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75 Cards in this Set

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While has the most leisure time

-involves the choice of certain activities

-teenagers and elderly

What are the precursors for leisure activities

1) motivate offenders or free them from constraints

2) facilitate encounters between offenders and victims

Leisure as a corruptor

Leisure activities may motivate offences (t.v, movie, comic books, rap music, cartoons, news)

Is there a link between tv and violent behavior

May very with

-personal background

-type of show

-length of show

-length of effect

-setting of viewing

-setting of research

What effects do gender, age, programtype and type of anti social behaviour have on the tv and violent crime link

Gender (doe not modify the effect)

Age( younger viewers are more susceptible)

Programtype (not effect are violten erotica and erotica)

Type of anti social behavior (aggressive behaviour and minor agreeive behaviour rather than illegal activities)

What did Yin et al. Study

Studied 2651 Mexican American adolescents and classified adolescent activities into 5 categories

-found that unsupervised socialization with friends increases delinquency

-organized leisure reduced delinquency

(Shows how, where and who they spend their leisure time with effects behaviour)

What are the 5 categories of adolescent activities

1) unsupervised socialization with friends

2) organized recreational activities

3) organized sport

4) activities at home

5) self directed leisure activities

The effects of social control on leisure

Delinquency happens more when time is spent doing activities outside the home or without supervision

-spending time with parents increases conformity

What do personal victimization happen the most?

-during evening

-on weekends

-leisure settings (drinking, partying, cruising)

-activities outside the home

Outdoors and victimization stated by the general social survey (2009)

Those who have 30 or more actives outside the home in evenings are 4 more times as likely to be victimized than those who had less than 10 evening activities

-21 activies is quadrupled

Do crimes happen more often on weekends

Violent incidents happen most often in Saturdays and least on mondays

Property incidents increase on mondays and fridays and decrease on sunday saturdays

What are the peek hours for violent incidents

6:00pm to 9:00 PM

(Prime time for tv and crime)

What crimes happen led often on Sunday's

Assualt (10%)

Sexual assault (10%)

Robbery (12%)

Theft under $5000 (10%)

Drug possession (7%)

How are residences the most haza locations

56.2% homicides

60.4% sexual assaults

48.7% assault

66.9% break and enters

(Happen in residential areas)

-we must crime proof our homes

What is the routine activity theory (Cohen and felson)

Criminal events happen when....

1) there is a motivated offender

2) a suitable target

3) an absence of effective guardianship

(Explains why crime is more likely to happen in certain locations or times and as well to certain types of people)

Alcohol consumption and crime

-Both young and old drinks are 1.5 more times to be victimized

-importance of alcohol in violence victimization has increased over the years

The role of alcohol in native homicides

Her percentages of alcohol related homicides for aboriginals than no aboriginals

(Reducing alcohol use may help to reduce homicide incidenct for aboriginals)

How does alcohol and drugs effect homicide

75% of accused and 62% of victims of homicide consumed alcohol or drugs during homicide

-young offenders (92%)

-yound victims (81%)

Consequences of legalizing marijuana

Frequent cannabis use causes

-sexual assault victimization increase (8 times)

-pysical assault victimization increase (6 times)

-personal property theft (3 times)

How does the general social survey (GSS) define cyber bullying

Had ever previously received threatening or aggressive messages, been the target of hate comments spread through emails, instant messager, or postings on internet sites or threatening emails sent using victims identity

Who is more likely to be cyber bullied

-young person 15-24

- single persons are 4 times more likely

-low income individuals

-being a student

-using drugs

-men are more likely to be bullied by strangers

-women more likely to be bullied by people they know

Children and cyber bullying

1 in 5 causes were bullied by strangers

-classmates (40%)

-friends/ acquaintances (31%)

What are the preconditions for family violence

1) family life gives social setting for omnipresent conflict

2) family life is private life (secret deviance)

3) cultural attitudes towards family violence are highly ambivalent

4) the family is a hierarchical institution

Women victimization

-spousal violence 80-90%

-family related assaults 77%

-assaults between spouses 90%

-assaults between exs 80%

-assaults between other relatives 55%

Children victimization

- killed by parents 2/3

-10% killed by step or foster

-11% killed by strangers

What are the possible factors of domestic violence


Economic stress


Income effects on violence

Lower income men are more likely to assault their wives

-men with income lower than 15,000 are twice as likely to assault their wives

Education effects on assults

Men with less than a high school education are twice as likely to assault their wives

Age effects on assult

Women 18-34 are 6 times more likely to be victims of assult

-couoles among age 30 are 3 more times likely to have abuse happen

In 2017 what age group experience the most intimate partner violence


Later marriages has shifted it from 15-24

Percentages of child abuse

90% of parents have hit their child

12% of mothers

15% fathers

6 out of 10 are children under 18

1 in 4 are under 12

UCR studay 1988-1990

40% of those accused for committing crimes against children where parents

24% is sexual assaults of children where from parents

17% of sexual assaults were committed by other family members

Homicide of children percentages

Mother (46% under 2) (29% 2-13)

Father (34% under 2) (25% 2-13)

Family members (86% under 2) (68% 2-13)

What were the earliest classical criminologist

Were late 18th century thinkers concerned with humanizing the highly arbitrary and harsh systems of criminal punishment

What did Beccaria and Bentham believe (classical school)

Bother emphasized the deterrent effect of punishment on potential criminals

What is the idea behind the deterrent effect (classical school)

If A rational person knows a painful punishment will follow the commission of a crime they will not commit it

(Capacity to make rational choices)

What did this classical think lead to

Created categorical systems where each crime had its punishment (punishment fit crime)

-still used today

-idea that we can make rational choices still influences criminology

What did neo classical criminologist believe

1)That most people have the free will to act

But some people dont have the ability to choose between right and wrong

-mentally I'll, retarded, young may not have the free will to choose

2) people may not have the intent to act

3) supported legal defences

Who was Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794)

-italian criminologist and economist

-essay on crimes and punishment (1764/1963) was most influential treatises on criminal justice

-weote on economics, anticipating some ideas of Adam Smith and Thomas malthus

-severed as a public official in Milan

What did Cesare Beccaria believe

Punishments should not exceed what was necessary to keep public order( severity should match seriousness of crime)

-opposer capital punishment, torture or secret proceedings

Who was Jeremy Bentham (1784-1832)

-English reformer

-took up Beccaria's ideas (they influenced penal laws for European countries)

What was the bloody code

English stipulated over 200 capital offences (offences punishable by death)

-testiminies from the lower class were obtained by torture

What is celerity

Refers to the speed of imposing penalty once a person is convicted

-crime should be swifity dealt with

-a person who is accused should entitle benefit of a fast trial

-no imprison without opportunity to defend themselves

-punihsment shouldn't be delayed

What is certainty

Applying punishment despite ones social class

-should be subject to punishments as prescribed by law

What does beccaria believe drives people

The pleasure principle (hedonism)

-people have free will to make own choices

-some choices give the actor pleasure while others have the opposite consequences

-those who are afraid of legal punishment may avoid it by refraining from criminal behaviour

What are the problems with these beliefs


Certainty and celebrity are difficult to achieve


Severity of punishment may be subjective (may seem severe to one person but not to another)


It assumes an amoral person

-people may not commit crime even though there is no punishment for it


It assumes free will

-peoples behaviour are determined by many social factors

What did Philip Zimbardo study

He put an oldsmobile on the street as it had been abandoned and recorded what happened to it

-lesd than 3 days it was reduced to useless hulk

-23 incdiencts of theft and vandalism

-we all commit crime

What does positivism focus on

The criminal (rather than the crime)

On factors that determine a person criminality (propensity to commit crime)

Positivist view

-Motivation if crime is not fixed

-It is determined by psychologcia, biological and sociological factors (factors beyond individuals control cause crime)

-punishments have to deal with individual needs to correct the factors that cause crime


What did lambroso study

Examined the anatomy of notorious criminals and discov that their skeletal characteristics were close to inferior animals

-developed the theory of atavism

-used Darwins ideas of evolution for criminal behaviour

What is atavism

Born criminals who show atavistic drawbacks, who are closer in the evolutionary ladder to apes and retain many primal instincts

What are the 3 types of criminals

1) born criminals (atavistic)

2) criminaloid

3) criminals of sickness or uncontrolled passion

What is criminaloid

People who occasionally commit crime, quite random without any particular reason

What is phrenology

Identify criminals by their appearance

Characteristics of criminals

- dark thick hair

-flat or low forehead

-bushy eyebrows

-long ears

-recedjng chin

-long arms and short legs

-sloping shoulders

-left handed

Characteristics of sex offenders

-swollen eyelids and lips


What did Charles goring do

Studied the mental and social characteristics of convitd compared to noncriminal men

-also tested lombroso's idea of physical characteristics

What did charles find

Compared convicts with hospitals patients, college students and soldiers

-college students were much different from convicts

-no pattern of physical defect among convicts

What was gorings idea if hereditary

The tendency to commit crime could be passed on from generation to generation

-crimes is rotted in ti inadequacies of criminals (criminals are physically and socially inadequate)

Studies of hereditary and crime

Robert dugdale (studied jukes family)

Henry Goddard (studied children of a soldier in the American revolution)

What did earnest hooton believe

Supported lombroso

-studied sample of 10,000 male criminals and 4,000 non criminals

What did earnest hooton conclude

1) larger size of criminal the more serious the offence

2) body size predicts the form of offence (small= forgery, large= murder)

3) predict criminality by ethnicity (1=Italian and 9th= polish Australian

What did William sheldon believe

There is a relationship between body type and criminality

-3 basic boy type or somatotypes

What are sheldon's 3 body types

1) ectomorphs (thin, worry a lot, introverted)

2) mesomorphs (muscular, extroverted and agressive)

3) endomorphs ( soft and limp, easy going, extroverted)

What are the implications of biological positivism


-medical treatment

-classificaion of race, physiological characteristics



What are twin studies used for

Determining biological and social factors for crime

-monozygotic twins( identical) 100% genes

-dizygotic twins (fraternal) 50% genes

(Biological factors play a big part)

What did hutchings state about adoption studies

Criminal involvement of the biological father tends to have greater influence on the adoptees criminal involvement than the adoptive fathers

What is a super Male

Has 1 x and 2 y chromosomes

-1,000 in general population

-1 in 100 to 1 in 50 in prison

-believer to be taller and more violent

-less intelligent leading to less education leading to crime

Hitschi and hindelang view of IQ

IQ > academic achievement > delinquency

Other view

IQ + school system = failure/success= delinquency


Born evil

Demon possession view

What is the incident based uniform crime reporting survey

Collectd detailed information oncrimals incidents that have come to the attention of police services in canada

What is the homicide survey

Collects detailed information on all homicides that come to the attention of police services in Canada