.

3- The new regime immediately imprisoned opponents and stopped freedom of speech

النظام الحاكم ( غالباً مصطلح سلبي)