Informative Essay On Bullying In Schools

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Bullying is a matter that no one should take lightly especially in areas it occurs the most like in schools. While many of these institutions have applied policies against bullying, there are still many instances documented where a student has suffered mental, emotional, or physical abuse by the hands of another student. Many of the children that partake in this particular behavior have no idea what kind of consequences their actions will have or either do not care. It is the education system’s job to teach and show students that bullying can be detrimental to someone’s life and that they will have no tolerance towards the issue. Schools should take a stricter approach to occurrences involving bullying and have the punishments clearly outlined …show more content…
It is much harder to control this type of behavior because students can sit behind a screen and never actually show bullying behavior in front of administrators. This allows them to evade punishments because the schools have a much harder time catching the adolescent engaging in this behavior. Santrock explains that cyber bullying has actually been linked to higher tendencies of suicidal ideation than traditional bullying (2016). With the increased use of technology, this has become the easiest, most well-hidden way to conduct bullying behavior and since it is not caught as much, more children are leaning towards using cyberspace for their bullying. Despite this, schools should take the same approach from “three strikes, you’re out” because of the fact that suicide has been linked more to cyber bullying. The usage of cyber bullying is occurring at twice the rate of traditional bullying and with the development of electronics, schools need to be either just as aggressive or more so in trying to put a stop to it (Santrock, 2016). Suicide is an increasing issue so it is important that schools take every precaution they can even if that means expelling an adolescent behaving in a bullying manner on the

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