There are a number or problems which were identified that would act as a guide to diagnosing and understanding their root causes. Customers’ dissatisfaction with the new procedures for freight handling, lack of efficient carrier for shipping products, lack of keenness in using correct …show more content…
being bought by a major firm sounded good and promising. Datasil Inc would be improved to allow for lateral instead of top down communication structure. Salaries too would be increased and working general conditions improved. In an environment with employees of little morale, getting all they were promised meant they would be motivated. The first three months were bliss. The organization had an outstanding culture. The top management was always aware of the views and opinions of employees and encouraged meetings to resolve any problems. The offices were in good condition and the employees were being motivated to through informal cocktail …show more content…
This would be through restrictions in the size of any basic organizational unit. With this, the resources within basic units would be in close proximity to each other to create synergy. The span of control – nature and type of supervision – would be determined by the number of subordinates. Having a manageable number of employees would ensure high performance and effectiveness after the merger.
The top management would have organized employees with complementary skills be allocated the same work group if working on the same project. After all, the quality of work depended upon a rich person to person communication medium. It appears that before the merger Datasil Inc. had no proper communication channels and this problem continued even after the merger. This issue would have been addressed during the merger by establishing communication and coordination links among individuals and groups.
The management would have also defined tasks so that each employee clearly understood their task in the specific organizational unit in accordance with the role of that unit. It would have also created work policies for direct subordinates of very structured jobs. The Purchasing department, Sales department and Customs & Traffic department would not be confusion pertaining to product information. It appeared they were using wrong duty rates. Having an organization in the definition of tasks would have been of big