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31 Cards in this Set

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The theory of spontaneous generation. Said life could arise from nonliving material.

Blood-borne pathogens

Microorganisms capable of causing infection or disease which can spread through direct blood to blood contact via sharps injury intravenous needle sharing unprotected sex contaminated mucus membranes maternal fetal circulation or blood transfusion.

Cell theory

Termed "cells" by Robert Hooke. Stated all life was composed of building blocks.


Pertaining to an organism which lives and thrives in the presence of air and dies without it.


Organism which lives and thrives in the absence of air and dies when exposed to it.

Aseptic technique

set of work practices utilized in the perioperative setting by surgical team members which prevents were minimizes contamination in the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms.


Use of biological agents such as bacteria and viruses in terrorist attacks for the purpose of causing death or widespread disease in humans animals and plants.


treatment of disease with chemical substances or pharmaceutical agents which have a toxic or suppressive effect on the disease-causing microorganisms.


Coupling together or the process in which genetic information is transferred through cell-to-cell contact between bacteria.


pertaining to an infectious disease that is constantly present in a region community or population but involves relatively few people and low rates of mortality.


Pertaining to an infectious disease which occurs with a greater than normal incidence rate at the same time in a geographical area.

Germ theory of disease

A scientific theory that pathogenic microbes are the cause of disease and illness.

Germ warfare AKA biological warfare

Military use of pathogenic microorganisms as a weapon against an enemy.

Gram stain

Nothing you developed by hands Graham to stain bacteria with Crystal Violet rinse stained with iodine solution rinse counterstain with carbolfuchsin and then rinse again.


State of having a natural or acquired protection against an infectious disease.


state or condition of having a lowered immune system which makes an individual vulnerable to pathogenic or opportunistic infections.


process of transmitting a pathogen to produce growth for analysis or transmitting an antigen antitoxin or antiserum to produce immunity to specific disease.

Koch's postulates

A sequence of steps established by German physician Robert Koch for experimental demonstrating in the laboratory that a specific microbe causes a specific disease.

Other potentially infectious materials (OPIMs)

Things such as body fluids unfixed tissue special specimens HIV or hbv containing tissues organs or culture specimens and their potential risks that is regulated by OSHA.


An infectious disease that occurs worldwide or in a majority of the population of a large geographic region.


First developed antibiotic. Discovered by Alexander Fleming. Produced by mold called penicillium notatum.


Process of using heat to kill bacteria without affecting the chemical composition or taste of a beverage such as milk. Named after Louis Pasteur.

Personal protective equipment (PPEs)

attire worn to protect against exposure to physical and biological hazards including masks gloves Shields respirators gowns lead aprons shoe covers etc.

Petri dish

A round shallow glass or plastic dish with a cover that contain solid culture media to grow microbes.

Puerperal fever

A syndrome characterized by a systemic bacterial infection and septicemia suffered by a mother in the. Immediately after childbirth.

Pure culture technique

a laboratory technique used to ensure the growth of only one type of microbe on a culture medium in a Petri dish or broth medium.


a procedure utilized to protect the public by separating isolating and restricting the movement of individuals demonstrating symptoms of a contagious disease or those exposed to infectious disease in order to determine their status and potential transmissibility.


Any agent physical or chemical capable of destroying all living microorganisms including spores to render an object sterile.

Steam, heat, ionizing radiation, liquid gas, plasma vapor.

Surgical conscience

the honesty and moral integrity that the surgical technologist must possess in order to always practice strict aseptic and sterile technique not hesitate to admit a mistake or brake technique take corrective actions to prevent potential harm to the patient from acquiring a surgical wound infection.


The procedure of producing immunity by ministration of a vaccine through various means such as intradermally, orally.


substance produced naturally by bacteria or other organisms or synthetically produced in the lab. Capable of killing or suppressing the growth of microorganisms used clinically to fight infections.