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22 Cards in this Set

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a thin, Joel tennis like film secreted by bacterial cells that forms around multiple cells, creating micro colonies on surfaces such as teeth or implanted devices and in lumens of indwelling catheters, difficult to eliminate even with antibiotic therapy.


A large, raised, acutely inflamed skin lesion filled with pus, also known as furuncle.


characterized by eruption of blisters skin crusting without blisters, forms of the skin disease impetigo, with non bullous impetigo being more contagious form.


circumscribed sites of staphylococcal subcutaneous tissue infection containing pus that eventually discharged to the surface of the skin.


extracellular factors produced by various cells such as monocytes and lymphocytes, they include interleukins some interference and tumor necrosis factor, important in controlling systemic or local inflammatory responses.


Gradual wasting away, a state of lacking physical strength, deterioration, weak knee


Inflammatory infection in the inner lining of the heart valves or Chambers.


Accumulation of fluid in a cavity production of serum or pus


A condition of having large raised skin lesions full of pus and surrounded by inflamed tissue also known as boils.


A type of nephritis primarily involving the glomeruli.

Gram - variable

Bacteria, in particular mycobacterium , that do not consistently stay in purple or red


an an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid with the ventricles of the brain may be a result of malabsorption, overproduction, or blocked from enya secondary to infection, injury, pathological or congenital disorders.

Hyperbaric oxygen

type of wound therapy which utilizes oxygen under great pressure than normal atmospheric pressure patients who have non-healing wounds or bacterial infections are placed in a chamber that is airtight and contains the highly pressurized oxygen.


a highly contagious streptococcal or stuff to stuff a glow skin infection characterized by isolation pustules that become crusted and rupture.


Types of proteins produced by bacteria which facilitate the pathogens an intrusion into host cells by binding to special receptor sites.


the surgical incision in the type panic membrane of the earring placement of pressure equalizing polyethylene tubes to allow the drainage of infection fluid in patients who experience chronic ear infections.

Non - bullous

a form of impetigo which is more common and more contagious than bullous impetigo and may be caused by either streptococcus or staphylococcus species.

Otitis media

Inflammation of the middle ear, chronic ear infection.


Skin lesions that are slightly raised and filled with lymph fluid or pus.


Abnormal enlargement of the spleen usually caused by disease or infection.

Subdural effusion

Abnormal accumulation of fluid between the brain and meninges if fluid is infected is called subdural empyema.


Mechanical devices used for artificial ventilation of the lungs.