Why do we need to ban bottled water? It’s good for you! Introduction
Bottled water should not be banned in waunakee because bottled water is good for you and who cares if it’s tap water? I don’t. As long as it’s good for you i’m fine with it like I hate water because it tastes like nothing but I don’t think the world should go this far! I like some kinds of bottled water I can’t remember the name but it’s good. I get than some people don’t like tap water in a bottle and I don’t either but we seriously don’t have to ban it.
The first reason bottled water should not be banned is because having access to bottled water helps you stay hydrated.
The second reason bottled water should not be banned is because some people don’t have access to clean tap water. …show more content…
The fourth reason why we shouldn’t ban bottled water is because we need it to survive like you can’t just bring a cup on a plane that is going to crash because it will spill, but if you have bottled water it will not spill much like in Hatchet his plane crashes he doesn’t have any water but if he did he would be able to survive for a while staying hydrated and all that.
The last reason why we shouldn’t ban bottled water is because bottled water is clear and tap water from the sink is not as often clear and if you want to drink often dirty sink water that’s fine by me but i’m drinking bottled