Why Do College Athletes Get Paid

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Get Paid To Do What College Athletes Love to Do

College athlete’s performance should be getting paid for the performance, hard work, motivation, and the struggle that made it to reach success. The work these college athletes are putting in and the hours they are spending sweating, competing, and most importantly, getting hurt, deserve some type of reward (Greco, 2013). These athletes are scarifying everything to get a scholarship like breaking barriers and pushing it to the limit more so that dream is closer and closer. All of these athletes have worked hard since kids spending all youth playing whatever sport they love to play getting better and getting to the level of college so it can pay off. Athletes earn their scholarship, but just like
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While some athletes receive scholarship, the average amount does not cover the full cost of college, Huma says. According to the New York Times, the average athletic scholarship less than eleven thousand dollars a year (Zissou, 2013). The college athletes are trying to do anything to survive due that colleges are not given enough money or credit for all athletes performances. Another some of these college athletes are brought from outer state or a different country to play, but scholarships do not cover all needs like rent, bills or needs for themselves and that is why all the athletes try to get a scholarship that will pay for everything. In this article says: some athletes do receive a generous athletic scholarship, but others are not that lucky and would not receive anything for ability, and those athletes privileged are not guaranteed the same amount the next year (Greco, 2013). College athletes have to be paid more for the scholarship due to the struggling and worry these athletes are having and some are even thinking is not worth going no more to college because is going to be the same as not having a scholarship or they not guarantee to have a pay tuition for college. College athletes are not getting paid for the teams to go deep into the post season and conferences have plenty of money to pay college …show more content…
For example: Marcus Mariota wows fans as the quarterback of the University of Oregon Ducks the 20 year olds sophomore from Hawaii help the school earn millions of dollars through ticket sales, advertising, and TV deals ,but like all college athletes Mariota does not earn a penny(Zissou, 2013). Why are these athletes not getting paid for all those victories that made the college millions and athletes cannot have a little portion of that money. The colleges are using all of these all the athletes as money makers for that institute because there are no values for performance all the college is to make money selling everything for money or advertising. One of the cases that NCAA system is facing the notable case of former UCLA basketball player Ed O’Bannon is suing for former athlete’s entitlement to compensation for further use of image after graduating (Holton, 2014). College athletes face another risk every day that people do not think about it because nobody thinks about it, but sickness, disability and any other sickness. With the danger these athletes put themselves in they should get paid like athletes Louisville Cardinals Kevin Ware or USC Marcus Lattimore suffered horrific injuries playing a sport they do not get paid for (Prater, 2013). Still think

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