Erik Kain explains how video games could possibly be influencing violence in kids. Video games are addictive to some kids and the more they play them the more they get shut out from reality, and then they start to be influenced by them. “Some studies have shown that video games increases aggression.” This shows that violent video games aren’t harmless they can do harm and effect some kids behaviors. There have also been dangerous shooters who were addicted to video games, “Dylan Klebold… the Arizona shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, the Norway shooter… Anders Behring shot 77 people. The Aurora shooter, James Holmes, Adam Lanza, they're all described as essentially being addicted to video games.” This illuminates that video games does have some effect on criminals. “If video games do affect violence we will soon have 18 to 20 million killers on our hands, not to mention the countless millions more who have been playing violent video games for years.” These highlights prove that violent video games do have an influence on people that could possibly lead to real-world violence later on in their
Erik Kain explains how video games could possibly be influencing violence in kids. Video games are addictive to some kids and the more they play them the more they get shut out from reality, and then they start to be influenced by them. “Some studies have shown that video games increases aggression.” This shows that violent video games aren’t harmless they can do harm and effect some kids behaviors. There have also been dangerous shooters who were addicted to video games, “Dylan Klebold… the Arizona shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, the Norway shooter… Anders Behring shot 77 people. The Aurora shooter, James Holmes, Adam Lanza, they're all described as essentially being addicted to video games.” This illuminates that video games does have some effect on criminals. “If video games do affect violence we will soon have 18 to 20 million killers on our hands, not to mention the countless millions more who have been playing violent video games for years.” These highlights prove that violent video games do have an influence on people that could possibly lead to real-world violence later on in their