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12 Cards in this Set

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3 common rules when troubleshooting mass storage..

Back it up

Do a mental reinstall

Triple check

Raid not found..

Assume it never been installed before

Is your raid controller active?

Do you have right drivers for that system?

If there is a system setup for the raid array through hardware can you get there and make sure everybody's happy in that particular case?

Raid stops working..

It means it was working and not it's not. Look at raid like any other hard drive. Is it plugged in? Does it have power? Has someone deleted something you didn't enticipated.

Always do a mental reinstall..

Read/ write failure

Take advantage of S.M.A.R.T technology. With its tools Can query drive and diagnose it's health. It's not the perfect but only real tool for issue. Bottom line still have replace drive eventually and back it up..

Slow performance..

One of the last places to look is the actual drive itself. if slow performance and mass storage is found as issue you likely do not enough ram to make system run fast as it could, system goes into virtual memory causing what known as Disk Thrashing big clue is if red disk light flickers like it's like it's going bananas..

Loud clicking ( click of death)

No way to get around it.. Replace the hard drive. If you're lucky you can back up..

Failure to boot..

Check boot order

Check to see if thumb drive in..

Check out episode of Windows recover or WINRE to check out built in tools to help recover from boot failure..

Drive not recognized..

Most times formating problem. assuming there is no issues with data go ahead and reformat the drive.. Rarely an issue with a drive that's been recognized with data on it unless there drive has been moved from one system to another. Remember you need to initialize the disk when putting in new system.

OS not found

99% of the time messed up boot process. Check boot order. Check see if thumb drive plugged in USB etc.

Attempts to boot to incorrect device.

Definitely boot order issue

Continuous Reboots

Rarely a mass storage issue.. Check out episode for troubleshooting Operating systems..

Note: remember everything hardb drive runs on a ____ . Make sure they are turned on..
