Rational Model Of Decision Making Analysis

Superior Essays
Organizations often place individuals in groups/teams to complete tasks. Naturally people will gather in their group and get to work. Organizational behavior specialist suggest people should learn their strengths and weaknesses, expectations, set goals, and determine levels of commitment. In any group or team, there should be a leader appointed who can guide the team through a successful task or mission. Effective teams involve leadership, communication, and trust. These characteristics are vital for any team being successful, and will be discussed in further detail. Similarly, have you ever thought about the decisions you make daily and the amount of effort is put to into making a decision? How does one make sound choices and good decisions? …show more content…
Decision making entails identifying and choosing alternative solutions that lead to desired state of affairs” (Kinicki, 2016). Before making decisions on anything that effected my team as a whole I always tried to not inconvenience Soldiers although it doesn’t always happen that way. From my own personal experience, I know what type of team I would want to be a part of, and considering other members is important to me. The rational model of decision making explains how manager should make decisions. There are four stages in this process. Stage one identifies the problem and determines the actual versus the desired. Next, the leader needs to generate an alternate solution both obvious and the creative. This can be done alone or with the other members of your team. Brainstorming is done in this process to think outside the box. Third, evaluate alternative and select a solution- ethics, feasibility, and effectiveness. Soldiers will not perform any unethical duties. We also must consider time, cost, equipment etc. for the alternate solutions. Lastly, implement and evaluation the solution chosen. Once the solution is revealed, if there is no remarkable difference then leaders need to analyze the decision. “If the gap is not closed, the implementation fails, and either the problem was incorrectly identified or the solution was inappropriately conceived or executed” (Kinicki, …show more content…
The four styles of decision making are directive, analytical, conceptual and behavioral. Each style is a different approach to weighing alternatives and finding solutions. Directive form of decision making relies on a rational and tyrannical style that results in the leader using their own knowledge, experience and judgment to choose the best alternative. This leader is very rational, rarely has all of the pertinent information to make an effective decision. Conceptual leaders are more concerned with long-term results, brainstorming of alternatives, creative approaches to problem solving and taking higher risks. Analytical decision making uses direct observations, facts and data to determine the best outcome. Leaders of this style are careful with their decisions and adapt to new situations. Behavioral decision makers work well with others, are open to suggestions, and try at best to avoid conflicts. In my years as a leader I am a mix between an analytical and conceptual leader. I don’t think I am a behavioral decision maker because I don’t avoid conflict, I feel it is inevitable. Conflict isn’t always a bad thing when working in groups. That’s what happen when people gather thoughts and ideas, everyone isn’t going to agree on everything. (adviseamerica,

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