A key factor, envy of people effect differently, either physically, emotionally or behaviorally. Any compelling feeling by a human …show more content…
Of course they cannot. Due to inferiority complex that have two types, the first one people who have congenital flaw in them senses. Second, deal the people with them, especially the family. When they call the person by using express that they don’t like it, such as saying stopped, lazy and lie! According to San Diego (2) claims “An inferiority complex is when the feelings of inferiority and inadequacy take over the person's life and prevent him/her from functioning normally”. Feeling inferiority complex is difficult or hard that will effect in physiology .Resulting in, when they see the people have congenital flaw, they will laugh or mock in front of them and will be bully with them friend by using the expresses they listen from the