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19 Cards in this Set

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immigration to America

why, discontent with the church of England, land, political turmoil, Escape jail terms, Escape poverty

the Chesapeake

Virginia and Maryland

joint stock companies

money raised by many investors


First permanent British colony in the new world, disease-ridden, marshy, contaminated drinking water. They hunted for riches instead of planting crops, individualism, poor leaders, starvation, shipwreck in Bermuda

John Smith

Traded with Indians, map the area. Kidnapped. saved by Pocahontas


Colony built on smoke John Rolfe stinking weed

indentured servants

Free passage in return for servanthood for a number of stated years many were cheated


Refuge for Catholics, second Chesapeake Colony, resembled Virginia

act concerning religion

1649, religious toleration for those who accepted the Divinity of Christ


separatists left Holland, kids, dutchification, 1620, complained Anglican Church was too Catholic

Mayflower Compact

Signed by 41 men, formed a civil body Politik a democratic Covenant

The Great Migration

In the 1630s 16,000 Puritans migrated to Massachusetts Bay

Massachusetts Bay

Mini nuclear families, high life expectancy, city on a hill

Religious toleration was never found in Massachusetts


Rodger Williams

Religious toleration, banished, created Providence Rhode Island

Anne Hutchinson

Antinomianism, no ministers needed, no Bible, only divine inspiration, banished, created Portsmouth Rhode Island

restoration colonies

The Carolinas New York and Pennsylvania, given by Charles II as a gift to supporters

the middle colonies

New York Pennsylvania New Jersey and Delaware, heterogeneous population, bread colonies


William Penn Quakers, religious Society of Friends, holy experiment