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18 Cards in this Set

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Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

A chemical compound of nucleotide Dino seen and 3 phosphoric acid groups which is present in all cells have a larger number in the muscle tissues.


Single - celled protozoa often found in soil and water which utilized pseudopods for movement.


Tiny cellular organelles.


small green bodies found in the cells of plant leaves and stems which possessed stromme and pigments and are important to the photosynthesis process.


Linear strands of nucleotide protein hereditary structures within the nucleus of a cell composed of a double strand of DNA which determine inherited traits.


type of single - celled microorganisms (protozoa) which have hair like extensions cilia used for movement and capturing food particles (Cilia)capture your food particles.


Type of algae and phytoplankton found in aquatic environments, maybe unicellular or founding colonies and have clear silicone cell walls which provide incredible variability intricacy see in appearance.


Unicellular Marine protozoa which produce red pigment toxic to fish and marine life, responsible for coastal red tide outbreaks.


Type of symbiosis in which one organism lives inside another. theory proposes that organelles of eukaryotic cells originated as free-living bacteria which took up residence inside other cells and took up specialized functions.


An anaerobic process by which yeast ferment sugar to alcohol, used for the production of food such as a bread, beer and wines.


Unicellular microorganisms which have a specialized organ now a cell mobility yeah that was a long thin structure attached to the outside of a cell, it's whipping motion provides the cell a means of.


Symbiotic relationship of algae and fungi which create a composite organism. Form of skin disease.


Elongated hollow, tubular structures in cells which aid in maintaining cellular rigidity and transporting substances within the cell.


The ability and power of a microbe or structure to move by itself.

Oxidative phosphorylation

the end result of a series of complex cellular energy transformations which involve the electron transport system in mitochondria to produce ATP and collectively known as cellular respiration.


any organism, including green plants that synthesize chemical substances, especially carbohydrates, from atmospheric carbon dioxide in water. Light is used as an energy source in oxygen is liberated in the process.


Eye structure of the cell formed within a cellular nucleus, it begins the production of proteins.


any of four phyla of protozoans that are pathogenic parasites, non motile, and known to have an alternating asexual and sexual life cycle.

Apicomplexa organisms