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16 Cards in this Set

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Christopher Columbus

Italian explorere from genoa italy; inspried by the 3 g's: god glory and gold

The Treaty of Tordesillas

1494 - portugal got brazil + territory in Africa & Asia; spain got north anf south america

Ferdinand magellan

Sailed around south america but was killed by natives in philippines. Ship continued on: first circumnavigation of the globe

Spanish conquerors


Columbian exchange

(Between New World and Europe) - result: Indian debt, war, disease

Encomienda System

Spain rewarded conquistadors with Indian villages; slavery was instituded

Result of spanish colonization

South america spoke spanish and practiced catholicism; mulattos, mestizos

Bartolome de las casas

Former slave owner; became famous for his defense of indian rights

France in North America - New France

Traded successfully with indians

Joint-stock companies

Provided finacial means: investors pooled resources for sea expeditions


Today we speaj englush and are prediminantly protesant, england leads in exploration

Spanish armada

1588- defeated by small english shops, was seen as invincible, "protestant winds"

The lost colony

Roanokes second colony (1587) "croaton", mysterious disappearance

Results of contact between indians and europeans

For indians, mass death, by 1600 nearly 90% of native american population perished; for europeans, global, capitalism, revolution in diet

Summary of relations between the 3 major colonial powers in America and native americans

Spain sought to christianize indians; French traded w the indians; English sought ti either mobe indians westward or annihilate them

The iroquois confederation

Most powerful alliance, various competing tribes joined into this confederation