Within our company, you can recognise if a business problem exists by observation. If you’re clients are leaving and if you are not getting new customers, then this is a way of recognising that a problem exists.
In a larger company, I would imagine that they recognise business problems by keeping management reports on everything you do and then compare them with the businesses expectations. If anything is below the expectation then it should be looked into further to see where the problem is.
1.2 Explain how to identify possible causes of business problems
Within our organisation, as there is only me and the boss, we identify when a business problem exists is by observation of our own work and each other’s and also get told by our clients if they think there is a problem. From there we can try and identify cause of the problem.
Within a larger company they could examine what areas their company aren’t reaching expectation and look into it further until they find the root of the problem. 1.3 Describe ways of analysing business problems To analyse business problems you can use visual methods, diagrams and lists. - You could draw out a mind map to represent the factors involved in the problem. - You could do a cause and effect diagram - You could list out all the factors involved that could have caused the problem. 2.1 Describe different ways of planning to solve a business problem To plan to solve a problem you need to have a well structured method of action to ensure that there is no space for error. …show more content…
Within our organisation we write down using bullet points in order, what we are going to do and once we have finished each step we cross it off so we can focus on the next step.
2.2 Describe different ways of solving business problems
In a business environment, there are many different types of problems that you end up faced with and each problem has its own method to solve it. For each problem to be solved you need to come up with targets, strategies, resources, communication, decisions and commands.
One of the problems that occur frequently within our business is that clients have brought in bank statements with sheets missing. To solve this problem we have to get in touch with the client and tell them exactly what we are missing and tell them to send this on to us as soon as possible.
2.3 Give reasons for having support and feedback from others when problem solving If you have support from others whilst trying to solve problems, it will help solve the problem quicker as two minds are better than one and sometimes if you have a problem, you need another person’s view point to try and solve it. If you have feedback when solving problems, it will show you which parts of what you did were good and also where you can improve in the future, so can give you the opportunity to learn and get better. 2.4 Explain the purpose of regularly reviewing progress and adjusting plans during problem solving The purpose of regularly reviewing progress, is to make sure that you haven’t lost track on the problem solving and make sure you are heading in the right direction to solving it. This is also related to adjusting plans, as sometimes you can lose track of the purpose and go off the aim, so therefore you have to adjust your plans to make sure you come up with the desired result. 2.5 Describe ways of recognising when a problem has been solved To recognise if a problem has been solved, you need to see if the problem is still occurring or if the problem is still there. You can find this out by reviewing the initial problem and see If it is still there. If the problem isn’t there anymore then you can happily assume that the problem has gone. 3.1 Describe the possible effects of organisational policies and procedures when solving business problems If there are organisational policies and procedures in place for solving problems, then it will show the method the workers should follow to solve a problem to ensure that you don’t forget to do something and will