Cyber bulling is also wrong, hurtful , mean , wrong. People who bully on the internet shouldn’t do it because of the fact it hurts peoples feelings and makes them think bad things of them selves. People shouldn’t bully other people and try to make them feel bad about them selves and call them hurtful names . People don’t know that it sticks with them for the rest of their lives . They think of it all the time.Bullying over the internet also is wrong. When people text you rude things its like you thought they was your friend but they just want to talk trash about you . …show more content…
Its not right but no means its wrong and rude and hurtful. I never would think there would be so many people in this world who likes to talk trash about someone just to hurt your feelings. Just cause they thing they cool for doing it. People judge other people by their weight , how they are not pretty enough , being called ugly . People tell people they aren't good enough for some one , or they are not doing any thing right, or they mess everything up they