Why Guns Should Be Banned

Improved Essays
Protection of oneself and one’s family is important. For American’s to feel safe and to be safe, they feel as if they need weapons. These weapons are guns, the bad thing about guns is that they are usually blamed for all of the violence in the world. Guns are not the problem though, it is the people with the guns that are. They obtain them illegally and cause harm to the people around them. This was not the original purpose for guns, guns were used to protect what people want to protect. Banning guns would not reduce the crime rate in America, since criminals and psychos obtain weapons illegally anyway, all the government would be doing is preventing citizens from getting guns to protect themselves. If the government decides to ban guns, they …show more content…
After obtaining guns, children and adults collect them and proceed to improve their accuracy in shooting, but getting rid of them would make the world a dangerous place. Many people who believe that guns are the leading cause of death in the United States, are incorrect. A gun is not a person, it has no feelings nor can it move on its own it cannot be personified nor be blamed for any of the actions. A gun must be wielded by a person and that person is the one responsible for pulling the trigger. If guns were banned and somehow a criminal couldn’t get his hand on one illegally, they can still kill. A rock would even suffice as a weapon to end someone’s life. Cain killed Able with a rock! If the government wants to band guns, are they going to band knifes? Rocks? A person can even be killed with another’s hand, strangulation. So why are guns being blamed for murders? That makes absolutely no sense and that’s because people are misinformed about guns. People need to be informed. Little things like toy-guns that look too much like the actual thing have been banned. Why is this? Easy, civilization is worried that their kids would become too influenced by toy guns and want something to do with real guns (Firearm Laws.) Yet, toy guns are still produced for children to play with, they just don’t look as real or have the same parts as guns. The more an adult bans something from their children the more that they want to know about them and use them. Guns are the same, children and young adults are curious. All of humanity are curious. They are unsure of what lies ahead but go ahead and explore it despite others warnings. Guns should be taught to children and young teens so that they are knowledgeable about them. The more knowledge that people have about a subject the less concerned they are about it, the more secure it makes them feel; more prepared. People are scared of the

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