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21 Cards in this Set

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Are cells of the lungs.


Segmented bacterial spores which have entered into a resting state.


A rare fungal infection which causes inflammatory lesions of the skin, lungs, bones, central nervous system, or other internal organs caused by inhalation of blastomycosis dermatitis conidia.


Inflammation of the edges of eyelids which includes the hair follicles and glands.

Catarrhal stage

The primary stage of pertussis (whooping cough) characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract which causes excessive nasal discharge, low grade fever, coughing.


Infection caused by inhalation of the fungus

Valley fever

Convalescent stage

The stage of disease or infection in which the individual is recovering and getting well.

Cystic fibrosis

agenda Natick inherited disorder caused by an autosomal recessive gene which primarily affects the respiratory and digestive systems.


inflammation of the mucous membranes of the lacrimal duct in sac which causes excessive tearing redness and pain in the area.

Eustachian tube

Auditory tube, a mucous membrane lined hollow tube which connects the middle ear to the pharynx.


a systemic fungal infection from inhalation of histoplasma capsulatum which may affect multiple body systems primarily the respiratory system and systems me range from mild to fatal.


Pertaining to unknown or unclear cause of origin of disease infection or condition.


Pertaining to an unusual or unexpected reaction to a drug food or other substance.


Inflammation of the cornea of the eye may be due to infection trauma or immune response.


Microscopic hair-like projections on the surface of cell membranes.

Otitis externa

Inflammation of the outermost portion of the auditory canal.


Medical specialty also known as ENT which involves the study and practice of ear nose and throat.

Paroxysmal stage

The second stage of pertussis characterized by numerous sudden bouts of rapid coughs which may lead to exhaustion and. cyanosis

Rheumatic fever

a rare serious and potentially life-threatening secondary inflammatory disease which may follow group a streptococcal infections and may affect the heart brain skin and joints at varying degrees.


contagious infection of the eyelids caused by chlamydia trachomatis which causes the inner eyelids to become rough in a braid the cornea.


Classification of drugs or agents which constrict narrow blood vessels.