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28 Cards in this Set

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Before War, refers to the are leading up to the Civil War

Eli Whitney's cotton gin

Expanded agriculture enormously, as it did to slave labor

The Peculiar Institution

Euphemism for slavery, peculiar referred to Unique not strange

The tredegar Iron Works

In Richmond was staffed almost entirely by slaves

Richard Allen's African Methodist Episcopal Church

AME 1816

Nat Turner Rebellion

1831 most significant slave revolt, Turner and 40 slaves killed 57 people, he was hanged

Underground Railroad

Net worth of free blacks and few whites who helped runaways go to the north

American Colonization Society

1816, Henry Clay, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Francis Scott Key, and Daniel Webster, free blacks cannot assimilate, $100,000 from Congress, black migration to Liberia

prigg vs. Pennsylvania

1842, Pennsylvania indicted a slave-catcher PA personal Liberty law which preg broke was ruled unconstitutional fugitive slave law was constitutional but states did not have to force it

The gag resolution 1836

Congress prohibited all anti-slavery appeals and petitions, representative and former President John Quincy Adams fought for 8 years for its repeal it was in 1844

The Amistad

1839, a slave Mutiny occurred aboard the Spanish vessel the Amistad, 36 slaves made it to New York, John Quincy Adams argued for their freedom to the Supreme Court they were freed

the Second Great Awakening

A series of Evangelical Protestant revivals that swept Over America

Lyman Beecher, father of Harriet Beecher Stowe

Minister, famous Temperance leader


Typically rejected Supernatural events prophecy Miracles and divine revelation


Refers to Broad collection of religious beliefs and actions that are found among conservative Protestant Christians

the temperance movement

Opposed alcohol and was led by Lyman Beecher

The Cult of Domesticity or the cult of true Womanhood

Home was the Woman's Place

the doctrine of two spheres

Men occupy the public sphere and women were Guardians of the home

Dorothea Dix

Publicized poor conditions of Prisons for houses and asylums in lobby for corrective action

William Lloyd Garrison

Abolitionist journal in 1831 called The Liberator

Liberty party

Was the first abolitionist political party

black abolitionists

Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman

The London anti-slavery conference

1840, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, met at this conference they were denied involvement determine to plan Women's Rights Convention

Seneca Falls Convention 1848

birthplace a feminism issued the Declaration of Sentiments which listed women's rights

other feminist

Lydia child, Amelia Bloomer, Lucy Stone, Susan B Anthony

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most admired transcendentalist

Henry David Thoreau

Transcendentalist, Walden Pond experiment in solitary living 1845 to 1847

civil disobedience

1849 Thoreau advocated peaceful protest to government Injustice