April 20, 1999, this date for many parents, teachers, and students brings back memories of the horrific school massacre that occurred at the Columbine high school in Littleton Colorado. This event unfortunately claimed far too many lives, leaving many families, parents, students, and even officers with unanswered questions and filled with hatred and a lack of understanding. It was just like any other day,another Tuesday in fact filled at first with the usual routine. An ordinary, normal day was expected, until the shots and screams of horror rang out.
“On April 20th, two teens went on a school spree at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, killing 13 people and wounding more than 20 others before …show more content…
“It has changed my life by changing my view on how mental health issues should be treated, and most importantly how the nation reacts to situations like this and plays the blame game” (Burr). This event has made Kendra and many other families and parents realize just how a nation, our very own country reacts to such a serious and life changing incident. Our nation played the blame game saying it was guns, we needed more gun control, we need to increase security, every other reason you could think of besides what actually happen. And today many feel as if nothing was even learned, a horrific incident that changed absolutely nothing. “ I do not feel anything was learned from this incident. Still to this day all the people are worried about this gun control. It is about knowing when a person is crying out for help due to a mental illness and putting our phones and computers down and talking to each other and getting these people the help they need to live a long successful life” (Burr). Today the blame game is still played, and know one wants to actually take the blame for what happened. And truly nothing has changed. “This isn 't the only school shooting that has occurred, there have been others since, but has school security changed, has anything ever been learned? The answers to this day is still no, and I fear that no will …show more content…
This event is something that will never be forgotten and will be forever changing and affecting the lives of many. It 's hard to believe something so horrific has to occur before society realizes there 's something wrong, that there 's a real problem and something needs to change. To this day there are still many who don 't understand why to two boys Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold did what they did. Going into their very own school and killing friends and teachers like its nothing, almost treating them like slaughter animals or killing like it 's a sport, that is something many cannot wrap their brains around. But recognizing the fact that these boys were suffering from a mental illness helps to bring closure, showing that the boys if had been in there right mind wouldn 't have ever killed anyone. Blaming the parents of Eric and Dylan, blaming the school, blaming gun control, none of this solves the real problem and it never will. One has to recognize a mental illness is something that can actually occur, before anything else. After that comes understanding, support, and help to those who need