Bottled Water Vs Tap Water

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On average, thirsty customers in the U.S. throw away sixty million water bottles a day, and for every five water bottles consumed, one is recycled. The length of time for plastic water bottles to decompose is between four hundred and one thousand years. People may choose to drink bottled water over tap water with the misconception that it is the cleaner, tastier, or even a healthier choice. The rate at which people are consuming bottled water is causing landfills to be filled with approximately seventy-five percent of the plastic water bottles that are made. While bottled water sales increase, the consumption of tap water is the most advantageous choice for health benefits, environment conservation, and affordability as a choice for the consumer.
Bottled water is misperceived to be the wiser choice for the average American. The impression that it is the healthier choice. “But no one should think that bottled water is better regulated, better protected, or safer than tap” ~Eric Goldstein (Bottled Water vs Tap Water: Rethink). In one case, water bottle companies purchased water from a
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Landfills are consumed by two million tons of water bottles alone. (Bottled Water Is Wasteful). PET plastic water bottles are making up about 3.3 percent of landfills. Each individual water bottle then takes approximately one thousand years to decompose, and produce toxic fumes if incinerated. The water bottle industry requires 17 million barrels of crude oil to produce enough bottles to meet the demand of the people in the U.S. (Bottled Water vs). This would be enough oil to fuel about one million three hundred thousand cars for a year. Meanwhile, in a year the average American consumed 167 disposable water bottles, while only recycling 38 (Royte).The bottle water industry is cluttering the environment. Drinking tap water from a reusable glass is a more environmentally friendly

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