The Outsiders is a story based in the 1960’s. It explains the life of a 14 year old boy and all his friends. He lives in a world where there are two groups the “Greasers” and the “Socs,” as for him he is a greaser. The Outsiders was brought to life by S.E. Hinton. She started writing the novel when she was 16 years old, after it was published they made a movie based off of the original novel.…
In conclusion, I think that the Outsiders book and the Outsiders movie had many similarities along with a lot of differences that made the movie better than the book. From Ponyboy getting shoved to the floor or Dally pointing a gun at a doctor's face this book as a good general story behind it. Which makes this movie one of my favorite novels that became a…
The Outsiders' book and the film, both have similarities as well as differences. Seeing and reading them both they are quite the same. I have had time to break them down and find some noticeable differences. The book and novel both have similarities.…
A famous quote from the Outsiders is “Nothing gold can stay”. That means that nothing can stay good or beautiful forever. I thought that the Outsiders book told the story very well. I thought that the movie was more exciting than the book was. While the book and movie have many similarities and differences, the movie was more effective in telling the story.…
In English class we read a novel, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and watched the movie directed by Francis Ford Coppola. I am comparing both the novel and movie for differences. These are the differences of The Outsiders. In the beginning of the novel, S.E. Hinton wrote about Ponyboy as walking from the movies and comparing himself with Paul Newman.…
This is about the similarities and differences about the book The Outsiders and the movie. First compare the similarities. Next contrast the differences. There are many differences and similarities. They both have the same basics of the entire story.…
So nowadays a lot of books old and new are getting movies and maybe even movies are getting books. But what we want to be looking at is what they put in or what they left out. We're looking at the compare and contrast of things. In this case we are talking about The Outsiders movie compared to the book and vice versa.…
In the The Outsiders book and movie, many similarities and differences can be noted. Some are very noticeable, and others are not as much. Some main events in the book were left out of the movie, and little sentences from the book are entire scenes in the movie. Since certain scenes were left out from the movie that were in the book, the significant aspects and symbolism that were connected to them were also left out. Although some scenes did not have as much importance as others, the absence of them left a gap in the story line.…
Time and time again people come to the common question of, “Movies vs. books?” Many movies follow their books word for word whether its character development or plot development, whereas other movies change and twist the book’s stories in unimaginable ways, yet people are still faced with the question, “Movies or books?” An example of how books and movies can differ is in the story “The Outsiders” written by S. E. Hinton and produced by Francis Coppola. Although there are many similarities that both the book, The Outsiders, and the movie share, there were many noticeable differences in the appearance and personalities of all the characters. Three of the main characters, Pony, Johnny and Soda, will be reviewed in particular.…
The Outsiders - Compare and Contrast - Rough Draft Tajveer Saini Block 8 May 18th, 2017 The Outsiders is a very fascinating book, however it was also a great movie. The Outsiders was written by S.E. Hinton in 1967, April 24th. As with every amazing book, there comes a movie to watch, and so we now have The Outsiders as a movie.…
Have you ever read an awesome book that was made into a movie, but they left out major plot points from the book? A wrinkle in time was made into a 2018 film by disney. The story is about a girl named meg trying to find her long lost father accompanied by her brother charles and friend calvin . The original book was by madeline l’engle. The book and movie were actually not that similar though. The book was better than the movie because of the twins, the beasts, and charles is 5 and doesn’t go to school.…
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to lose your parents or not have much money and be in a never ending battle? Then this book and the movie might be for you so if you don’t want spoilers I recommend you watch the movie and read the book. In this paper I will Tell you the differences from the movie and the book of the Outsiders. There are many differences and similarities in the book and the movie.…
In the Hunger Games, the most important similarities the movie shared with the book was making Peeta initiate the idea of him and Katniss being lovers. This is so significant because, without this, most of the main events in the book and movie would never have taken place. For one, this angle would have left Katniss to be just another face in the crowd, not making her stand out, which also meant fewer sponsors, decreasing her chances of survival. However, the most important reason for this is because Katniss would have left Peeta to die when he needed her the most and she would not have been able to plant the small seeds of defiance against the capital. In the movie and novel, the games take a surprising turn when an announcement goes out that…
Like most books turned into movies, the Harry Potter books differ from the movies in many ways. I would like to say that I love both the books and movies but I prefer the books, mainly because of all the extra details. When comparing movies to books most of the time one will favor the books more. One of the reasons is the same as mine, more detail.…
Nowadays, if you ask a number of people if they prefer ‘books or movies’, it’s most certain that, there will be an extensive collection of different answers. For many centuries books have been the biggest source of stories that human kind has, but now, things are changing. Today’s way to get introduced to a new story is, to watch a movie. The demand for movies is constantly increasing, so, why do some people still read books? Why do a countless number of people like to watch movies?…