Bully 's need to understand that it 's okay not to like a certain person but it is not okay to try and make their life miserable just to show or feel superior to them. Vitim 's can experience long-term effects, including low self-esteem and for them to cut themselves. Some bullies might just do it to make a joke and have fun, but they don 't see how much they are truly damaging and breaking this person apart on the inside. To the bullied teen out there, you must have confidence and stand up for who you are. Do not feel superior, you need to fight back correctly; walk away when it is happening then you must trust and go tell an adult, they will help you get rid of the bully. There are always two types of bystanders, one who acts and looks for help either because you can 't or because they don 't trust or don 't have enough confidence to go and tell an adult; and the other who sees a person being bullied but acts like her or she didn 't see or hear anything. I know bystanders might think to themselves that they don 't want to get involved in any problems, but you won 't you 'll just the bullies victims hero. It is crucial that parents have a good communication with their sons and …show more content…
Why is bullying wrong, when it feels great to feel superior to someone, to feel like you have a little servant. The real question is why do you need to have that feeling inside of you, do you not get enough attention at home, do you feel like your parents don 't care or pay as much attention to you as you wish do you want to feel what being a bully feels like, do you really want to make someone 's life so miserable that they hate you so much that they can attempt to kill themselves or even to kill you? I have previously bullied and I can say it 's not worth it. In the long run, it doesn 't matter if you feel superior if you feel popular or if people look up to you, because as time passes you realize the deep damage you have done. The fact that, that person dropped her self-esteem so low that she had no friends and started wearing all black and her hair in her face because she wanted nobody to see her, because her self-esteem was so low, and she had to wear tons of bracelets because she wanted nobody to see how much she 's cut herself. At the end, it 's not worth seeing a poor child suffering so bad just because you wanted to feel better than her. Taking someone 's life 's away and making them have self-esteem for the rest of their life is truly not something you want to do If you ever think about bullying someone put yourself in their shoes and see how they can feel by victimizing your actions. If you ever experience or see bullying happening