Media Violence Theory

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In today 's world, media surrounds us nearly everywhere we go. However, in some cases, certain types of media such as movies, video games and books have been accused of causing violence to arise in certain people. While some individuals may exhibit this behavior after seeing something violent, it is not the fault of the media. It is a widely known theory that watching or playing violent movies or video games would cause an individual to perform violent acts and become a danger to themselves and those around them. However, according to the NBC News website, there has been a study that would prove this theory wrong. Nelly Alia-Klein, an associate professor at the Friedman Brain Institute and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital …show more content…
Someone else might be less able to control their own emotions and that is what would lead to aggression. It makes sense that people who have experienced situations similar to violent movies or video games will react differently to the stimuli than those who have not had any similar experience. One instance of a movie reportedly causing violence was in Texas occurring about three years ago. Jake Evans, 17, had been watching the Rob Zombie remake of the horror film Halloween. Halloween is about a ten year old boy who kills his family then goes on to kill a number of people 15 years later. After watching, Jake was amazed at how relaxed the boy was at killing and supposed that if he were to kill someone, he 'd feel the same …show more content…
Humans have been killing each other long before things like movies and video games were invented. The behavior was already present in their mind, and something triggered an angry or outright violent behavior in these individuals, driving them to kill or injure someone. Famous serial killers such as Jack the Ripper, the Zodiac Killer, Jeffery Dahmer, and countless others didn 't commit the crimes that they had because they had played a violent video game or watched a violent movie. They committed the crimes of their own free will, because they wanted to. Some killers sent taunting letters because they believed they would not be caught, and they were delighted at seeing their own handiwork and the terror on the faces of many people after reading about their offenses, most of which were completely horrific. In conclusion, all of this evidence that had been found concerning the human mind and behavior, as well as the crime in the world today and examples of past behavior of serial killers can all attribute to this point. Violent movies and video games do not cause an individual to commit crimes. Instead, it is the work and state of their own mind and process that drives them to perform these

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