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27 Cards in this Set

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Receivers of BAD NEWS are less disappointed if they(4 criterias)
1. know the reason for rejection
2. feel that news was revealed sensitively
3. think the matter was treated seriously
4. believe decision was fair
PRIMARY GOALS in comm. Bad News
1. make reader understand bad news
2. have reader accept it
3. maintain positive image of org.
SECONDARY GOALS in comm. bad news(4)
1. reduce bad feelings
2. convey fairness
3. eliminate future correspondence
4. avoid creating liability/responsibility for you/org.
Indirect Pattern to Prepare Reader
-to soften impact of bad news
- give reasons and explanations first
When to use DIRECT pattern
1. when receiver might overlook bad news
2. when directness is preferred
3. when firmness is necessary
4. when bad news is not damaging
3x3: phase 1
-analyze bad news
-anticipate effect on receiver
-mild= direct
-serious= indirect
-consider techniques
-adapt to protect receiver's ego
-words that show respect
3x3: phase 2
-gather info, brainstorm for ideas
-reasons for bad news?
- focus on strong and safe reasons
4 parts outline of bad news pattern**
1. buffer
2. reasons
3. bad news
4. closing
1. Buffer
- open with neutral/meaningful statement not mentioning bad news
2. reasons
-explain causes of bad news before disclosing
3. bad news
-reveal news without emphasizing it
-provide alternative/compromise if poss.
4. Closing
- end with personalized, forward-looking, pleasant stat.
-avoid referring bad news
3x3: phase 3
-switch positions, put yourself in the other's position
-too blunt?too subtle?clear?
-prepare final version, proofread, evaluate
3 causes of Legal Problems
1. abusive language
2. careless language
3. "good-guy syndrome"
1. abusive lang
-for false statements, damaging one's good name, published
- "defamation": legal term for false statements that harms individual's reputation
-when abusive lang. written: "Libel"
- when spoken: "Slander"
2. careless
-statements that could be damaged, misinterpreted
3. good-guy syndrome
- making statements that are legally dangerous
-avoid giving data that could be misused, making promises that can't be fulfilled, apologies that suggest liability
Techniques: buffer
-to reduce shock, pain
-best news
technique: reasons
-explain clearly
-cite reader/other benefits
- explain company policy
-choose positive words
-show that matter treated seriously and fairly
technique: cushioning bad news
- positioning bad news strategically
-use passive voice
-accentuate positive
-imply refusal
-suggest compromise/alternative
technique: close pleasantly
-forward look
-good wishes
-freebies(coupons, samples,gifts)
- resale/sale promo
Refusing Routine Requests
-for favour/money/info/action
-declining invitations
- use 4 steps pattern(buffer, reasons, bad news, close pleasantly)
bad news to customers
-when company at fault: call and apologize, explain what happened, follow up with goodwill mess.
-written mess importance
1. when personal contact not possible
2. to establish record of incident
3. to formally confirm follow-up procedure
4. to promote good relations

-gifts, benefits, resell prod./service
Handling problems with Orders
- indirect pattern* unless it contains good news
Denying Claims
- reasons before refusal pattern*= empathic tone and buffers bad news
Refusing credit
4 goals:
1. avoid lang. that cause hard feelings
2. retain customers on cash basis
3. prepare for possible future credit without raising false expectations
4. avoid disclosures that could cause a lawsuit
bad news internally
-tactful, professional, safe
1. gather all info
2. prepare and rehearse
3. explain past, present and future
4. consider taking a partner
5. think about timing
6. be patient with reaction
Bad News in other cultures
- different strategies
- North America:indirectly bad news
- Britain and Germany:directly
-high context cult.: straightforwardness avoided
-some Latin cult.: bad news totally suppressed
- Asian: negativism avoided, hints may suggest bad news
-very tricky, requires sensitivity and awareness