Why We Should Be Prosecuted For Cyberbullying

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People should be prosecuted for cyberbullying others. There is no reason why you should cyberbully in the first place. Cyberbullying is cruel and can cause depression and suicide. A survey took place in 2006, around one in three teenagers admitted to being a victim of cyberbullying. Also, cyberbullying can cause teens getting physically and mentally tortured. It is a vicious crime that should not be tolerated. First of all, social media and technology is the cause of cyberbullying. Source one says, they passed the Prevention Act, they are deterring people from engaging in cyberbullying. Repeated cyberbullying is a punishable delinquency that will not be accepted. Telling someone you hate him/her in the midst of a verbal argument online is not considered cyberbullying. In order for a behavior to be defined as cyberbullying, it must be continuous, hostile, and severe. The Prevention Act ensures that someone is accountable for the behavior that led to someone getting injured. Individuals should be prosecuted for statements made on social media. …show more content…
Source two states, “New York state senators want New York citizens to be criminally prosecuted for cyberbullying…” Thus, the Senators include “trolling” and “exclusion” as a part of cyberbullying. Moreover, it is offensive that these Senators hope to essentially regulate the Internet. Children and teenagers need to be educated to avoid situations on social media. Some say cyberbullies deserve a chance to be heard. Cyberbullies should not be given the chance to defend their absurd

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