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16 Cards in this Set

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new immigration

Irish were pushed during the Irish Potato Famine, Germans were pulled by job opportunities

Horace Greeley

New York editor borrow the phrase, Go West Young man and grow up with the country

Stephen F Austin

Granted a huge tract of land in Texas, encouraged to bring other Americans

the Texas Revolution

Texans fought the Mexican Government over slavery and Catholicism

the Alamo

San Antonio mission converted into Fort in 1836, 187 Texas settlers were killed inside including Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie

Remember the Alamo

Became the rallying cry for the Texans

Sam Houston

First president of the Republic of Texas in 1836

Houston salt annexation to the US but President Jackson resisted due to

Politics, slay vs. Free states and fear of war with Mexico

manifest destiny

The belief that it was America's Destiny to expand from sea to Sea

fifty-four forty or fight

Rallying cry over the Oregon Territory

Mr. Polk's War 1846 to 1847

Wigs name for Mexican war, Northerners fear War would lead to more slave territories

The spot resolution

Introduced by Republican Abraham Lincoln asked for an investigation of the actual spot where Americans were killed by Mexicans, Polk ignore the resolution

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Heated New Mexico and California to the US for 15 million, established the Rio Grande as the border between Texas and Mexico, us would also assume Financial claims of American citizens against the Mexican government, 3.2 million, residents of the new US territories are US citizens

Wilmot Proviso 1848

Slavery banned from territory gained from Mexico past house failed Senate

Gadsden purchase 1853

U.s. acquired the Southwest land from Mexico for 10 million for Railroad in South


American railroad companies began in 1830 replace canals as a means of transportation for Freight