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19 Cards in this Set

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New England families

Nuclear, father mother children, balanced sex ratio and high survival rates

Halfway Covenant 1662

Partial membership they could be baptized but not take communion or vote, goal to attract more members

old deluder Satan law

Ignorance was a satanic ill, children must be educated

New England became the most literate section of country


social hierarchy

In New England most were neither rich nor poor few servants

Economy of Chesapeake

Tobacco generated great inequality, some large fortunes, other barely subsisted, tobacco also required large work force, the larger the better, indentured servants, black slaves, Indian servants

social class in the Chesapeake

Gentry - upper class landowners, Freemen - largest class, live near poverty, indentured servants - not demeaning, learn skills

Middle Passage

Terrible Voyage from Africa to the Americas, many deaths

triangular trade

Europe to West Africa, guns, alcohol, horses common household goods, Africa to the Americas slaves, the Americas to Europe rum sugar cotton tobacco and coffee

Stono uprising

1739, 150 slaves revolted near Charleston, seized weapons, killed several planters

Northern slaves

Much more contact with whites than Southern slaves harder to keep cultural identity

mercantilism (coined by Adam Smith)

A country needed to have a favorable trade policy, export more than import, Colonial possessions rich in natural resources were vital and reaching this balance

Navigation Acts

Most important legislation before the Revolution, ships had to be constructed in England or America and the crew 75% English, certain Goods could only be sold to England, Americans had to pay import taxes, Goods to America had to first pass through England

Bacon's Rebellion 1676

Bacon attach local Indians for Revenge, Governor William Berkeley was a lie of Indians, bacon and burned Jamestown, Berkeley fled, bacon died and his army was killed

Significance of Bacon's Rebellion

Planters all white indentured servants is too difficult to control and significantly increased importation of black slaves while reducing the number of indentured servants

Piquot War ( 1636 - 1637 )

CT, Puritans killed 400 Indian men, women and children

King Philip's War 1675

King Philip (metacom) burned 52 Puritan towns, colonists were ultimately Victorious, thousands died on either side, Many Indians captured and sold as

Dominion of New England

Incorporated Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Plymouth, New York, New Jersey, and New Hampshire. Under a single royal governor, from 1686 to 1689, colonists hated this

Salem witch trials

Puritan Witch Hunt in 1692, Tituba, 20 executed for witchcraft