Gun control has been an issue for so long. People argue if there should be more gun laws or if there should not be. An excessive amount of people have been involved in unfair gun violence incidents. “The United States has 90 guns for every 100 citizens, making it the most heavily armed society in the world. U.S citizens own 270 million of the 875 million known firearms” (MacInnis). For the United States to not even be the biggest or most populated country in the world and still knowing we own the most firearms is unfortunate.
Our society isn’t near as safe as people want it to be. There has always been controversies in America about gun control. …show more content…
9,675 murders occurred with firearms in 2014 (Gun). People should not have to live in fear. We shouldn’t have to worry about random shootings breaking out in public places. Our society has turned into a scary place. “There were 64 school shootings in 2015” (BBC). These mass shootings are so unbelievably disgusting. It is sickening to think anyone can get a gun if they wanted one. Any murderers could have a gun and take the lives of many innocent people. There should be no reason for an average person, not in the military, to have access to automatic artillery weapons. A weapon that could kill hundreds of people in less than a minute.
Suicidal deaths are not recognized enough. Way too many suicides occur from people who own guns. I feel as if these deaths wouldn’t occur as much if there were more gun control laws. One who has suicidal thoughts may be more tempted to follow through if they had a gun. There needs to be strict mental health checkups before people can have access to purchase a gun to make sure they are mentally stable enough to own one. “More than 60 percent of people in this country who die from guns die by suicide”