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34 Cards in this Set

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South Carolina seceded

December 20th 1860

the CSA

First capital of Montgomery Alabama President Jefferson Davis vice president Alexander Stephens

The Crittenden Compromise

Senator John Crittenden of Kentucky presents to plan for compromise, extending the 36-30 line to the ocean compensation for owners of escaped slaves Constitutional Amendment protecting slavery

Fort Sumter

Confederate attack on the federal fort in Charleston South Carolina first shot of the Civil war

second wave of secession

Because of Lincoln's call up for troops, Virginia Arkansas North Carolina and Tennessee also seceded

Robert E Lee

Opposed slavery and was not a southern nationalist he fought for Virginia out of loyalty

Northern advantages

Population, industry, railroad mileage and Lincoln's leadership

Southern advantages

Fighting a defensive War, fervent cos, and Military leadership

Northern strategy

Anaconda Plan, Winfield Scott, blockade Coast take Mississippi River take Richmond

southern strategy

Offensive defensive, primarily defensive, but go on attack when the opportunity arose


A draft was passed by both North and South in 1862

the confiscation Acts

A series of laws intended to liberate the slaves in the Confederacy

Ex parte merryman 1861

Chief justice Rodger Taney ruled that habeas corpus could only be set aside by Congress, 864 people were held without trial during the first nine months of the war, Lincoln ignored Tony's report


1862, became the bloodiest single day of the Civil War

Antietam gave President Lincoln the opportunity to issue the Emancipation Proclamation


the Alabama

Confederate purchased from Britain it's ink 62 Union ships

the Trent affair

Two Confederate officials were taken captive before the British ship, Trent, Britain threatened war with the North, Lincoln had them released he said one War at a time

Emancipation Proclamation

Gave the South 100 days to stop fighting without losing their slaves and freed slaves in Rebellion territory went into effect January one 1863 day of Jubilee

54th Massachusetts colored regiment

Black unit originally Payless first used as non-combative roles

13th Amendment 1865

abolish slavery

Enrollment Act of 1863

Created a giraffe, could hire substitutes for $300

the New York City draft riots

Mainly Irish - American workers burn draft offices, the homes of leading Republicans and an orphanage for black children, they also lynched more than a dozen innocent blacks, 120 deaths


Northerners who advocated peace at any cost

Gettysburg and Vicksburg

To Union victories both on July 4th 1863, marked the turning point of the war

the Gettysburg Address

Lincoln short speech attracted little attention at the time, became one of the most important speeches in history

General William Tecumseh Sherman

March to the Sea through Georgia

Sherman burned Atlanta and captured Savannah

Gave Lincoln Savannah as a Christmas gift

General Lee surrendered to Ulysses Grant at the McLean house in Appomattox Courthouse Virginia


John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln at Ford's Theater

Only five days after Lee surrendered

The moral Tariff of 1861

Increase tariffs to help businesses because of the poor economic conditions

the Homestead Act of 1862

Gave 160 acres of land free two people that would form the land for at least 5 years

Morrill land-grant Act of 1862

Encourage states to use the sale of federal land grants to support colleges

The Pacific Railway Act of 1862

Gave land to companies for a Transcontinental Railroad

Ex parte Milligan 1866

Suspension of habeas corpus was lawful but military tribunals did not apply to citizens