Although Secondary Victimisation affects a victim in a severely psychological level, sometimes understanding why the criminal justice system might put regulations on a victims’ statement or powers might help. The Government is the person/group technically suing the offender, not the victim, is by technically the victim would have no say on any deals made by the prosecution. The rights of Offender; legal Counsel, to be included and informed of all actions; right to a fair trial; ‘Innocence until proven guilty,’ previous criminal history is excluded, rights of appeal and other rights afforded to them by the government in several countries, however there are countries that have tightened regulations on rights of the offender. In the Criminal justice…
Choice 1 Explain in detail the effects that criminal victimisation can have on the individuals victimised.As a portion of your writing you should discuss and explain: The different types of effects, their severity, how long they last, the type of crime victim most likely affected (which types of offences produce which types of effects); How the fear of crime and similar matters are related to this issue; Other important issues related to the effects of victimisation on individuals; If you have…
Respect for Others or Harassment, Bullying And Victimisation Policy ` Juatco Law Offices strictly does not tolerate any form of harassment, bullying and/or victimisation. An employee who has committed any of the following acts shall be terminated. Harassment Sexual Harassment can be physical conduct ranging from the invasion of personal space and/or inappropriate touching to serious assault. It can include questions or remarks about a person’s sex life, comments or ridicule about appearance or…
The word “bully-victim” is drawn within the grey areas, a phenomenon grasping concepts and of both bullying and victimisation. It embodies the definition of bullying, Yang and Salmivalli (2013) states it is a continuous assault that aims to inflict verbal, physical or psychological distress on a weaker individual (Olweus, 1996). Studies suggest that bully-victims are an impressive group of people due to the portrayal of distinct characteristics (Yang and Salmivalli, 2013), that could be caused…
In the early 1970s, Radical feminists (RF) began to explore how gender and sexuality affect the context of crime and victimisation, particularly rape and other forms of sexual violence. They highlighted that legal discourse follows a patriarchal, phallocentric culture and structure that prioritizes masculinity and maintains power distributions favoured towards men. Heterosexuality is assumed thus rape is only seen as legitimate when it involves male penetration and female sexual pleasure is…
high-profile cases of Brocker Turner in Stanford and the alleged case surrounding English footballer Chad Evans illustrate this shift in news representations of actors involved in sexual violence cases. This may reflect an increase of female employees in the news organisations, feminist revelations and changing public attitudes surrounding sexual violence (Flood and Pease, 2009). Despite this, less overt methods of female victim blaming described earlier are still evident. The cases in this…
well as seeking help from others and leave the bullying situation as quickly as possible. Counselling is also an option, empowering the child to see who and what bullies really are and to see themselves in the light of power and having the ability to overcome the bullying situation. Talking about one’s self and ones abilities, helps the child understand one’s self and the successes and positive aims the individual has, owning ones power and putting a stop to the bullying. The child needs to…
make a positive difference. The target group were also required to act out a scenario with the peer educators. This role play enabled the target group to rehearse what they might say in a bullying situation and give them confidence in being an active bystander in the future (Rigby, 2003). It was also emphasised that ‘safety comes first’ and that it is sometimes better to not get directly involved and rather report the incident. This is useful as it can minimise the risk to students (Rigby &…
Victims According to the Webster Dictionary the definitions of victims are a person who has been attacked, robbed, injured, or killed by someone else, a person who is cheated or fooled by someone else, and/or someone that has been harmed by an unpleasant event. Under these definitions it would be safe to assume that at some point in every American’s life, we have all been a victim of some sort at some time. What happens to us? Who protects us? Who stands up for our rights as a victim? Sadly,…
It’s Never Over “On April 20, 1999, Dylan Harris and Eric Klebold walked into Columbine High School armed with guns and explosives, killing twelve students and one teacher before taking their own lives. The motive behind their murderous and suicidal rampage indicated revenge for apparent mistreatment by other students” (“Criminal Defense”). This is just one of many stories of kids going nuts just because someone bullied them. It’s so sad knowing anyone can bring anything to school without being…