By: Kristian Østerdal
Is the American people ready to strain from their constitution rights about guns to have a be able to have a normal day without shootings? What will Barack Obama do to change the normal day as it is now, and can he do anything?
A broken system:
If you walk down the street, there are many shops and supermarket, where you can buy a gun and ammunition. It is normal to buy guns, it feels like the same as buying a skateboard. There are shelves as far as the eye can see. It is comparable to be in sport shop to buy a skateboard. You can choose all kind of colours and designs, so you can almost get, what you want, because there are so many different to choose between.
In America they estimate that there are about 310.000.000 guns only in America, who’s the civilians owns. The statistics say, when the civilians buy 100.000 guns will 4,7 of them, being used to murder somebody. This is a very big problem for America, and this is why a new proposal on a new gun control law are being debated. Barack Obama has gone into the debate, and he wants to reduce the killing by putting a limit on ammunitions. He wants also, that people there will buy a gun, should have their background check by the store. That will be a lot easier to report threats of violence so the police can take action before it is too late. Today can you buy a gun without any check of your background. A Proud nation: In the United States Constitution one of the amendments is, that you have the right to have a gun to protect yourself. The American people have taken the constitution so far, so it’s now a problem for the society. If Barack Obama ignore the problem and do nothing about it, the problem only will be worse. This is the American style, and why shouldn’t the American people be proud of the guns. …show more content…
The constitution has made the country, so why stop selling guns, when the American people are used to have their own guns. It is also about your freedom and do what you want. Everyone is the architect of his own fortune. That is an unwritten rule.
School shootings:
There have been a lot of school shootings in the gun loving country. This has a big consequence on peoples view on guns. When there are so many guns in the society, it is not possible to avoid the school shootings. There will come a time, where it will go wrong. But when is it enough and people will say stop to all this? That is a question many people have different opinion about, but when there happened a school shooting say almost all, at Barack Obama have to change the gun law. But after just a month they have forgotten all about their concerns, and now people have not seem to change their opinion anymore.
The school shooting on Columbine High school, where two men go into the school, and beginning shooting. If children easily can get a gun, the school shooting will happen again, and it will be almost impossible to avoid, because there are so many guns in the society. They will always find a way to get a gun. Children at an early age are allowed by their parents to shoot and learn a lot about guns and