With the Xbox there were many games that I have played that have taken me on hundreds of adventures. Over the years I have traveled both forward and backward in time and around …show more content…
When I first received my Xbox when I was nine I played games for the joy of them, but as I aged just playing video games became a mundane task for me, I needed something new to do with my video game collection. To fix this problem I layed out all of the games that I owned, which were about twenty. I ordered them from most fun to least fun and made a plan to beat by the end of my fifth grade summer. I started off by playing Lego Stars the complete saga. Beating this game came as a true challenge to me because until this time in my life I never had the mindset to complete the game, only to play the game until I became bored of it and I had no intention of beating it, just enjoying it. But with this metamorphosis, I had sought out to play the same game each day in a row until I complete the game. This mentality taught me how to focus on my goals and how to stick with something until I completed it, not giving up on it because it was too difficult. After completing my first game I was met with a new feeling of joy that I had never felt before. I became addicted to this feeling, and the only way to feed this addiction was to complete more and more of my video games. This new way of playing video games resparked my love for video games brighter than ever before. I quickly completed my entire game collection in the first month of summer, but I still had an addiction to that joy of …show more content…
This excited me because I would play these games at my friends house it allowed me to play better games that had better engines and graphics because of how powerful the new game systems were. These new game systems introduced new ways to play games, for example the Wii. With the introduction of the Wii, people were able to interact with their video games in a new way. The Wii was controlled by two controllers and required them to be physically active while they played games. While playing the game people had to stand up and use their arms to control their character. The introduction of the Wii, multiplayer games became more popular through the introduction of Wii sports. Wii sports is a game where the players play sports game with their Wiis, such as tennis golf, and baseball. The games that I would play against very competitive, which led me to wanting the Wii more and more. All of my friends began to get the new systems for their birthdays and for christmas, but I did not. My parents told me that if I kept on getting new game systems I would never learn to be happy with what I have, I would always be wanting more. This was a very valuable lesson to learn looking back on it. Not only did I learn to be happy with what I have, many of my friend’s Wii systems broke and were non replaceable, which led them returning back to playing Xbox with me. After three years my xbox began to